The Buddha, through Linda Dillon, channel for the Council of Love, March 2013, told us:
“To silence the mind and simply be in the heart is a discipline, a practice.
“So when you find yourself in that wheel of confusion come, come and sit with me under the bodhi tree where we can empty your mind and your heart and simply sit together in the wonderness of All.
“And when the time is right we will stand up and venture forth to share the knowing of nothing with the rest of humanity, go in peace.”
According to the teachings of the Council of Love, through Linda, compassion is associated with our red root chakra, our emerald heart chakra, the pink of the our tri-flame, and the magenta (that perfect blend of red and blue) of our third eye.
In the same channeling, the Buddha said:
“Compassion on the planet is so necessary, and yes it is growing, you are doing well my friends, because you are letting go of the judgments, of that old 3rd prison, that so many were kept in.
“Compassion is Infinite and it has the capacity to grow and to grow and to grow.
“So you can be compassionate, and the support you can be offering can be so monumental, without a hint of interference or judgment.
“You are not there yet because you do hold judgment against those who are still in their drama of abuse, of infliction of pain, of war, of creating suffering.
“So there is a way to go, and that is why this element of compassion is so needed.
“And it is funny, and I do not mean humorous – I mean strange – one can say,
‘I have compassion for those who are suffering mutilation or oppression’ and yet there is not compassion for the person down the street who is suffering from an abusive relationship and alcoholism.
“It starts at home. . .”
The Buddha says sending compassion creates miracles:
“Compassion has no need for approval.
“And this is a difficulty that so many lightworkers struggle with because often their journey is lonely – you think I do not know this?
‘That is the wayfarer because I walk and I wander the planet alone.
“I may walk with you for a while, but I Am Alone and I Am You, at the same time.
“Many lightworkers wish for this compassion, and they see that what they are given is disdain and dismissal, and that many who may really want to Love and approve of them don’t and it hurts, and so there is an injury.
“But if you switch in that moment of feeling ‘less than,’ in that moment of ‘I am tired of not being seen and understood and accepted and loved,’ if you switch and you say, ‘I am going to send compassion because obviously this person, this group, this organization does not understand.’
“So you are not judging them as the injurer, as the predator on your happiness, you send them compassion, and then you let them go, and then that compassion comes back at you.
“It works miraculously. I have been using it for a while.”