The daffodil symbolizes new beginnings and rebirth
A few years ago in January 2012, Grener, President of the Intergalactic Council, explained through Linda Dillon, channel for the Council of Love, who Wakana Taka is on An Hour with an Angel to Steve Beckow:
“The primary being who sits at this table with us, as the representative of Earth and as head of your delegation, is Wakana Taka.
[Wakana Taka is Lakhota for Great Spirit or Great Mystery].
And he is a very ancient being – and notice that I do not say ‛spirit’– for he is the being that has tended those who have tended the Council Fire of Gaia.” (1)
Almost a year later in December, Christina Mahler of Zurich was given the information below, personally by Wakana Taka, in a reading through Linda Dillon.
Wakana Taka commends and encourages us onward in our Ascension as One, what he called “an unprecedented act of generosity on the part of the human race.”
I am Wakana Taka. And yes, I step forward in reverence to our beloved [Archangel] Michael, but not submission, because we are also in partnership the same way you are.
And I come and I beckon to both of you as I have beckoned to you many times before, and as I have sat and visited with you at the Council Fire of Gaia, as you hold this planet steady.
But make no mistake about it, my beloved friends, my family, that you have ascended with Gaia well into the 5th and through to the 7th.
You may feel a little displaced. You may be waiting on the others to catch up. But that does not mean that you haven’t shifted.
Yes, it is a time of some displacement and confusion upon the planet, but it has been a human collective decision as well in terms of the generous offer to keep the doorway open and to hold that flame of Gaia steady so that all may pass through.
It is an unprecedented act of generosity on the part of the human race, and it marks a magnitude of significant evolution in the consciousness.
And if you are looking for proof of being shifting to higher consciousness, dear one, then that is it — the fact that you have consciously chosen to wait so that others can catch up — that you act as vessels and guidance, as wayshowers and pillars.
I know you have had your moments of discouragement, but you have traveled with me far too long to not know that these discouragements are but illusions and simply the clearing of your own debris, and that you are making the pathway clear.
It is far too early to quit. And I speak this bluntly because I can, because I always have.
You know seldom do I speak to the populace. I represent them, yes, but what I also do is represent their highest interests, as do you.
My beloved family and children, you cannot give up. You have accepted the sacred trust.
We cannot unwind, nor do we wish to invoke the power of the Law of Elimination to simply vanquish everything that has been accomplished. Now, that would truly be sad and cause for despair. I will not have it.
My faith in you, my confidence, my Love, has carried us together to this point, and to this point of new beginnings.
Do not turn away from the promise of fulfillment. Do not turn away from Who You Are.
Could you escape and go and play? Yes. And do I encourage you to take time to escape and go and play? Yes. Always. For this journey on Earth was never meant to be simply work, work, work, drudgery.
The work is intended to be light-filled. (2)
Thank you, Wakana Taka
In August 2016, Ashira, Commander of the United Forces of the Outer Galaxies, again through Linda Dillon, explains how ground forces are growing daily, are in every walk of life and that, “There is no nation that is not being attended to; there is no group that is not being attended to and watched over, assisted where and if we may.”
My beloveds, so often you are saying to us, “Come and join us, come and walk with us, and let this disclosure (as you term it) be fulfilled.” And you know there have been so many various announcements upon your planet, and by people in what you think of or consider ‘authority’. And yet, so often it simply goes ignored or unreported. It matters not.
But in the same way, my friends, we have been beckoning you, we have been calling to you, we have been inviting you. Earth, Gaia (sometimes also known as Gia) that we often call Terra Nova, has been part of the Intergalactic Council for well over a decade.
Your original representatives, Wakana Taka and company, those who have also served at the Council Fire of the Mother Gaia, have performed and served extraordinarily well, but this delegation, as we would call it, is rapidly expanding.
Your period of internship is over. The period of finding your legs, as it were, is over. And it is time for Earth, for Gaia, to be fully represented – and not only in ceremonial ways but fully as humans.
Now our forces on the ground, our “boots on the ground” – although many of them wear sneakers, high-tops, low-tops and everything in between! – are growing daily, and they are in every walk of life.
Our favourite spots and our favourite towns are highly populated, but they are in Wall Street, in Washington, in Moscow, in Saudi Arabia, Israel.
There is no nation that is not being attended to; there is no group that is not being attended to and watched over, assisted where and if we may. (3)
This then is an introduction to Wakana Taka, the Primary Representative of Earth, the head of our delegation at galactic counsels.
Gratitude to Grener, Wakana Taka, Ashira,
and to our Galactic Brothers and Sisters
watching over us and on the ground.
As Above So Below
As Within So Without
(1) “Transcript of An Hour with an Angel with Grener, Jan. 31, 2012,” at https://goldenageofgaia.com/archive/trip-to-greners-neptune-feb-4-2012/transcript-of-an-hour-with-an-angel-with-grener-jan-31-2012/
(2) “Wakana Taka: You Have Shifted, Make No Mistake About It,” channeled by Linda Dillon for the Council of Love, March 2, 2013, https://goldenageofgaia.com/2013/03/02/wakana-taka-you-have-shifted-make-no-mistake-about-it/
(3) “Commander Ashira of UFOG ~ We Are Your Complements!” channeled by Linda Dillon, August 23, 2016, https://counciloflove.com/2016/08/commander-ashira-of-ufog-we-are-your-complements/