Apologizing to my self for the judgments denigrating my self/others can feel difficult to do.
And I say self/others because truly I Am One, we are One; as I do to my self, I do to All.
In the last few years science has proven that, “We create our reality by choosing it with our feelings” as stated in this article, “Human Emotion Physically Shapes Reality.” (1)
Knowing the only mistake I make is in judgement of self/others, it should be easy to be conscious and to say, “I Am Sorry self” on behalf of All, but in reality it can feel hard to do.
Surrendering our “story” to the Divine and aligning mind, heart, will with Divine Mind, Heart, Will is a leap of faith.
Understanding apologies to self are a part of Divine Alignment, we can be our own “Love letter” to self with the Hawaiian mantra, Ho’oponopono, “I Love you, I’m sorry, please forgive me, thank you.”
D e e p f o r g i v e n e s s t o s e l f
helps c r e a t e natural boundaries
so we experience only LOVE.
Invoking compassion, that ability to stand back and observe within/without, to hold the highest vision for self/others, and the Universal Law of Attachment and Detachment, we align with our Divinity.
I invoke the Universal Law of Attachment
and Detachment and the blessing
and virtue of compassion,
Divine Alignment.
When we invoke, we are willingly allowing situations, reflections of states of being we are unconsciously holding onto to come to conscious awareness, so we can do the letting go, the forgiveness work.
With willingness to attach mind, heart, and will to the Love of the Mother/Father One Self — knowing everything is forgiven — and to detach from our core issues and the false grids, we align with our highest vision of self.

(1) “Human Emotion Physically Shapes Reality,” February 26, 2017, Code, https://www.lifecoachcode.com/2017/02/26/emotion-shapes-reality