One of the Universal Laws that speaks to forgiveness is the Law of Karmic Dispensation.
This Law is truly a gift of new beginnings, of non-judgement of everything.
Sanat Kumara, Our Planetary Logos and Keeper of Universal Law, through Linda Dillon, channel for the Council of Love, says this Law is the opportunity for us to forgive those who have harmed us, but even more importantly, for us to forgive ourselves.
It is the gift of forgiveness to our self for not expressing and experiencing our self as Divine.
It is our gift to our selves for the bigotry, the gender inequality within/without, the beliefs in limitation that we are separate from the Divine and each other, the control, the guilt that manipulates self/others.
It is a gift to our selves to forgive our sorrows and shame, our anger and fear.
It is deeper understanding and knowing the only mistake we make is in judgement.
When we allow old thought patterns to run rampant, indulging in feeling we are a disappointment, or in the fear that “God is punishing” within/without, we are forgetting the blessing and virtue of hope.
Hope is the knowing that things are not as they seem; it is the reason for change with understanding there is patterning to the perceived chaos; that everything is in Divine Order.
The path of Ascension urges us to let go, to forgive our selves for the old ways and be the peace, Love and joy, Who We Truly Are.
The old ways of being, and of especially not being forgiving, of judging self/others, are not of truth.
Sanat Kumara tells us the Law of Karmic Dispensation is a gift freely given and therefore it must be freely received, that we are present on planet right Now to open our hearts, and forgive, to not judge, just as the Mother does.
In the forgiveness and non-judgement, beginning with our self, and then extended out to our external environment, is the gift of expansion of the Mother, to be As Her — Her Eyes, Her Voice — Her Divine Reflection.
An invocation:
I invoke Sanat Kumara
and the Universal Law of Karmic Dispensation
to wipe the slate clean of all things I have done or not done,
all karmic debt that is owed to me and that I owe
and have incurred — be forgiven, erased.
I request this karmic dispensation.
Karmic Dispensation is the knowing, the incorporating into our very being of non-judgement of everything.
Non-judgement, this way of being — the Mother’s Reflection and of the Higher Realms — is key to our Ascension, with our discernment.
We are set free with Karmic Dispensation, but the old patterns of not apologizing, not forgiving, not being non-judgemental, compassionate or in gratitude hinders our Ascension journey.
The Law of Karmic Dispensation
is the understanding that we are newborn
with the wisdom, the Love, the knowing of Who We Are.
We can request this gift of Karmic Dispensation as many times as we would like.
There are two other Universal Laws that speak to forgiveness and non-judgement: the Law of Attraction and Repulsion and the Law of Elimination.
When we invoke the Law of Attraction and Repulsion, to attract or repulse a behaviour pattern within our self (or connected to an external problem), one way to do this is to sit still, and ask:
“How is this situation connected to the past and could apologies and/or forgiveness and non-judgement create Divine Alignment?”
Attraction or repulsion could be as simple as deeply apologizing to our self or another — doing the forgiveness work.
Using the Hawaiian mantra of Ho’oponopono, “I Love You, I’m Sorry, Please Forgive Me, Thank You” repeated in meditation to self/another, can bring forth seemingly miraculous shifts.
Etherically our energy of forgiveness and non-judgement goes in/out, and the Divine, our guidance, the Ascended Masters, when invoked, called upon, prayed to, help us and everything come to alignment, to balance within/without.
The Universal Law of Elimination, Sanat Kumara tells us, is the balance, the closest understanding we have to the Law of Karmic Dispensation, where there is removal of burden we have carried, imaginary or otherwise.
He says it requires deep frankness and honesty, and that there is room enough in each of us to Love everybody — to forgive, be non-judgemental, and in gratitude for the lessons — that each of us is an integral part of the whole with sacred purpose.
Deep within our hearts is the stillness of profound forgiveness and non-judgement.
Accessing and feeling that forgiveness of self — for not expressing and experiencing ourselves as Divine — we eliminate the discordant energy of judgement within, and therefore help create an external reality in balance, a world that works for everyone.
As within so without.
Doing this work we come to a place where we are not triggered by chaos and drama, where we can be that compassionate observer, able to hold the highest vision in gratitude for all experiences, without judgement.
Aligning mind, heart, will with Divine Mind, Heart, Will, that beautiful reflection of the Mother/Father One, we create a world of peace, Love, and joy, our Ascension in form.

“Heavenly Blessings: The Universal Law of Karmic Dispensation with Sanat Kumara.” October 29, 2013,
“Heavenly Blessings: The Universal Law of Attraction and Repulsion with Sanat Kumara,” November 15, 2013,
“Heavenly Blessing: The Universal Law of Elimination with Sanat Kumara,” November 22, 2013,