Yes Magazine: Gun Violence Research Matters. Here’s Why . . . grassroots movement . . . & more below:
Michael Martin is a Mennonite pastor turned blacksmith and the founder and executive director of RAWtools Inc.
RAWtools turns guns into garden tools (among other things).
This map illustrates the Disarming Locations. At these locations is help to legally and safely disable a gun before shipment to RAWtools.
Mike Martin started RAWtools three months after the Sandy Hook school shooting,
The faith-based organization is inspired by Old Testament scriptures of turning swords into plowshares.
Mike Martin and his dad Fred have made more than a thousand garden tools refurbished from guns taken off the streets – partnering with non-profit RAWtools.
Fred says, “Something beautiful happens when a tool designed to destroy life turns into one that creates it.”
From Beating Guns by Shane Claiborne and Michael Martin:
One of the profound things about making a garden tool is that it is hard to do alone.
Many of the important steps require two sets of hands.
When you punch a hole for the handle, you need at least three or four hands—one for the hammer, one for the punch, and one or two to hold the tongs with the heated metal.
This process can’t happen alone.
Another lesson from the forge: we are not meant to do life alone.
Jesus sent the disciples out in pairs and elsewhere promised that “where two or three gather,” he would be with us (Matthew 18:20). We are created in the image of God, who reflects community to us. . . We are made to do life together.