Emily Zamourka
Recently, a post has gone viral of a lady, Emily Zamourka, singing in the LA metro.
As soon as I read it I thought of C.A. Jordan whom I met at the 2016 Council of Love conference in Sedona.
C.A. is a classically trained opera singer and lightworker extraordinaire.
Did C.A.’s consistent amazing beautiful singing — in the interconnectedness of everything — help raise up this woman?
When I messaged C.A. about this, she said the aria posted of Emily singing was the first opera aria she had learned.

Our conscious awareness of lifting up our most disenfranchised can work in the most miraculous of ways!
I remember St. Germaine asking us on Heavenly Blessings radio show to consciously clean; for example, when we do the laundry to see our selves cleaning up the world!
I would say that C.A.’s conscious singing has helped bring our awareness to Emily and to clean up the homeless issue.
Thank you, C.A. !
As we let go our limiting, controlling thought patterns, truly understanding and knowing we are all so LOVED, this becomes everyone’s everyday reality.
Everyone is LOVE and everyone deserves sacred space to call Home. There is no hierarchy above. Heaven is Earth; as above so below.
Here is 52-year-old Emily Zamourka:
Thanks to LA resident, Michael Trujillo, a GoFundMe campaign is set up ($60,000 raised so far), and the Downtown Women’s Center is working on housing for Emily.
Bless You Emily and C.A.
Listen here to C.A.
“Police Officer Captures Breathtaking Video of Homeless Woman Singing Opera in the Los Angeles Subway,” by McKinley Corbley, September 30, 2019, https://www.goodnewsnetwork.org/homeless-woman-singing-opera-in-los-angeles-subway/?
“Mystery Woman Sings Opera In Los Angeles Metro — And Goes Viral,” by Kat Londorf, September 29, 2019, https://www.npr.org/2019/09/29/765395372/mysterious-woman-sings-opera-in-los-angeles-metro-and-goes-viral