All quotes below from post called, Sanat Kumara on AHWAA: Universal Law is Not the Jail Cell, but the Releasing Key:
Outside your field,
inside your field –
without is outside of you,
within is inside your field.
Sanat Kumara says, “When you are working, applying, invoking, utilizing the Laws, it makes your life easier because you are in that alignment with the Mother/Father One in its most simplistic terms, and its most complex.
“That is what Universal Law is.”
“We have given you a body of 13 very simple Laws, think of it in very practical terms. You do not need a Ph.D. or anything else.
“What you need is your heart because that is where Love lives.
“That is where truth lives.
“There is room enough in each of you to Love everybody.”
The Simplicity of the Law of Change
The Law of Change is “realizing that everything, every breath in, every breath out, is change. It is simple as the seasons, as the sun coming up and going down, as the moon coming up and the moon going down.”
I invoke the Law of Change.
Help me change into Who I Am
to change what doesn’t work
to bring in what does.
The Law of Change for the Highest Good of the Collective
I invoke the Law of Change
that the change happening on Gaia
is for the highest good of the collective
that it is in alignment with the Mother’s Plan.
If all the people of Gaia were beginning to invoke the Law of Change for the highest and best — we would see a very different outcome.
I invoke the Law of Change
for the highest and the best on Gaia,
for the truth to emerge. . .
for reparation, repentance, reconstitution,
the vision of true governance – not government —
governance restored everywhere. . .
‘The truth would emerge; there would be what you think of as a reparation, repentance, reconstitution, and that would be a good thing because the vision of true governance – not government — governance would be restored.
“What is happening is that many of the populace that is desirous of change, instead of truly working for the changes that would be so positive, are buying into one side or the other, into the drama of:
one is right
one is wrong
one will win
one will be defeated
rather than looking at what is the best solution, what would truly serve the people, and the spirit of freedom.
Call in Archangel Michael for Truth to Emerge and Peace be Re-anchored
“Make it below as it is above, that truth will reign.”
I invoke Archangel Michael,
Make it below as it is above,
that truth will and does reign,
that peace will be re-anchored.
“That is a very practical use of Universal Law.”
Simple Process for Discovery of Sacred Purpose
First, ask:
“Is this in alignment with Who I Am, my sacred purpose?
“Is this what I really want?
“Is this for my highest good?
“If the answer is yes, invoke the Law of Sacred Purpose.”
I invoke the Universal Law of Sacred Purpose
“If the answer is no, then simply set it aside.”
An Invocation for when Issues Arise with a Partner
“When you are in a difficult situation with your partner, and you are trying because you genuinely, from the heart space of Love, see that they are on a path that is not of their design or wholeness.
“You do not interfere with their free will.
“I (SK) would suggest that in the relationship, that you begin to invoke the Universal Law of Sacred Purpose, the Universal Law of Change, the Universal Law of Unity, of Transmutation – so that that person and your relationship begins to shift. That it is in alignment with their highest good.”
I invoke the Laws of Sacred Purpose,
Change, Unity, Transmutation
so the relationship shifts
to alignment with the highest good.
Invocation for Freedom
I invoke the Laws of Free Will,
Intent, Instantaneous Transmission,
Karmic Dispensation, Divine Justice
to truly KNOW my freedom.
I Am Free
Invocation for Abundance
I invoke the Laws of Within and Without
Above and Below, Attraction and Repulsion,
Flow and Abundance to pull resources,
abundance into my being,
my sphere, my life.

To read and listen to the entire post, go here.
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see top of this blog on Wednesdays for Zoom link.