Illustration by Kagan McLeod
Last spring, 2019, Canada’s then Minister of Justice, Attorney General, and Liberal party member, Jody Wilson-Raybould, stood up to corruption in Canadian politics.
Canada’s Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, and other senior officials attempted to pressure her to allow an engineering firm to take a new legal pathway to avoid criminal prosecution.
Later in August, our ethics commissioner ruled that Trudeau had broken the conflict-of-interest code, but Jody had already been fired from the Liberal Party.
In that same summer she became an Independent, and handily won a seat in parliament in our fall federal election, running on a platform of honesty and integrity.
Are we in a stage of our Ascension where we can see outward successes, such as this, because of the inner work we collectively are doing?
As we stand up to the corruption within, the self-judgements, guilt and control, anxiety and hatred, also our anger, fear, sorrow and shame, will we begin to see our external reality reflect this?
In her new book, Radical Compassion, Tara Brach speaks of emotional balance within here on SoundCloud — a way to live in the Now — not in fear of the future or sorrow from the past.
A highlight of her recent 10 Day Challenge with daily meditations, was her description of the “blame-game,” how when we fail to see our own triggers we’re actually lacking compassion for self, as well as for others.
She gave the example of a dog that lunges, teeth bared, when a friendly pat is extended, but upon realizing that the dog’s leg is in a trap, instantly we feel empathy, compassion.
How many of us have projected our angers and fears because we feel trapped?
With greater compassion, empathy for our human condition, Tara beautifully illustrated we can more easily find peace within, and without.
Sending Love daily to our fellow brothers and sisters, whether it’s for a personal reason or on a bigger scale, such as to the fires in Australia, issues in the Middle East, or the drug wars in Mexico and opioid crisis, we are helping create balance on Earth.
Reflecting the compassion of higher realms,
we are creating our Heaven to Earth,
as above, so below,
as within, so without.