Often in our meditations, we are guided to send energy, Love, to situations that are not in Divine Alignment on Gaia, this beautiful planet.
In October, 2013, Sanat Kumara taught us the Universal Law of Karmic Dispensation (1), about the gift of forgiveness to our selves for not expressing and experiencing our selves as Divine.
Within this teaching he explained:
“Healing occurs at the speed of Love, which is exactly what we have taught consistently. It is instantaneous and immediate. The rate at which an individual chooses to incorporate it is particular to that person.
“You do not heal anyone. But you act as a vessel of healing by allowing the Source energy of Love, of the Cosmos, of the One, added with your Love to flow through you to that person. For some it is adequate and enough and accepted that it can be done simply by holding a hand or two fingers to the heart for that matter.
“For others they need more, shall we say, coaxing. So is it possible? It has always been possible. This is the way in which the Magdalena and Yeshua healed. It is the way that all what you think of as unusual or spectacular healers have worked, and it will become the norm.
“The more that you are in the unity/community consciousness the more this transmission takes place because, for example, if your neighbour or your child is out of sync you immediately feel it because the unity is out of frequency. Therefore you correct, you balance, and then you go forward. So this will become more and more commonplace.”
SK emphasized that what takes us out of unity/community consciousness is judgement of self or others. He said:
“We cannot be too strong in speaking about judgment. And there are situations where we have asked you to be the observer and this is not one of them. There is no room for you to be the observer any longer where there is judgment. And you can do it in a humorous way. You can say to the individual, ‘Well, gee, this sounds like judgment to me. And you know, I don’t do judgment. I’m allergic to judgment. Judgment makes me feel sick. So can we just let this go?’
“And then do so.
“What you are doing is you are teaching the person you are having the conversation with that there is no payoff, there is no reward, and there is no real tolerance in judgment. It is one thing to discern; and discernment is vitally important in your journey.
“But judgment is cruel. And the history of cruelty on the planet of Gaia has come to an end. There is no room for it. People think that they say something casually and it is judgmental but that it is not harmful and that is simply not so. It is very harmful and it speaks to a lack of love, lack of compassion, a lack of allowance. You do not have permission or the wisdom to judge anyone.”
In a reading with my guides, January 2012, my principal guide said much the same thing:
“There is no such thing as mistakes.
“The only mistake humans make is in judgement, when they judge themselves or others to be less than, when they do not see the glory of their own Divinity, and that is just sad.”
Recently, I wanted to help my friend in India who is in a great deal of pain, and I asked, “How can I help?”
I was using the silver and pearlescent energy we have been guided to visualize lately, and as I was sending, the energy came back to me.
I was taken on a journey yet again into my past, but this time I shown to be perfectly neutral, non-judgemental, even gratitude for things I deemed shameful.
I have been on this journey many times, but this time was different.
I was able to look at the past, and see how it contributed to where I am today, that if I hadn’t had those experiences I wouldn’t be interested in helping lift up our most vulnerable.
Now, I feel extremely grateful to myself for my experiences, and not judgemental.
Recently I made my first video, talking about discovery of sacred purpose.
In the past, I would have been quite critical of how I looked and talked (in the video), the list goes on. . .
Now, in gratitude to self, I celebrate joy, life purpose and thankfulness to the Mother, for this shift in perspective.
With forgiveness of self — really a deeper understanding of Karmic Dispensation, that all is forgiven — and compassion and gratitude for self, I see and feel the Light of deeper awareness, of that physical balance I’ve found quite illusive!
No matter how many understandings we gain, it takes practise:
forgiveness, compassion and gratitude for self,
and for others, that sending of Love,
for our Ascension.
(1) “Heavenly Blessings: The Universal Law of Karmic Dispensation with Sanat Kumara.” October 29, 2013, https://goldenageofgaia.com/2013/10/29/heavenly-blessings-the-universal-law-of-karmic-dispensation-with-sanat-kumara/