Daniel Scranton channels St. Germaine below. The message resonates with me. For a while now I’ve been saying something similar in my readings!
Thank you, St. Germaine, for the clarity!
I equate it to being like a tree and the sun . . . ☀️
A 🌲 breathes in the carbon dioxide (the old fears, etc.) naturally transmuting the old to share the new, the oxygen, the LOVE . . .
Here is the meaning of charity, the blessing and virtue connected to the heart from the Council of Love, through Linda Dillon:
The genuine ability to share all things, material, spiritual and emotional based in the true understanding that there is always enough for all to thrive and we are all richer in the joint expression of sharing.
A heart-felt need to be generous knowing knowledge and gifts are never intended solely for one person.
The vibration is green.
We are naturally the Golden Temple,
the Golden Sun in behind the heart
— constant — we are the JOY of the Father,
that balance, creation,
alignment, self-worth.
We are the heart, the tree🌲
the vehicle that shares
— the Mother is everything,
the stillness and the movement —
the Father is the constant stillness,
Golden Temple, Golden Sun.
We are a Spark of the Mother and She is Everything:
I Am Mary, Universal Mother,
Mother of Love, Mother of Hope,
Mother of Change, of Constancy, of Continuity
—the three C’s—
Change,Constancy and Continuity
Below, St. Germaine says to sit with the old, breathe into it and it will go away . . . so then we share our charity, breathe out the LOVE like a tree in the constancy of our JOY, the sun just like the blessing and virtue of awe:
Ability to feel and experience, always and fully, the wonders of creation, the Divine—the knowing that there is always more, more to learn, to experience, and to understand—to know that our understanding and experience of God is limited but the promise of further growth holds true.
It is the innocence of the small child within, the sense of awe, the sense of wonder. It is the sense of understanding the magnificence of the Universal Plan, the unfoldment. It is the thrill, the expectation and joy at being—simply being—and enjoying the new miracles that unfold, always waiting for the next one.
It is the relation of purity.
St. Germaine:
Do This Before Doing Anything
& Everything Else
January 29, 2025 by Sitara
by Daniel Scranton
“I Am St. Germaine, Keeper of the Violet Flame.
I Am in the space with you, offering a higher-vibrational tone to assist you in finding the highest-vibrational tone within yourself.
This is your work, always. This is your purpose, always. And when you find the highest-vibrational tone that you have available to you and you make that your goal, everything else falls into place. Things you want to happen do happen and they happen unexpectedly.
You find that there isn’t as much to do as you thought there was, and you’re able to enjoy everything as it is in the present moment.
Yes, you want to be in the present moment, and you want to be mindful of what you are doing while you are doing it, but you also want to be offering the highest-vibrational tone that you can while you are doing whatever it is you are doing.
And so at this point in the transmission, many of you are wondering how you are going to do this.
The first thing you have to do is get in your body, and what I mean by that is you have to be conscious of your consciousness within the confines of your physical form.
You need to be focusing on you and what’s happening inside of you.
Secondly, you must be willing to feel what you are feeling inside of your body. You must be willing and able to tune in to what’s going on in your physical and in your emotional bodies.
Thirdly, you must be willing to make adjustments that need to be made.
And so if something feels off to you inside of you, then it probably is, and it needs your attention.
You need to give your attention to what is happening in your body that is indicating to you that there’s a lower vibration present.
It may be a thought. It may be tension. It may be an emotion.
As you tune into it and you locate it in your body, then you can do something about it and if you are willing to sit with it and breathe into it, then it will go away.
And then you can focus on getting into a higher-vibrational tone.
This does not require you to do anything, to think anything, to focus on anything in the external world.
You can find that higher-vibrational tone by sinking your present moment conscious awareness into your heart and feeling for the unconditional Love that you are and then as you breathe into that, you will feel more of it.
You will feel that it is the highest vibration that you have access to in the moment, and then you are ready to go about your day and to take the actions that you want to take or that you believe you need to take.
You are more likely to have a nice conversation or a nice interaction with another person.
You are more likely then to be able to receive an inspired idea from your higher mind or one of your guides.
Offer the highest-vibrational tone that you can find within yourself in any given moment, and then think your thoughts, and eat your food, and drive to work.
This is how you navigate through your life as the master that you really are.
And it will also put you in alignment with more of the experiences that you say you want to have.
It really is not more complicated than this, and you don’t have to complicate it, and if you find yourselves complicating it, it’s because your mind thinks it has to be more complicated and that there are more x factors.
You are the only factor in all of this, and you have complete control over yourself no matter what anyone else tells you.
Take the invitation that’s coming to you from inside of you to be in the highest-vibrational tone you can be in, and take the invitations that are coming to you from the higher realms and from myself and others.
And you will live a beautiful life of joy, freedom, Love, excitement and creativity.
I Am St. Germaine, Keeper of the Violet Flame.”