In this Data, “Facebook revealed to CBS News that in the 24 hours after (Alyssa) Milano posted her Tweet, 12 million posts and comments went up, and 45 percent of all U.S. users had friends who’d posted #metoo.”
In the post, After #MeToo: Healing From the Trauma of Sexual Assault, we learn:
“Within two weeks following sexual assault, 94 percent of women will also experience post-traumatic stress disorder, reported the Journal of Traumatic Stress in 1992.”
“PTSD can affect an individual’s ability to work, to have close and meaningful relationships, and can trigger addictions and unhealthy behaviors. The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs found in a study that women are twice as likely as men to develop PTSD.”
In the YouTube below, Meghan Patenaude says the best thing to say to a victim of rape is:
“I believe you. I’m here for you.”
In this YouTube, #DearDaddy, we see patriarchal society has helped create this planet’s history of rape:
If we ‘tuck these things under the bed’, pretend they don’t happen, it’s very difficult to create new ways, societies that do work.
Dr. Lauren Tober, Clinical Psychologist and Yoga Teacher, says:
“Many of us spend much of our life trying to avoid our own emotional experience.
“We can spend a whole lifetime doing that — the food that we eat, using drugs and alcohol, FaceBook, television, even going to a yoga class — anything we can do to try to stop feeling what we are feeling, and that’s really time-consuming. It uses up a lot of energy.
“Being willing to welcome any experience that arises within us, I believe is something is important for all of us to cultivate.”
Feeling for healing, combined with the ancient knowledge of The Tarot, we become our own alchemists.
Being, 2 The High Priestess, with a consistent practise of meditation and listening to our guidance, we can transmute pain into beauty, 11 Lustre, and self-worth, 17 The Star.
Each day we can choose to leave the old behind and create the new, 18 The Moon, to practise authenticity with our own innate courage.
Our suffering transforms into wisdom, 3 The Empress, by being the Love, forgiving others and ourselves.
A consistent daily practise of meditation, invoking Universal Law, calling upon the power of the I Am, the sacred flames and their Keepers, aids our ability to integrate and transmute the old, 14 Art, to balance our pain with forgiveness, 21 The Universe.
I Love you and myself
I forgive you and myself
I Am Forgiveness of Everything
From that place of forgiveness, harmony and balance — peace within — we can reach out to help others, 4 The Emperor, the leader.
Our sorrow can become
our sacred purpose,
our sacred joy.
Here’s an example of transforming pain to beauty:
An Artist’s Visualization of the Viral #MeToo Campaign

Erin Gallagher’s visualization of the spread of the #MeToo hashtag. Courtesy of Erin Gallagher.
In the global picture there are babies starving in Yemen and other atrocities happening. . .
From my understanding, everyone’s unhealed trauma contributes to the continuation of war, within/without.
Peace — harmony, balance and joy
for our entire Gaian family —
is transforming our pain
with forgiveness
into wisdom.