A brief overview of the 13 Universal Laws gifted to us at this time by the Council of Love:
The Law of Sacred Purpose teaches us that we each have Divine Sacred Purpose, and that our purpose can be joyfully uncovered, discovered, as we let go, forgive ourselves for the old ways of the entrenched beliefs, the false grids, and our core issues.
The Law of Intent reminds us to remember and bring to right alignment — balance — all thoughts, emotions, and actions every moment of every day, to be the kind, Loving, unitive beings that we truly are.
The Universal Law of Above and Below, Within and Without, Balance explains what we are holding within is often reflected to us in our external reality – the Universe is a series of mirrors. The subconscious and unconscious entrenched beliefs, the false grids, and mental emotional constructs of our core issues can re-create realities not of love, as within, so without. Time to surrender to Love. . . and create a planet that works for everyone.
As we let go the old ways of being, this Law helps us understand and know we balance in the remembrance of Who We Truly Are – as above so below.
The Law of Change reminds us that everything is in a constant state of change, in the Infinite and Eternal Flow, and that we can let go of the old ways not of love more easily from our center, in balance, understanding and knowing that the Mother’s Constant Flow of Love is never-changing.
Even though we may have countless lifetimes, assuming different forms with different characteristics, our core, the essence of Who We Are, that Divine Spark of Mother/Father One, does not change. I Am Love and Worth.
The Law of Give and Receive states that as we give we must receive. That is the Law, and it relates to the breath; the Mother, Her Love Energy, the evaporated moisture in the air and the Light of the Father, the sunlight in every breath — that equal balance of water and light — being in the Eternal flow of Love and joy, gratitude for self/everyone, Gaia, this planet, in harmony with everything – gender equality within/without.
The Law of Attachment and Detachment teaches us to attach to the highest vision for All, the Love, ‘information gathering’ – our ideal, then to detach from situations that feel heavy.
Attaching to and holding our vision – not just the space, not just the dream – but attaching to the vision of Who We Are, what we want, what we wish to have occur, naturally creates detachment from what doesn’t work.
The Law of Unification, Unity illustrates that in the center, in balance, where all are Loved equally, there is no hierarchy, control, oppression. There is brotherhood, sisterhood, heart connection, community, global family, peace, Love, joy, harmony, the Oneness.
The Law of Transmutation is a way for us to transmute — change — old ways of being, old energy not of love, situations of pain and suffering back to original purity, its true form, what it truly can be. We find at the kernel of mostly everything is Love, that pain and suffering is not a reflection of the Mother, and we can forgive and be gratitude for everything. Transmutation is a change of perspective, opening to how things work in the higher realms, being in that balance, knowing Who We Truly Are.
The Law of Instantaneous Transmission and Transformation reminds us that subconscious and unconscious entrenched beliefs, the false grids and mental emotional constructs, our core issues, lack of self-love and lack of self-worth have created what doesn’t work on this planet. This Law demonstrates our perception, perspective, can change in the blink of an eye, with the opening of our etheric eyes – 3rd, 4th, 5th eyes – so we perceive different realities, the ways of the higher realms for our transformation.
The Law of Karmic Dispensation teaches us that the Mother forgives absolutely everything and that we also can be that constant state of forgiveness, be as forgiving as She Is. We are here to be a Reflection of the Mother/Father One – that gender equality within/without. With apologies and forgiveness, compassion and gratitude, peace, Love and joy, we create Nova Being and Nova Earth.
The Law of Attraction and Repulsion teaches us we can attract anything we desire — our core is Love and worth. Being Love attracts more Love, just as knowing our worth, blessing everything, attracts more blessings. We repulse what is not of love and worth by being in a constant state of forgiveness of self/others. We do not have the wisdom to judge anyone.
The Law of Elimination is one to use for our self hatred, judgement, bigotry, racism, ‘being right’ – unconscious phrases not of love, all control, greed, lack, limitation. As we become LOVING BALANCE within, this Law demonstrates we eliminate what doesn’t work in the without; the pollution, radiation, war, toxins, disease and chemicals that poison our land, our animals, our air and foul our oceans diminish – as within so without.
We are eliminating man-made, human creations not of love — never people. This Law is closely connected to the Law of Dispensation, forgiveness of self/everything, compassion, that non-judgement, ability to bless everything so we are in Divine Alignment.
The Law of Completion, Consistency and Continuity explains as we reach new levels, we complete cycles of growth. With consistency of spiritual practices we evolve; we are Infinite and Eternal.
Universal Law Invocations are a way to balance everything,
how to co-create Nova Earth with the higher realms.

Sanat Kumara is our Universal Logos & Keeper of Universal Law
Something to emphasize: Invoking is a very powerful action.
When we invoke Sanat Kumara, the Mother, the Buddha or a Law, it is their agreement in accordance with the Law that they show up.
We can call on — invoke Sanat Kumara, Keeper of Universal Law — for help with any troubling situation, personal or global. This is his Divine Sacred Purpose.
When invoking, situations can come to balance quickly or slowly, all in Divine Timing.
Here is an example of an invocation for balance:
I invoke Sanat Kumara
and the Universal Law of Above and Below,
Within and Without, Balance
for________________ (any troubling situation).
Allow the old energy to be . . . to be looked at,
. . .
observe, observe, observe . . . feel to heal . . .
and listen to the higher realms.
Forgive, forgive, forgive (SELF/others)
with compassion, that non-judgement
& gratitude for all we have been through.
May we let go of everything that is not of love
remembering self, the balance,
for creation of our Nova Earth.
Information Contained within the 13 Chakra System:
I Am — Universal Laws, Blessings & Virtues
Root Chakra – I Am My Sacred Purpose – I Am Compassion, Humility
Pubic Chakra – I Am Intent – I Am Humility, Compassion
Sacral Chakra – I Am Balance – I Am Fortitude
Umbilical Chakra – I Am Change – I Am Awe
Solar Plexus Chakra – I Am Give & Receive – I Am Joy
Sternum Chakra – I Am Attachment & Detachment – I Am Prudence
Heart Chakra – I Am Unification, Unity – I Am Charity, Love & Worth
High Heart Chakra – I Am Transmutation – I Am Prudence
Clavicle Chakra – I Am Instantaneous Transformation – I Am Purity
Throat Chakra – I Am Karmic Dispensation – I Am Hope, Balance
4th Eye Chakra – I Am Attraction & Repulsion – I Am Truth, Beauty
3rd Eye Chakra – I Am Elimination – I Am Beauty, Compassion, Wisdom
Crown Chakra – I Am Completion & Continuity – I Am GRACE
Starting Wednesday, September 21st, 2022
Universal Law Zoom Classes with Kathleen
(ongoing on Wednesdays)
5pm PST / 8pm PST
(see this blog for Zoom links)