I feel the more aware we are – I Am Heart Conscious – we understand the higher realms where we do no harm to anything, where we remember our Divinity, that place of no hierarchy.
Linda in Canberra wrote in about a movie, Earthlings, narrated by Joaquim Phoenix, that illustrates the terrible, horrific things we have done to animals and nature here.
I plan to watch it, trying to be really conscious, to take responsibility for what I have done to help create the old ways on this planet, saying the Hawaiian Ho’oponopono mantra:
“I’m so sorry. Forgive me. I Love you. Thank you.”
I feel this segment of the history of this planet, the horror and violence, the war and mayhem, is over when we are truly Love within and without.
This post, Navigating Difficult Emotions, on Conscious Evolution resonates with me:
“When we understand, even if just intellectually at first, why and how difficult states are absolutely crucial to our well-being, this gives us incentive to stay present and open to them and override our knee-jerk tendency to shut down and go away when they surface.
“What’s more, when we attune to and are patient with what’s difficult, that darkness transforms us little by little into more light, a light we cannot attain from Yang states alone.
“Only by staying with what’s dark can we create more love and light from what seems rotten and miserable. . .
“In being with painful feelings and letting them change us, they recede.
“The more we allow ourselves to be changed by them, the more they dissolve.
“In fact, they recede in proportion to how much we allow them to change us, as if their purpose were to get us to pay attention, to surrender, and to transform.
“From being with and working through our anger, sadness, fear, remorse, and envy, we develop genuine compassion, courage, creativity, inspiration, meaning, purpose, empathy, and greater love — qualities I call our finer jewels of being human.”
Tara Brach has a compassion meditation called RAIN that I find most helpful:
As I feel within — my willingness to face emotions not of love, to sit in the sorrow/shame, anger/fear to be that forgiveness, compassion, gratitude for the experiences, “it’s ok, sweetheart” to know I Am Love, I Am Divine — I help create the New without.