Have you ever wondered why it is difficult to feel loving, peaceful, joyful all the time? In The Higher Realms it is natural To Be Love, Peace, Joy, Bliss.
I have put together information to help explain why our entrenched old beliefs, false grids, and our mental emotional constructs, core issues, can create dis-ease in our lives, internally and externally, that we can even become addicted to this dis-ease without even realizing it, partly because we just don’t know what to do about it or what is actually creating it.
Our fears and pain, our underlying discomfort, can feel like they are our norm.
Knowing The Self: Higher Ways of Healing helps explain our pain and fears, our false grids and core issues, and how they can interact to manifest dis-ease within and without, where they can rest in the bone, musculature structure, organs and energy of the human frame, How To Ask For Help To Become Consciously Aware of these old grids and issues, and How To Let Go this old energy, again by asking for help, Invoking The Divine Beings With The Sacred Flames, and how once let go, we can come To Balance With Greater Knowing of The Self, In The Expanded Love And Peace, Joy of Heart Consciousness.
Knowing The Self: Higher Ways of Healing encourages us to sit still and with natural curiosity ask questions of The Self, daily, consistently, so we can know and feel what underlying thoughts and emotions are manifesting, internally and externally, in our lives.
With Conscious Awareness, the old ways can let go, and The New Way — Balance, Expanded Heart Consciousness, Love And Worth, Forgiveness And Peace, Unity And Joy — can become our everyday way.
If you are interested please email me through my Contact & Sharing page.