Our Karmic Debt is our judgements of self or another.
Along our journeys, over lifetimes on planet and off, we tend to carry resentment for beings that have committed acts that hurt us.
The feelings of anger, sorrow, bigotry, hatred, limitation or as Sanat Kumara, Raj, explains them, “old grievances or old hurts, patterns of behaviour or actions or thoughts or ideations, belief systems that do not, in any way, serve you,” vibrate in our fields and our body subconsciously, unconsciously and consciously.
In the Karmic Dispensation meditation, connected to the same Law, we go to the Karmic Board, we see a long table, ”somewhat like a board table and on the opposite side of the table there are five beings seated that look serious, available, but serious.”
We are here to ask for forgiveness of our Karmic Debt, our judgements of self and others:
“I request that all karmic debt that is owed to me and that I owe and have incurred be forgiven & erased.”
By taking the higher perspective of forgiveness, compassion and gratitude, we create healing for our self and therefore for everyone, as it says in the meditation.
“Look at the judges and receive their blessing and this Gift of Wiping Your Slate Clean and by inference, by affecting the slate of so many others, as well.
“Express your gratitude, your thanksgiving.”
Karmic Dispensation Meditation
through Linda Dillon, channel for the Council of Love
As our planet shifts into right alignment much information is coming forth; it’s really important to stay in our hearts, in the higher vibration of the Divine Qualities, so we do not sink into deeper judgement of others/self.
Whenever we are judging another, we are subconsciously, unconsciously judging our self and creating more Karmic Debt.
A few weeks ago, I got really sick with a cough that put me to bed for days.
Asking the cough what it was connected to — what was I coughing up? — I saw I was still holding onto old grievances in this lifetime (that carried back into other lifetimes).
Now is a great time to come clean, to metaphorically “cough up” those old systems that do not serve us, so that each and every one of us are set free, not hindered by the past or even the future.
This Gift of Karmic Dispensation that has been bestowed upon us during this time does just that.
Albert Einstein’s Theory of Relativity helps us understand the words, “raising our vibration”:
E is Light = M is Matter
Matter is Light vibrating slower so we see physical things
C = Speed
How much Light we open to,
how we incorporate our Divinity, our light,
our Love, activates our Ascension.
Eating “light” food, fruit, veggies filled with water and sunlight, getting outside to bask in the sunlight, exercising outdoors, being in nature, activates our inner pharmacy, our metabolism so our bodies work well.
For our Ascension we are asking to understand the Movement of Love, to know how to lighten up, to raise our vibration.
The release of all debts owed to us and debts incurred by us, the release of all judgements of self, all judgements of others, ties into our Ascension so we can “fly free,” as Raj says in the Law of Karmic Dispensation.
When we stop judging our self, everyone,
and encourage everyone to do this, too,
we speed up, we vibrate faster;
we raise our vibration,
to be our truth, our joy, our light,
our Love, simply to Infinity.