What is vilification?
We vilify when we speak badly or write about something in an abusively disparaging manner, according to the dictionary.
I would say this is judgement.
How many times in a day, in an hour, in a minute do we judge our selves or another, demonstrating our lack of self-worth, lack of self-love?
When the Mother taught us the Universal Law of Change — the three c’s: change, constancy, and continuity — she reminded us that the core of us, the very essence of Who We Are is a Spark of Light, of Love that does not change, and she asked us:
“If I took you right Now and plopped you down in the middle of the worst chaos — say in Egypt — would you immediately start to take sides with the various factions?
“Would you immediately become involved in their dramas?
“Or would you stand there as the beacon of truth, simply holding the light, so that others could find that sense of calm?”
She said when we hold the centre of calm, we hold the centre of peace, and when we are peace we are “not vilifying any faction, any piece of written material, or visual material.”
She told us “vilification is not of Love.” and “it is not to our benefit to our creations to assume that energy into our sacred space.”
In that same sense when Jesus asked us to “Love thy neighbour as thyself” was he saying not to vilify, to hold the centre of calm within/without and not to judge, to be that self-forgiveness of everything?
When I am at peace within,
forgiveness of self for the past,
I do not take sides within or without.
Is this the way to build our new communities?
When building a house do we put on the roof first? Do we start at the top?
No, first we build the foundation, and our personal foundation is remembering that constancy and continuity of Love, that we are capable of self-forgiveness.
In our Nova Earth communities we build the foundation by having good neighbours, by sharing with like-minded people.
We are aware of our Love — that we know we are fabulous Love within — and live up to that knowing, that everyone is LOVE, so we automatically change towards that vision.
Why do we do so?
Because what we are saying is:
“We know what we are; we are children of creation, of the Mother.
“We may do things, act out because of fear or lack or limitation or simply because we have engaged the darkness of our own being, but we know what we are capable of.
“We know the truth of us.”
We are building that foundation of Love, that constancy and continuity of non-judgement, of self-forgiveness, of peace within our community, our neighbourhood, our family, our self.
I Am/We Are capable of holding that vision.
We don’t just hold it as something that is amorphous and untouchable, unreachable.
We work together to manifest what is joyful, what is pleasurable, what feels solid and dependable and buildable, and from there we move forward.
This is understanding the Universal Law of Change,
that constancy and continuity of I Am/We Are Peace, Love Joy,
the importance of change to non-judgement, self-forgiveness – peace,
holding that vision of Loving, joyful balance within and without.