The Universal Law of Karmic Dispensation is a gift of new beginnings — freely given by the Mother — the opportunity to forgive those who have harmed us, but even more important, for us to forgive ourselves.
As Karmic Dispensation is freely given, it is up to us to freely receive.
Thank you, Blossom Goodchild and the Federation of Light, for your message, January 9th, 2020, with this about forgiveness:
“Those that are involved in all that is of darkness shall begin to FEEL once again … and this is why we ask you of the Greatest Light to send them your LOVE … for the FEELINGS that shall arise within them when their soul awakens them to what they have done, and the pain they have caused shall be a ‘hell within a hell’ that they cannot escape from, until they have been forgiven by all and themselves.”
We are here to understand and truly know the Karmic Dispensation of the Mother/Father One.
Sending LOVE, forgiving everything, and being the LIGHT of worthiness, the forgiveness, we eliminate the entrenched belief systems of bigotry, hatred, limitation and control.
As we forgive our selves deeply for all thoughts and actions not of love, this life, all past lives on Gaia, and even off planet, we create a force-field of LOVE knowing our worthiness.
We are Loved no matter what ‘shenanigans’ we have gotten up to. . .
We are the ones judging our experiences.
(They are but experiences, that we had, so we do not create this ‘hell’ again.)
Karmic Dispensation is the knowing that neutralizes the judgements.
An invocation:
I invoke the Mother/Father One
and the Universal Law of Karmic Dispensation
to wipe the slate clean of all things I have done or not done,
all karmic debt that is owed to me and that I owe
and have incurred — be forgiven, erased.
I request this karmic dispensation, I Am Karmic Dispensation,
and also, the Mother’s Gift of Her Blue Diamonds
for all beings and to energize all of Earth.

The Mother’s Blue Diamond Energy to Heal – Her Forgiveness of Everything
Thank you to the Mother/Father One
Please join:
8 Minutes @ 8AM and/or 8PM
Sending and Holding LOVE
for Balance on Gaia