Thank you to everyone who attended the Universal Law of Instantaneous Transmission and Transformation class!
Joining the circle on the day, and/or viewing the recording later, our energy goes out into the Collective.
The Universal Law of Instantaneous Transmission and Transformation is our activation, by conscious choice, of what we choose to experience and what we choose to bring forth, the transformation of our sacred self. We are turning on, in conjunction with the Mother, the perfection of our soul design, the expression of greater Love, creating a “ripple effect” for the entire planet, and far beyond.
This Law is a reminder that the subconscious, unconscious, and conscious entrenched beliefs, the false grids and mental emotional constructs, our core issues, lack of self-love and lack of self-worth, are what hold us back from our creations being instantaneous.
The Mother’s Quote, through Linda:
“The keys to Heaven are trust and forgiveness,
the doorway is Love: open the doorway with your keys
and step into your New Life.”
Much gratitude to everyone.
Here’s the recording:
Meeting Recording:
Access Passcode:
In the 3 posts below Commander Ashira
explains vibration, frequency, and how to use the Laws
Increased Frequency, Expanding Vibrations:
How Ancient Sites & Rejuvenation Align with Love!
“Transcript: Heavenly Blessings
~ Commander Ashira, April 1, 2014” (Audio)
“Commander Ashira – 6th in Series”
Universal Laws, May 6, 2014 (Audio)
The Halion Engineers and the Healers of Tralana
Listen here to the guided meditation
or see below, simplified meditation,
to make changes within our selves
When working with the Law of Instantaneous Transmission and Transformation invoke Sanat Kumara, the Law, and let it be known what you’d like to activate:
Be sitting down (best to sit rather than lie down)
Bi-locate so see self standing back towards yourself, facing your central column, the cylinder around the spine, where etherically your actual DNA is located
Think of an aspect that you wish to activate in your beautiful unique design with eyes opened or closed
State out loud the activation
Put either hand out and scan your spine
Feel where the points of activation are; they can look like a flag, a button, or a key
Feel slight tingling, primarily in center of palm of hand, or fingers at points of activation
Do this with SK — run your hand down your column, the back of spine, feel where the flags are, the several points of activation —->>>> First scan
Then go back to top — not bottom up — back to the top, and as you slowly go down the spine, turn up the flag, push the button, turn the key
There are usually about 3 or 4 points of activation
With the elimination of a dis-ease, there may be more flags
Do this consecutively for several days, keep at it. . .
You will know when it is done
We may not feel the transformation in that very moment, but the flag, the DNA – spiritual, mental, emotional, physical DNA — has been activated for that perfection, not merely for the healing but for the perfection.
My Abundance Question
SK: You are activating your design
that allows for worthiness, abundance & completion.
We have a Love of currency — the Universal Law of Currency is the Currency of Love — and the starting point is activating these flags in our soul design:
the openness of self-worth
the ability to receive abundance
SK said there are 7 flags in this regard:
1. self-worth
2. receptivity
3. the ability to give & receive
4. the willingness to move forward
To recognize our own Currency of Love
5. our own deservingness
6. our own worth to experience this
7. our ability to create and play
SK says it is not born of neediness, that there are flags to turn down:
the flag of neediness
the flag of ‘I’m not worthy’
To turn up the flag:
of willingness to receive
In that way we have created, raised the vibration to the frequency of the human beings, therefore we are holding the frequency for the collective of the willingness to receive:
I Am Holding the Frequency for the Collective
of the Willingness to Receive
. . . communicating to the Collective:
perfect health
Bringing our Hearts to Stillpoint
Think as if the energy from our head and our entire being — both from bottom up and from top down — is going down a drain — all the energy is draining and collecting in our heart.
That is the first step.
Then allow the breath — and to practice this — allow the breath to slow:
count 4 in, hold for 4, 4 out, then do it for 8:
count 8 in, hold for 8, 8 out, then do it for 16:
count 16 in, hold for 16, 16 out. . .
Until we are comfortable & our breathing is slowing, then simply say, “I wish to go to stillness”
If our heart and our heartbeat was a pendulum, simply stop the pendulum, the same way we would reset a clock, an old-fashioned clock.
Stop it, just be — no worry about breathing — our body is constructed to start breathing when we need to:
Be in that place of stillness
It feels like the immense void of nothingness
In truth, it is where Everything Is
Simply practice, do not let fear-thinking, ‘I can’t do this’, ‘I don’t know how to do this’ interfere.
Turn up the flag of stillpoint