As we evolve as a species, what’s within us is rising to the surface, to be addressed.
From the #Metoo movement to racism and climate issues, our inner ways of being from bigotry to control are being voiced, and reflected in our outer world.
The Mother’s Divine Plan has not seamlessly fallen into place, nor was it meant to. There is chaos.
But who hasn’t been angry, released deep sorrow, or dealt with anxiety and guilt?
We’re learning to let go the old ways within and often it’s messy.
From protests to wildfires and hurricanes, we are completing cycles, evolving.
In Albert Einstein’s teachings, the 5th dimension is a place to manage change with patience, humour, stamina, wisdom and joy — what we’re learning — with greater and greater mastery.
The information from the Council of Love connects the 5th dimension to the solar plexus chakra, the Universal Law of Give and Receive, and the blessing and virtue of joy.
In the teachings of the Law of Give and Receive Sanat Kumara taught us a mantra:
I Receive, I Allow, I Accept, I (for)Give, I Am Gratitude
With repetition of this mantra, we can come to a deep place of gratitude for the extensive experiences in our many incarnations, on and off planet, and especially gratitude for the equality of our masculine and feminine energies, a huge step forward for balance on Earth.
Our solar plexus chakra (gratitude for everything) in alignment with our throat chakra (forgiveness of everything) helps us to fall into our emerald heart in balance, in compassion, as the observer holding the highest vision for humanity during this time of unrest.
Sending LOVE with intent
helps to quell the anxiety
from climate to protests.