Thank you to everyone who attended the Universal Law of Attraction & Repulsion – Part 2 class!
Joining the circle on the day, and/or viewing the recording later, our energy goes out into the Collective.
The Universal Law of Attraction & Repulsion is both sides of the scales. It is the scales of justice, of worth and of the Universe, in golden balance.
Using the Law of Attraction we attract more and more Love.
Within that is the knowing of our worth – what belongs to us within the Mother’s Plan – our belongings, Universal Self, family.
November 13, 2012 Personal Reading with Archangel Michael
through Linda Dillon, channel for the Council of Love
AAM: Do you really think that when the Mother/Father One decides to create a new Universe or a multiverse that they become very serious and ornery and from a place of desperation they say,
“Well, we better create something new?”
No, they gain excitement and playfulness, and out of the sparkles of energy that transmit from their being, the New is born.
Creation is the most playful exercise of All.
When there is intimacy, we are not talking about rape or unwanted pregnancy, but when there is intimacy that results in the birth of a new soul, a new baby, it is playful, it is joyful, it is passionate, it is concentrated energy with everybody agreeing out of that coming together the New is born.
So play.
At the same time, we are here to repulse back to Source, invoking the Law of Repulsion, all energy not of love to be recycled until we are anchored in our unity, community consciousness. Using this Law is one of the fastest ways to truly know Who We Are.
We are here to create a planet that works for everyone.
We do not repulse people, countries, nations, just the old belief systems not of love.
Universal Law Class – Attraction and Repulsion – Part 2
Date: November 24, 2021
Meeting Recording:
Posting the Mighty Ones
The Healing of Colour – (our med beds within)
Using Universal Law Invocations for a Changing World
January 4, 2014 Personal Reading with Sanat Kumara
through Linda Dillon, channel for the Council of Love
Do not forget
when you are working,
and this particularly pertains to lack
— As Above So Below — this is the Law,
and it is the Law
and the Divine Qualities
that you are operating with, and within.
You are bringing the Law into your very core,
into your bones. Think of your skeleton,
the bone structure as being the framework of the Law.
When you act in this way,
then you know that what is within you
as the Law, is also without.
The Universe, the Mother, the Source
does not live in shortage so therefore neither do you.
Invoking the Law of Repulsion
Fastest Way to Transform Gaia & Humanity
Sanat Kumara, The Law of Attraction and Repulsion:
Send back to the Light the illusions, that sense of separation, that sense of time lag, the sense of separation of who you wish to be and Who You Are in this very moment.
That is an illusion.
You are not in that old reality so don’t even look at it.
Simply send it — the fullness of it, kit and caboodle, you would say? – send it back to the Source because the old 3rd, this a place of limitation.
The 3rd dimension is a beautiful place of physical experience, of smelling flowers, and having form.
But the old 3rd, the sullied 3rd, that is filled with these false grids, has no place.
So how you do that is constantly practicing this Law of Repulsion.
Take this limitation and send it Home.
Nothing can transform Gaia and humanity faster than this one simple action.