The Mother tells us Love is everything.
The Magdalena and Kwan Yin told us beauty is Loving the good, the bad, and the ugly, within and without. (1)
Deep within me is hatred. I found it. I feel it.
I look within and see hatred of self.
I look without and see the situations and people I have hated.
I invoke Sanat Kumara
and the Universal Law of Elimination
for my hatred.
I can be a “lightworker” and not access my hatred.
I can hope someone else will, and in the interconnectedness of everything know we will all get where we are going, eventually.
Personally, I would like to get there now, and I encourage those of us feeling discouraged and disheartened by outside events to ask why? and how? is this connected to our individual pasts.
In August of this year, St. Germaine reminded us to write the word L o v e with his Violet Flame everywhere.
He said, the word L o v e communicates the energy of transformation, transmutation, and the anchoring of the I Am.
I start with Harvey Weinstein. I get a photo of him and write LOVE on it several times.
It is hard to stay in hatred when I do this.
I sit still
I feel
I cry
I hate
I feel empty
I feel myself shifting. . .
Resistance to deep deep hatred is melting away
I reach deeper and deeper into myself, and find power-over, control, judgement, sorrow, fear, hatred, faces, my self. . .
I cry, release
Love is
I Am
Elon Musk is boring tunnels to create faster transportation systems. (2)
My golden cylinder, that reaches from my crown to my root, is clearing of all blockages, elimination of hatred.
I acknowledge my hatred, embrace my hatred — the good, the bad and the ugly, the judgements (3) — and become my I Am.
Next steps, action steps — apologies, forgiveness, compassion — then gratitude for everything.
This process repeats, the more levels we attain, the more dimensional growth patterns we access.
Join me.
I Am. . .
Love is everything.
(1) “Mary Magdalene and Quan Yin Discuss the Divine Quality of Beauty,” channeled by Linda Dillon for the Council of Love, March 7, 2013,
(2) “Elon Musk’s car tunnel gets an elevator next week,” digging in the SpaceX parking lot,
(3) “There is no such thing as mistakes. The only mistake humans make is in judgement, when they judge themselves or others to be less than, when they do not see the glory of their own Divinity, and that is just sad.” My Principal Guide through Linda Dillon