Brendan Smialowski / Getty Images
On the Government of Canada website under the title, Opioid-related Harms, more than 13,900 apparent opioid-related deaths occurred between January 2016 and June 2019 — that’s one every 2 hours.
In this BuzzFeed News post called, This Was The Decade Drug Overdoses Killed Nearly Half A Million Americans, author Dan Vergano, December 6, 2019, writes:
“Prince. Tom Petty. Philip Seymour Hoffman. Men and women, young and old, rich and poor. Maybe someone you knew or loved.
“All gone, among the 467,000 drug overdose deaths in the US counted so far this decade, with another 67,000 more that will likely be added to that staggering total when this year ends.
“The epidemic has overtaken both car crashes and gun violence as leading causes of deaths nationwide, and it now causes far more deaths every year than AIDS did at its peak.
“US drug overdose deaths in this decade exceed the number of battle deaths the country suffered in World War I and World War II combined.”
On January 18th, Steve asked Archangel Michael through Linda Dillon, channel for the Council of Love, what we can do:
Steve: Is there a cure for opioids, Lord?
Archangel Michael: Yes.
Steve: What might it be because I want to get it into production right away?
AAM: It is a purification factor.
Steve: Of the person or the opioid?
AAM: Both. This is certainly star healing and star technology that is and will be offered but basically, if you were to think of the addicted person that they are basically vacuumed, suctioned and not only the damage, the impurities are sucked out of them, but the desire.
So it is a mental/emotional vacuuming as well. And then they are infused (so think of it as reverse vacuuming) with the clean energy primarily a pearlescent or silver and that is the instantaneous healing.
This is one of the functions both of healing ships and the healing beds. That is what the solution is.
Archangel Michael asks us to visualize, starting right now, and to share this with many:
AAM: What happens is the opioids themselves are not usable or desirable but you can do exactly the same to the pills or the substances themselves and even if you were to take them, it would be like neutrality.
Then if you put all opioids, if you saw that there was a Rocky Mountain of opioids and you did the same process to the energy, the collective energy (which is very dark) of the opioids, vacuuming them and then infusing them, you would be dealing with a very different substance.
Steve: You’re telling us that it will be much more intense from the Galactics but we can be doing this ourselves as well.
AAM: You most certainly can be doing this yourselves. This is a process that can be shared far and wide.
Steve: Okay, I think I have a good enough description of it in what you just said to be able to do that.
So it is a Purification Visualization:
To suction the impurities from mountains of opioids (visualizing the Rocky Mountains) and from the opioid energy, the collective energy which is very dark, and to infuse clean energy, pearlescent or silver
To vacuum, to suction the impurities, the damage, and the desire to do the drugs from the ones using and to infuse with them with clean energy — a pearlescent or silver — for the instantaneous healing
To give us an idea where the drugs are coming from, here’s some information from a post written on the British Columbia Naturopathic Association’s blog:
“There is a general assumption that most of the drugs in Canada come via the Canada/US border and originate in Mexico. In actual fact, most of the drugs in this country are shipped by standard airmail and arrive from countries all over the world.
“Some of the most dangerous drugs, including the opioid fentanyl, come from China and Hong Kong, where they are produced in large scale drug factories and then shipped in many small packages to distributors nationwide.
“The vast majority of heroin in the US is produced in Mexico and then shipped over the border, but most of the heroin in Canada originates in Asia and Africa and is shipped via airmail. The same applies to opium, the raw product from which heroin is derived, and many other common drugs.”
Below is news about a heart-wrenching new film told from the perspective of a 7 year old girl, what happened to her family.
The Power of Meditation Discussion
with Archangel Michael, January 18th, 2020
Steve: Have our mass meditations significantly impacted the collective consciousness?
AAM: Absolutely!
Steve: Do you want to say little bit more on that?
AAM: It is the coming together in heart and mind and spirit, unselfishly, because these actions have not been, by and large, motivated by individual wants or needs. So it is the unselfish coming together for the highest good. . . to come together to heal.
What it has done – these many collective meditations – is not simply to demonstrate the power of heart intelligence but the power to result in tangible measurable ways how the collective can shift the direction of anything, not just fire but in anything.
Barrie, Ont. City Councillor Natalie Harris
Makes Addiction Get-Well Cards
And she wants more people to start doing it, too.

One of the get-well cards Harris made. Courtesy of Natalie Harris
By Maija Kappler, HuffPost, January 20, 2020
It’s so easy to think of drug addicts as problems and not people, Natalie Harris says. We see addiction as a moral failing, and addicts as simply lacking willpower, rather than people who are sick and struggling with dangerous and crippling conditions.
“There’s this massive stigma that people who battle with addiction can just choose to stop,” the Barrie, Ont. city counsellor told HuffPost Canada. Many people “don’t see that it’s a disease like any other disease.”
Harris, who’s in recovery for addiction to alcohol and prescription drugs, wants to change that perception. So, she started making cards.
“People battling addiction deserve get-well cards too,” she said.
The cards are homemade, filled with messages of encouragement and hope, and delivered to hospitals, shelters and rehab facilities. It’s the same idea as delivering a get-well card to someone hospitalized for broken bones or pneumonia: a small gesture can go a long way when you’re sick and vulnerable. But these small kindnesses often aren’t afforded to people hospitalized for addictions, Harris said.
She hears addicts talk about that stigma in many of the meetings she attends for her own recovery, she said. The topic was especially front-of-mind after she started reading the results of a citywide survey about how to make Barrie safer. The way many people in the city think about drug addicts shows the need for more compassion, she said.
“There’s still a lot of the perception that it’s not like cancer, it’s not like diabetes, it’s not a disease and that’s just not the case,” she said. “It’s very much a disease.”

Harris poses with some of the firefighters who made cards.
Courtesy of Natalie Harris
While medical professionals don’t unanimously agree that addiction should be classified as a disease, a landmark 2016 report by former U.S. Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murthy bluntly stated that “addiction is not a character flaw — it is a chronic illness that we must approach with the same skill and compassion with which we approach heart disease, diabetes, and cancer.”
Opioid addiction disorders “actually change the circuitry in your brain,” he later explained to NPR. “They affect your ability to make decisions, and change your reward system and your stress response. That tells us that addiction is a chronic disease of the brain.”
About eight million Canadians are addicted to drugs and/or alcohol, according to the most recent monitoring survey. The rising opioid crisis is exacerbating the problem: more than 2,000 people died from opioid use in Canada last year. Barrie has been particularly badly hit. The city’s central north area, which includes its downtown, had 10 times more overdose hospital visits in 2017 than the provincial average that year. Within Ontario, Barrie is second only to St. Catharines in its rate of opioid-related emergency room visits.

Courtesy of Natalie Harris
Harris came across a lot of people in the throes of addiction during her previous career — she was a paramedic for 11 years, something she’s written about for HuffPost — and she understands why people might initially develop the attitudes they do about drug addiction.
“I would be lying if I said I didn’t see the stigma, even myself as a new paramedic,” she said. “No one would receive lesser care for the call that we would go to, but there would be a grumble from time to time.”
It was when she started experiencing PTSD symptoms from the trauma she saw face-to-face in her job that she started self-medicating, eventually leading to addiction. The insurance she had access to through her work allowed her to seek treatment, but many people don’t have that option, she understands now.
For many, calling 911 and summoning paramedics was “their only way to care,” she said.

Harris with Barrie Mayor Jeff Lehman.
Courtesy of Natalie Harris
Her work on Barrie’s city council means she was able to get the city’s Mayor Jeff Lehman on board with the card-making initiative, as well as local firefighters.
Lehman made two cards, and signed his name to both, Harris said. “Somebody will get that card from the mayor. To know the mayor believes in them, has faith that they can get well … I think it’s super cool.”
The firefighters were excited to get involved, too. “We had all these craft supplies out over this massive table, getting these firefighters covered in glitter,” she remembers. “It was amazing.”

Barrie firefighters sit down and get crafty.
Courtesy of Natalie Harris
Harris has been in contact with schools, trying to get classrooms to get involved as well. She’d also love for individual people who have spare time to start making cards, too. She’s documenting the process on Twitter and Instagram.
“Anyone can do this, anywhere,” she said. When she delivered them to her local hospital, the receptionist was a bit confused at first, but quickly got on board with the idea.
For people who want to start an initiative like this in their own areas, Harris suggested researching detox or rehab centres, and delivering the cards either by hand or mailing them. She hasn’t been in direct contact with any of the people who have received the cards yet, but one of her friends has, and said the recipient was really touched.
“It’s such a simple thing to do, but the ripple effect can be enormous.”
(Kathleen: Excited to start this project where I volunteer with women in recovery.)
I invoke the higher realms, all the Divine Universal Laws,
Blessings, Virtues, and dimensional growth patterns
for transformation, completion of the opioid issue.