The Universal Law of Change teaches us that the core, the very essence of us does not change, but that everything is in constant movement; that we are never not in the flow of change.
Mother Mary, Mother of Love, Mother of Hope, Mother of Change, Constancy, and Continuity — the three C’s — says She has birthed each one of us, that we have moved, traveled, been expelled, birthed from Her Essence, from Her Core.
In our birthing as a Spark of Light is the movement of Love, of energy into form. We started out as a Spark of Light, of Love, and then the adventure began in form.
If we look at it over a very long — what we think of as time span — we can see the progression and the many changes that we in conjunction with the Mother, our beloved guides, and many consultants, have wrought.
We have been angels, star beings, interplanetary beings. We have assumed many forms such as rocks, trees, animals, and we have always been in accordance with the Law of Change, the Law of Continuity, the Law of Constancy, for it incorporates all 3 of these aspects.
The core of us, the very essence of Who We Are, does not change.
It continues, assumes different forms, travels throughout the omniverse, but the core of our being is constant, and it is in constant movement even throughout what we think of as this lifetime.
We are in constant movement.
There are times when we are in stillpoint of creation, but even in stillpoint,
there is still the movement of creation and of re-creation.
The Essence of Who We Are continues throughout time and space.
That is the Law and the Law of Change.
We are constant movement — consistency — and we remain in that movement until we actually return at the completion, the end of our journey, when we reunite with One.
The ability for stillpoint and change
Stillpoint is part of our spiritual genetic makeup.
Stillpoint — we hold the stillpoint for 17 seconds — is the amount of time in our realm that we hold for what we would think of as fertilization and actualization.
Gestation is 9 months for a human birth. (In reality it is 17 seconds.)
When we begin our 17 seconds of stillness, we are not the same person at the end of that 17 seconds.
We have changed.
Skin has changed and hair follicles have changed. Aging and restoration has taken place. Gaia has continued to spin on her axis.
We are never not in the flow of change.
It simply is not possible.
So even when we take the brief hiatus on the stillpoint, we are still in the movement because the energy of the Universe continues to move. It moves with us, through us, around us.
Our blood does not stop flowing. Our heart does not stop beating.
This change of our breath, our heart beating, our blood flowing is the Mother’s Gift of Her Infinite Eternal Expansion.
This constancy of change and the continuity within that is the gift of our Eternal Becoming.
Creation and the Infinite and Eternal Flow of Love
What is creation except the manipulation of particles, subatomic fibres, molecules, energy, into what we wish to experience, and the Mother emphasizes the only thing we wish to experience is Love.
That is it.
We may label it relationship, financial security, adventure, meaningful work, but really it is Love.
What is Love except the Eternal flow, the constant changing flow of energy, not only between ourselves, and between us and Gaia, but between the Mother and us.
That is the one cord that cannot
and will not ever be broken
and it is the Infinity cord.
It is the flow of energy between the Mother and us. It is Her Love that she sends freely, and constantly to each, and every one, of our hearts.
It is the infusion of Her Blue Diamond,
and our Pink, and the Father’s Gold,
so that our tri-flame is balanced.
Some of us are very much like the Mother, but some of us are magnificently like the Father.
Some of us are so uniquely, distinctly, ourselves that we are celebrated above, below, and beyond.
This flow of Love, this Infinity of Love, never stops, and inside that is simply life force, inspiration, ideas, energy to keep us going.
It is to create, and to create not in confusion, and certainly not in the old paradigms of the old 3rd dimension.
It is to create and co-create our Ascension, claiming our position in service to the Light, the truth, to our sacred self, to service, to our sacred unions – plural — to Father/Mother One, our guides, brothers, sisters, soul family, partner, children, community.
That cannot stop.
Understanding the Law of Change — the constant change is the gift
Here are some questions we can ask our selves:
What am I doing with every moment of my life?
Am I keyed in to the Infinite Creation and Expansion of the Mother?
Or am I hiding in the hole? Am I cowering in fear?
Am I limiting myself?
The time of being outside the Law of Change, of denying the Law of Change, is over.
We have witnessed children who put their hands over their eyes and think because they cannot see you that you have disappeared — peek-a-boo — it is very sweet.
Many of us have done this, and thought if I can’t see it, then it will disappear, and I will not have to deal with this constant change.
The change,
the constant change is the gift.
It is the gift of Infinite becoming, of such expansion. . .
We have unlimited capacities
We brought the totality of our mastery, talents, capacities, capabilities, abilities anchored in our human form — our mind, heart, body, will — so the question is, with each moment, which is a brand new opportunity:
What am I creating?
Am I in that Infinite flow?
Have I accepted, paid attention
where I am in my cycle of creation?
Am I in the formulation of inspiration and simply listening and dreaming, which is magnificent, playful, gleeful, and fun?
Or am I in the position or in the point in my cycle where I am planning and putting the pieces together?
Am I in implementation? Am I in the action?
Am I in the fulfillment, and then starting to believe, and think about what my next undertaking will be?
Within each of these creations are a million small creations because in each moment the energy is shifting, expanding, moving.
The Law of Change is the Law of Movement,
but the core of that energy and our energy is constant.
It continues until the time we return, and even in that merger, that re-emerger, there is movement.
The question isn’t:
“Do I like change?
“Do I embrace change?
“How do I manage change?”
It is the deeper acceptance and allowance.
This is the Law of the Universe.
What are the Universal Laws
except what the Mother has laid down
to help us understand how things work?
It is very simple — an acceptance.
It is not possible for us to exempt or divorce our self
from the process and the Law of Change.
We can put our head in the sand and we can pretend — and some of us are very good at pretending, we excel at it, we can deny, but it does not change what is going on — and that is change.
Invoking the Law of Change we work with it in the flow
We are in the flow to be the constancy of creation, to be the mirror, not only of the Mother/Father One, but the Truth of Who We Are, Infinite, evolving.
I invoke the Mother, the Law of Change
in the flow of the constancy of CREATION
to be the mirror of the Mother/Father One,
the Truth of Who I Am, Infinite and evolving.
We are not limited to one dimension or another
Our playground is very large. Our palate is very large — the human realm, 12 dimensions, 12 levels within each of those dimensions — and then some fine tuning.
What do we wish to do with change? Welcome it and work with it.
Things are constantly flowing.
If things are not flowing in the way that we desire
Even though the energy continues flowing. . .
feel, re-direct
our self into the flow,
so that it can be working with us
in ways that are harmonious and in keeping,
not just with our truth, but with our self. We are magnificent.
We would not be here at this time of change, rapid change, if we were not up to it, if we were not fully-prepared and competent.
The Mother’s trust, and Her Knowing of what we are capable of, knows no bounds. She is in the flow with us.
There is a great deal of chaos and turmoil at the surface right now
Chaos and turmoil has need to be eliminated. That is part of the constant movement. We can think of it in this way:
The tide is in but the tide will go out.
The tide will carry all that jetsam and flotsam, chaos and turmoil, and it will be transmuted, and changed into things of beauty.
It looks like a great deal of insanity because it is not of love.
It is of lack.
It is lack of self-love and lack of self-worth, and lack of understanding that the person across the aisle or across the planet is our brother or sister, so it is easy to become frozen in fear, or frozen in overwhelm.
There is a very simple remedy to that.
It is each of us every single day creating
— to create what our heart desires —
the change that we need, desire and want,
in this moment, this Eternal Moment of Now.
When we are involved in working with change and continuity, the expression of our Divinity into form, every day, then what happens is that ripple effect.
So we say:
“Wait a minute, I am an artist, and today my creation in the working with the change is bringing into form, on canvas or paper, something that has never existed before — never and never will again” — and it is an inspiration.
It is a piece of beauty, no matter whether we are pleased with the final product, or not. It is our expression, working in the flow, and we say:
“How does that change what is happening in Syria?”
Because we just brought forth, rather than being engaged in the drama, the hatred, the violence, the destruction, we made a choice to be a purveyor of beauty.
The energy we are putting out moves all the way to Syria, to Africa, to Russia and back to the Eastern Seaboard — because It Is — and it is as fast as that.
It is not slow and laborious. When we focus on what we may think are small things — with Love and heart consciousness — and not ego, we are changing the planet.
We just anchored more Love,
more beauty, and that creates the tipping point.
Pure intent and mal-intent
There are those with the purest intent, and sometimes those with mal-intent. There is ample evidence of the old 3rd dimension.
We are powerful, individually and collectively, as creators.
There are those among us whose primary creation is misinformation, and the creation of fear, doubt, trepidation, and lack.
But do we wish to partake of that energy? Absolutely not.
When we read such information, watch TV, listen to the radio, we can think two things:
Is this change contributing to the anchoring of myself, humanity and Gaia in the higher dimensional realms?
Is it of Love?
This is a time to use heart discernment.
Does it feel like Love?
It is a very quick “Yes” or “No.”
Then: Do I wish to integrate this information into my being and into the creations that I am bringing forth every moment of every day?
Our creations are not simply the piece of beautiful art that we have spent the day on, or the week, or the year on.
It is also the creation of a smile in the grocery store, a look, a tender hug for one in pain.
Do I wish to bring this tearing down information into my realm and my sacred space?
Does this feel like it came from the Infinite Creation of the Mother?
Did it come from the highest place of Love?
If the answer is, “No” then we go back to what we were doing.
The same way, if we were plopped you down in the middle of the worst chaos — say in Egypt — would we immediately start to take sides with the various factions?
Would we immediately become involved in their dramas?
Or would we stand there as the beacon of truth, simply holding the light, so that others could find that sense of calm?
Holding the centre of calm, we hold the centre of peace, not vilifying any faction, any piece of written material or visual material.
Vilification is not of Love.
It is not to our benefit, to our creations within the Mother’s Creation to assume that energy into our sacred space.
Understanding the Constancy of the Law of Change
Every moment our heart is beating. There is oxygen exchanged. New cells are being created. Some are dying off.
There is constant movement in our physical body, and it is creating the New.
We may say, “Well I don’t think it’s creating the New. I feel like I’m getting older.”
That is a mindset that we are buying into and creating. We can change that.
Now is the time to internalize
rejuvenation — forgiveness, self-Love,
and restoration — gratitude for self-worth,
creating emerald LOVE, CHARITY, COMPASSION
The physical changes, our physical circumstances, our physical environment are shifting.
What we do to prepare is we put in place, we create — both big C and little c and middle C — we create every day aspects.
Paying attention to where we are in our creation flow,
we put in place aspects of the physical
we know are going to contribute
to where we want to be at the
outcome of our creation.
There are times in the process of creation when we are in the implementation, the dreaming, the planning, where we will shift what we are creating — and that is because we are working with constant change — it will change anyway.
– and this applies to the physical –
change is also sequenced and sequential.
What does sequence and sequential mean?
Certain things, physical as well as esoteric or spiritual, have need to be put in place first, before other things can be put in place.
For example, when building a house, we do not begin
by putting on the roof.
No, first we build the foundation.
How do we build the foundation in our communities?
We do it by having good neighbours, by sharing with like-minded people.
They do not need to be aware of the fullness of what is happening.
What they need to be aware of is our Love — that we think they are fabulous — and they will live up to that.
They will change towards the vision we are holding.
Why do they do so? Because what we are saying is:
“I know what you are.
“You are a Child of Creation, of the Mother.
“You may do things that you are acting out because of fear, lack, limitation or simply because you have engaged the darkness of your own being, but I know what you are capable of.
“I know the truth of you.”
We are building that foundation, not only within ourself, but within our community, our neighbourhood, our family, and we hold that vision.
We don’t just hold it as something that is amorphous and untouchable, unreachable.
We work together to manifest what is joyful, what is pleasurable, what feels solid and dependable and buildable, and from there, we sequence.
If we have begun to say, “Hello” to each other, acknowledge each other, then perhaps the next point in that sequence is actually trusting each other enough to have a conversation, or perhaps to do something together.
We build. That is what we are doing.
We are in co-creation with our planet and we are the builders of Nova Earth.
We are bringers of the New Way.
We are the bringers of the New You.
In this way we are acting in the physical,
and if we do not feel safe, simply feel
the Mother put Her Blue Velvet Cloak around us.
It will protect us no matter what, but there are situations particularly as our world is shifting, and the turmoil comes to the surface, from war in the Middle East to not enough money in our bank account.
Both are the same energy.
Ask for help.
When we turn to the Mother, if we allow Her to embrace us with Her Energy, we will feel safe and secure.
If we allow the Mighty Ones to surround us (see below How to Post the Mighty Ones), we will feel safe and secure.
If we don our suit of light armour, we will feel safe and secure.
That does not mean, because we have an open heart, that we will not feel moments, not so much of fear but of, “Oh no, that does not belong on this planet and in this sacred environment of Gaia.”
In the feeling of that energy we move into the elimination.
“It is not right that I should not have enough money to pay my rent, my medical bills, my telephone bill.
“That is not what I create in this Universe.”
Then we are doing what we need to do in concert with the Mother, with our guides and guardians to feel safe and secure.
We are anchored in the higher dimensions
It is because of that that we have the clarity of vision to see what is awry, what needs shifting, and needs elimination in the 3rd.
Humanity has made this choice, and the Divine is in full participation.
It would be erroneous to think that their presence is not with us because It Is.
When these atrocities such as being homeless becomes illegal — what we would call a sin — it comes to the surface so the absurdity of such situations can be cleared.
A way to be heart centred
Place hands upon heart.
Feel as if the energy is draining
from head to heart, that all the energy,
the random thoughts, are going down an elevator
to the basement, into our heart, into the depths of our heart.
The LOVE of Mother Mary is found in our heart
Mary, Universal Mother, Mother of Hope, of Change, of Constancy wants us to remember the Constancy of Her Love, the cherished memories of yesterday and tomorrow, and the Continuity of All Existence.
There are times when we become caught or enmeshed in struggle, and this is happening less and less, but there are also times when we are triggered or anchored in sorrow or sadness.
Part of the reason for sorrow and sadness is that we do not remember anything other than the existence we are having.
As we anchor in the higher realms, the higher dimensions, we will remember backwards and forwards. We will see the continuity of our sacred self, our soul family, but primarily of the Love.
That after all the trappings have come and gone, and the sweetness of expressions of that Love, the inner reality is immutable and it is Eternal.
Each of us, in this lifetime, have experienced what is deemed as loss, loss of a Loved one, even if they are still living.
There are those who have left us, and left our heart battered and bruised, just as we have to them, but that is not the truth of Who We Are.
It is not the truth of any relationship, whether it is spouse or partner, or sacred union or sacred friendship, or soul family.
We are united in this journey of One and this circle, each of us are traveling back to the Light, to what we think of as Source, together, and we are not doing so alone.
For while the Mother is Source, She is accompanying us, as are our guides, the Masters, and the entire Council of Love, but She does not come this day to tell us not to be sad or sorrowful, because this is also a time upon our planet when the memory, the collective memory of grief, of pain, of suffering, and of sorrow is being relinquished.
We are to let the tears flow and the truth shine through,
to wrap ourselves in Her Velvet Cloak of Blue,
to let Her hold us and give us comfort,
then let Her dry our eyes with the stars
that we will remember how brightly we shine.
Noting Changes
It’s a good idea to take time, each and everyday, to be the observer to look at what has occurred in the span of twenty-four hours of our day and to do this consistently at the time of our meditation.
Note all the changes that have occurred during that span of time.
What are the actions that have taken place?
How were the interactions with others?
Were we of Love?
Were we holding the environment of Love, the energy of creation?
Or did we fall into frustration, anger, and bitterness?
It is not an issue for judgment, but discernment.
If we find the answer is, “Yes” to anger, bitterness, judgment, then release and surrender it unto Sanat Kumara, unto the Mother, unto Gabrielle, unto your gods.
Give it away: be forgiving with compassion,
in humility, non–judgement, and gratitude for all lessons.
That is movement. That is action. That is the Law of the Universe.
Pay attention, make a journal note to see what has changed, and the progression both of our mighty self and the unfoldment of our plan, of our expression.
Recognize that there is a sequence to unfolding.
There is a patterning that is throughout our Universe, that the pattern is not simply chaos.
There is an unfoldment of plan for us as well,
sequencing and sequential, that is the key.
The reason we are feeling overwhelmed is that we are still living in the grid of false illusion of limitation.
Go into meditation and eliminate the false grid of limitation and lack.
This is true for both sides of the spectrum.
This is a time, yes of action and change, but it also a time when the construct, the belief that Earth and those who sit upon her, can only receive so much at a time, is being broken.
When we are in the flow,
we are literally in the endless potential of reality.
Flow upon the Infinity Sign
and from time to time visit the still point
in the centre of this symbol and of this energy
but otherwise stay in the flow.
Jot down progress daily in a notebook during or after meditation time — the change, the movement — and open.
Open our heart
to our own unlimited ability
to receive
to create.
Many of us are working with the Elimination Law, and are being given rapid demonstrations of how well we create, for we no sooner eliminate, then we instantly recreate what we have just eliminated. Understand that this is a waste of energy, so be sure to have another look to make sure we are not doing this.
‘The other side’ works in eons and we, as humans, work in frameworks of months, years, days, hours.
Paying attention we can note progress.
Posting the Mighty Ones
When we post the archangels, we are making a healing/creation chamber around us, around our living space that expands our vibrations (Divine Understandings) and raises our frequency (Divine Knowing) by bringing the balance of the higher realms into the here and Now.
It is similar to a ‘light box’ so everything that is not of love emerges, comes to mind to be looked at, for us to forgive our self/others, to be that master of compassion and humility — the observer of everything with non-judgement — and to find that joy, that gratitude for life purpose for this Ascension lifetime where an entire planet is ascending into the higher realms remembering the truth of Love.
Post Archangel Michael with his Blue Flame of Truth
at the door to your house, apartment, room,
and see him walk along
to stand at the 1st corner,
colouring the entire wall sapphire blue
for protection, change,
trust, hope, forgiveness, PEACE, serenity
, our Infinite Potential.
Beside Michael post Archangel Raphael with his Emerald Flame.
See him walk along the entire 2nd wall,
colouring it emerald green,
to stand at the 2nd corner.
Emerald green is charity,
compassion – ability to be the observer –
understanding and the knowing of the 13th Octave,
the Divine Blessings, Virtues, Qualities, Universal Laws, Who We Are.
Beside Raphael post Archangel Uriel, the Bringer of the Future
with his gentle Silver Flame and see him walk along the 3rd wall to the corner,
colouring the entire wall shiny silver.
Silver is TRUTH and BEAUTY,
the courage to look into our hearts,
into the shadows,
to forgive and connect to that flow of abundance.
The Future is Now.
Beside Uriel post Archangel Jophiel, the Anchor of the Future,
and see him colouring the 4th wall magenta,
and then to stand at the 4th corner.
Magenta is beautiful,
the perfect balance of red and blue,
compassion, kindness, gentleness, beauty, wisdom.
Post Archangel Gabrielle with the golden and silver spiral
of Ascension,
of Love and truth in the middle of the chamber
with her burnished Golden Trumpet, the Trumpet of Truth
that she gives us,
so when we speak, we speak truth.
Gold is our self-worth, healing,
gratitude, JOY for sacred purpose,
conscious awareness of our wholeness – the truth of beauty.
The Blessing and Virtue of Awe
Archangel Jophiel, one of the Mighty Ones, teaches us the blessing and virtue of awe which is the colour of golden saffron.
Jophiel is the Anchor of the Future. He comes on the ray of magenta and amethyst, and often says, “He is our island, our place of safety.”
Archangel Jophiel incarnated as Joseph, the husband, the partner of who we think of as Mary, Mother Mary, the Mother of Jesus, Yeshua.
He says he is in awe of each of us as he is in awe of the Mother/Father One, the Mighty Ones, the archangels, the Masters, the guides, the multiverse, our star brothers and sisters, but he speaks to his awe of each of us.
Much has been said of the process of transition, Ascension, shift, becoming — we are in the middle of a big change — but Jophiel says he is in wonder of our magnificence.
He is in awe of our perfection, our Divine Perfection in human form, that our human design and soul design is perfect; that much is said of our tenacity, valour, courage, beauty, but it is the core of your being that stops him in his tracks. . .
the purity and the innocence
and the sweetness of our hearts.
He says that what we have experienced here does not mar the perfection and beauty of Who We Are.
Jophiel reminds us we have chosen to come to this planet — this remarkable Gaia, who is awesome herself — to come and to be the fullness of our being, not to live in the shadows, but to declare our wholeness, brightness, mastery.
We are whole and in our mastery,
that we brought this with us.
We are here to Love.
We are here to know the Light in general physicality.
We are here to remember we are multidimensional, that we are angelic and hybrid, starseed and Earth-keeper.
It is not one or the other. We are all of the above.
He asks us to remember more and more and more of our sweet self, of what we are truly capable of, and to do it, not out of a sense of drudgery, or responsibility, or need, but to do it playfully because we are creating.
We are creating a new planet, new societies, cities of light.
We are painting the Earth the same way as Michael has painted the aurora borealis and it’s supposed to be fun 🙂
So when we need to be reminded of this journey of joy
to lighten up 🙂
We are free to play, to do as we desire because our heart is accurate.
Our heart does not lie or mislead — so trust, and Love fully — there is never any point in Loving half-heartedly. That is not Love.
We bring the totality of our being to everything we do, and if it looks a little dull to use the rainbow sparkles of his Jophie Dust and use it liberally!
Sparkle up the planet, and let the beauty be seen.
Take time each day to cherish ourselves,
to see how awesome, how innocent we truly are.
Practical Suggestions
One of the things that occurs when we take ourselves too seriously is there is this sense of self-importance that is born of ego, and it is false ego, the false grids.
We put ourselves in prison when we take ourselves too seriously.
There may not be any visible bars around us, but we are absolutely putting ourself in prison adopting the false grids, the entrenched beliefs that don’t serve us.
Jophiel says we may sprinkle — or take an entire bag — and simply dump it over our head or another’s if we are in this kind of a place.
He says the planet, Sirius, is a planet of play, that it is a portal (like an airport) that there are many who pass through Sirius. The dolphins, whales, dogs, wolves, all immigrated through Sirius and it is a place of play.
So, even the word — his point is — even the word, “Sirius” has the wrong connotation, and it is the sense of lack of self worth when people take themselves too seriously.
We don’t relieve it by becoming more serious.
We don’t do it by saying, “Well, let me take on a little more burden so that I may feel a little more weighed down.”
We do it by reverting back to the acceptance, and the knowing, and the welcoming that there is an entire Universe out there, of which we are a part, that we don’t know about, and that isn’t bad news.
It is good news, that there is always, always, more to discover, more to play with, more to understand, more to assist the Mother with.
How many times do we hear people say, “I am so bored with my job”?
What is happening is we are thinking and creating mundane lives, jobs, routines that do not give us the golden joy that is our birthright, and without that sense of awe and joy, we can’t create.
The solution?
It is literally understanding that we know what we need to know, and there is more to come, and that is exciting.
That is what makes the journey worthwhile, and if we did not have the innate capacity of our mastery, then we would not have the ability to deal with this, and to look at it, with those eyes of innocence, purity, and awe.
That sense of adventure, of looking at a sky. . . Can you imagine looking at a sky that never changes? That never has a cloud, or an angel hovering above? That you never see a million stars one night, and half of them are starships? Can you imagine going into a garden where nothing ever changes. It doesn’t grow, it doesn’t loose its petals. It doesn’t burst through the soil?
Everything Is Unfoldment.
How will those who are not aware come to know this?
One of the ways, apart from Jophie Dust, apart from more laughter, more sense of awe, is this growing understanding, sometimes not on the conscious level, that things are changing.
It is a constant.
It is one of the constructs, not only of our planet but of the Infinite, expanding Universe, so it is really quite absurd for anyone to think that things won’t change, and that people will not evolve.
We have gone pretty much to the limit, in terms of our creative ability — collectively the human race, to create darkness, to create hatred, greed, control, lack, limitation and we did an awesome job.
Now our souls are looking around, and saying, “Okay, we’re done with that. Now we’re in a New Realm. What can we create?”
That is why people are restless, and tired.
They are restless, looking around for what is new for them, and that is good because what is happening is the creative juices, and that sense of, “I don’t want the same old” is again coming right to the surface.
So many are feeling, “I want to remember what it feels like to jump out of bed excited with what I’m going to do.”
That is what is changing.
When people are in their creative mode there is no stopping.
That is how we will measure the shift taking place.
Passion and compassion, magenta and amethyst
That inkling ‘something has to change’ is the best news because it is the beginning — not of looking outside — but within, because the next question is always: “What can I do?” and what we can do, literally, is unlimited.
We have brought all of our unique, awesome talents and abilities to this lifetime.
We left nothing behind which is, in and of itself, unusual and is part of the shift process.
There are many lifetimes when we will say, “I will not bring my artistic talent because I want to know what it feels like to be the observer of art, rather than the creator of art. I will not bring my humility, because I want to learn the lessons of humility, or I will bring the compassion, but not the passion, and I will live as a monk. I will not bring my ability of creating abundance, because I will live in poverty, and learn that.”
Now much of these various experiments were done in order to fully examine and explore the false grids of the old 3rd, so each of us did it in various ways, but this life and this time we brought everything.
So it doesn’t mean that we are an artist, a writer, a singer, a dancer, a brilliant businessman, a diplomat, but what it does mean is we brought our unique and beautiful talents.
We have talents and options that we may have not even explored.
So part of that question of, “Well, what else can I do? I’m stuck on the hamster wheel, on the treadmill, doing what I’ve been doing for years and years.”
Turn off the switch.
Come and sit with Jophiel and look within at our self
Open our heart to receive more information about Who We Are, and you
How do we do that?
Focus on the pink diamond flame
in the center of our heart
that is the wholeness of our Divinity.
It is a wonderful, sparkly pink.
Go and simply sit in it.
Or go and buy a $5, $2 ring, that is phoney, but is bright pink and sparkly.
Wear it, and let it allow the beauty of Who We Are — and the options of what we designed for ourself in concert with us — to open and to flow.
It is to go with what makes our heart sing.
What gives us that sense of incredible, indescribable awe?
What is it that we can manifest that we would look at, and just stand there and say, “I can’t believe I did it. I made it. Here we are.”
There is a quality to creation, awe, innocence,
and THE KNOWING that there is always more,
so it absolutely cancels out limitation and lack.
So when we are doing our dreaming — which is what we do in terms of the beginning of our creation process — build it and then grow it again and then grow it again.
Give our self the latitude, the credit to know that we are mighty,
and so to do what makes our heart sing.
We are not to do just to bring money.
Think and feel,
“What will give me indescribable pleasure?”
And when I show it to somebody, will they go: “Oh! Wow!”
Or is it:
“Oh, that sounds like it might work. You might be able to make a few dollars.”
Manifest what makes our heart sing — then the money follows.
We are the creation of the Mother, each of us, above and below, the creation of the Mother, and does that not give all of us a profound sense of awe?
Turn to Jophiel. Play with him.
Play with the fairies, divas, animals,
trees, flowers, and mountains.
and dream big!
The 4th Dimension
Our umbilical chakra, our belly button is the colour of amber, maple syrup, of corn syrup, molasses, that golden brown.
This chakra is our centre for the elimination of addictions. It is our centre for the elimination of pain.
All addictions — regardless to what or about what — are addictions to pain.
We can feel this umbilical open and we can spin the pain out into the Universe.
We can release this pain
— this lack, this limitation —
release it to the Mother, to the Father,
to our guides, to the All.
This is one of our centres for change,
where we begin to allow our physical,
our idea, our selves to truly be in the flow. . .
See this maple syrup, this corn syrup,
flowing out, s p i r a l l i n g o u t . . .
This is our home for the 4th dimension, the place of magic and alchemy — seeing the fairies, sprites, gnomes — with the qualities of wonder and awe and acceptance, surrender.
It is the beginning of transmutation (change back to original purity) and transubstantiation (knowing the truth of our Divinity).
As we sit in this chakra, the energy, the field around begins to shift as we allow ourselves to be fully present, immersed in the 4th dimension.
It is important for us to realize that once we have anchored this growth component within ourself — anchored the 4th dimension lessons and growth within our being — these beings and abilities will be not only visible but commonplace.
An everyday human example of this dimension, and one which bothered Albert Einstein throughout his human life, was the splitting of the atom. What we think of as science, is often simply operating within this dimension.
In review: The Universal Law of Change is the Law of Movement, the knowing that change is constant.
With our individual births is the movement of Love, the movement of energy into form.
As we continue throughout time and space, we are in constant movement, with our core, the very essence of Who We Are, never changing.
That is the Law of Change, while the blessing and virtue of awe is the innocence of the child within, the sense of wonder understanding the magnificence of the Universal Plan, the unfoldment, the miracles. . . that everything is unfoldment. . .
Basking in the wonder of awe, that golden saffron, we are invited to go with what makes our heart sing therefore automatically cancelling out all limitation and lack. We are here to dream big!
Our umbilical chakra, home of the 4th dimension, is our centre for the elimination of addictions, all pain, where we allow our selves to be in the flow of creation, of magic and wonder.
It is a place of surrender, acceptance, the beginning of transmutation (change back to original purity) and transubstantiation (knowing the truth of Divinity) where magic is commonplace.
Anchoring in the information about the Law of Change, the blessing and virtue of awe, and the growth patterns of the 4th dimension contributes mightily to our Ascension journey.