Here are some sacred tools to use.
We can surround areas/war zones with the Mighty Ones:
We can sprinkle Archangel Jophiel’s “Jophie Dust” from above – for both sides. It is sheer energy, for the transmutation of what is not of love, in a never-empty pouch we carry with us.
We can place Kwan Yin’s Pink Pearls in people’s hearts, and in any situation, for the transmutation of everything not of love back to the original purity. They are carried in a peridot bag.
St. Germaine’s Violet Flame is for the transmutation, as well, and we can use it below, underneath, the entire area:
Here is more info about the Violet Flame, and his recommendation to write LOVE everywhere:
When we use sacred tools we are transmuting our own lack feelings to LOVE feelings/actions so our external reality changes.
As Within
So Without
I invoke Sanat Kumara & the Universal Law of Balance
for my internal/external situations not of love
transmutation to LOVE, original purity.