Iboga, a root from Central West Africa
Recently, I was told about an “Iboga Retreat” in Costa Rica.
Not that I endorse going to a such a retreat, but I was fascinated to learn about the inner balance achieved, during use of this plant.
With a consistent daily practise of meditation, heart listening, I have found discovery of sacred purpose and balance is fully attainable.
Iboga is a root medicine native to Central West Africa used by the Bwiti people for thousands of years.
Below, is a testimonial from John I found on the internet, (not from the person I talked to) about his experience with iboga.
Experiencing iboga at the Iboga Wellness Centre, as John says, is one way to understand that our questions about pain have answers within.
3:33 John: “I had internalized some traumatic experiences throughout my life which had become a part of me, and there was a lot of pain that I held onto.
“When I saw my soul, I saw that none of that was real; that that was the surface, and underneath, my true self was untouched by any of that, as pure and beautiful and as full of Love as the first day I was created, and I’m still in there.
“That was incredible to see.
“It was a game-changer basically.
“You can’t get upset any more after having seen this truth about my self because life is hard, but they are just small hurts.
“Underneath, as I was able to see, I’m untouched.
“So that in itself was quite freeing, and the message that my soul had for me was also quite incredible — it was that I needed to forgive my self — and have compassion for my self.
“It was incredibly clear.
“It was sort of an image, but it was more so an undeniable inner knowing under the influence of iboga, I was able to tap into.
“When you see something so clearly and there’s a simple thing you can do — forgive my self — that’s what I did.
“I believe it was Einstein who said, ‘Big truth will always be something simple and beautiful’ and that was how I experienced this one.
“So I looked inside and I let go of it.
“I let go of all my unforgiveness and made room for compassion with my self.
“It was easy to do — seeing that that was all I needed to do — and incredibly freeing.
“Instantly I felt years and years of emotional abuse, mostly from my self, vanish, like turn into a clear blue sky with no clouds left in it.
“I felt lighter, especially up around my chest and my heart area, where most of my life it felt heavy and constricted, full of things that I had held onto, pain that was not fully transformed.
“This all vanished with a simple act of looking inside and being very earnest about forgiving my self — and having compassion with my self — and learning to really trust my self again for the first time since I was a kid.
“Aside from that, I also had a back issue, some pretty serious back pain for years and years, and that had pretty much vanished, as well.
“I felt that that was tied in and connected to the unresolved hurt inside of me, and when that was let go of, the pain was let go of, too.
“When you think about it, it makes a lot of sense.
“When there is a lot of pain you are constricted, and things aren’t moving properly, so the pain was 99% gone.
“I was able to stand up perfectly straight, and feel good for the first time in a very long time, and even today it still feels good, the pain is still gone.”
Given my interest in meditation and the information I have received from guidance, I was pleasantly surprised to hear that forgiveness and compassion were the same answers the person I talked to received (then also corroborated by John above).
The person I talked to said that he saw there is absolutely nothing/no one to blame when we experience trauma, that we make the blame and shame up with thoughts/beliefs in our mind.
These thoughts/beliefs are a human creation, not of love — Archangel Michael has said this to me, as well — and for us to balance we need to eliminate them with forgiveness, compassion, and gratitude.
Here is Archangel Michael to me, Kathleen, December 11, 2012, through Linda Dillon, channel for the Council of Love:
“One of the things that you never wish to do, is to reinforce or revert, in any way re-engage, with the attributes of the old third.
“What we are surprised at, is so few have ever turned to us, to the Mother, to Gabrielle, to Raphael, to myself and say,
“’How on Earth did we ever build up the solidity of this illusion?
“‘How did this ever come to pass?’
“Everyone accepts that it is illusion and that it was built by the human collective.
“No one seems to take the credit for the powerful creation that that realm of the third is, and became, and no one seems concerned about ever reverting back.
“But we will issue this warning label:
“‘Do not go to any behaviour, thought, pattern, belief, that re-engages that old paradigm.
“‘Do not do it.’
K: “It is very insidious. Sometimes we do not realize what we are doing until after it is done.
AAM: “That is correct.
K: “We have need to be aware of what we are doing all the time.
AAM: “And it is being aware — and you will have that awareness and capacity — but you are quite correct, in so far as it can be insidious, and I ask you to share this with your group, as well.
“Let me give you a concrete example.
“There is too much greed within the third dimension and you see that everyday.
“There are those who are exceptionally wealthy and there are those that are starving with no roof, no blanket, no bed, no food, but you say, well, that has need to be corrected.
“Yes, of course, it does, but very often what happens is you say,
“‘I will take care of you’ — not that: ‘I will give you a starting point and I will assist with the development of a project.’
“You have a saying that actually came from Yeshua, from the days of Yeshua, about teaching a man to fish rather than handing him a meal.
“Now Yeshua fed the multitudes time and time and time again, but he was also teaching them each, and every meal.
“So, you can say, ‘It is of Love for me to take care of my brothers and sisters,’ so it is insidious there is no want anywhere, but you are not promoting the ability to create and co-create in that person.
“So you are wise enough in the fifth, the sixth, the seventh to provide what is necessary for the co-creation and then you have faith and trust and respect and honouring for the individual’s unique approach to create for themselves.
“So many things, including the slaughter of millions has been done in the name of love.
“That can never be repeated.”
Thank you, Archangel Michael.
I have been shown we create inner balance with forgiveness and compassion, and also in the ‘Now-moment-to-Now-moment’ deeply knowing/holding/being gratitude for our wholeness, our perfection, our purity, our peace, Love, joy.
This deep gratitude is for the creation of situations and projects, as well.
I Am Forgiveness
I Am Compassion
I Am So Grateful daily, moment to moment,
for . . . any project from health to wealth
I Am Gratitude to the Mother/Father One