With gratitude to my friend, Su. Thank you for asking.
From my understanding, eliminating the old ways is a process that can begin (and end) by invoking Sanat Kumara, Keeper of Universal Law, and the Universal Laws.
When we invoke the Laws, the old comes up to be looked at, experienced, let go.
As we do this work, we are bringing in the new, Nova Being, Nova Earth.
Here is a daily invocation to get started:
I invoke Sanat Kumara and the Universal Laws of Change,
Transmutation, and Elimination for the old ways of being.
The old will arise — feeling is healing — allowing this to happen is cathartic.
During this process we can also:
Look in a mirror daily and say to our reflection,
“I trust and forgive you for everything . . .
all judgements of . . .”
Write Love with the Violet Flame
on the ‘you’ in the mirror,
on physical situations,
on photos — personal, family, global
In daily meditation listen for next steps,
Divine Inspiration
Letting go
is trusting
that all/our past
is/was in Divine order,
f o r g i v i n g everything
from a place of non-judgement.
Practicing c o m p a s s i o n
by apologizing to, and forgiving,
those in need of this, connected to us,
helps with the rectification of old injuries.
Trust + Forgiveness = the Love
Be the brightness of your pink!
With consistent daily meditation, invocation of the Laws, and also p a u s i n g to feel the old as it comes up (even setting a phone timer is an idea, every couple of hours to check in, understanding this is a process) we become Nova Being.
Now is the time to let go — trust and forgive everything — be the Love.
I Am Trust
I Am Forgiveness
I Am the Love