2017, Happy Mother’s Day, Gaia
Thank you for your patience, your fortitude, your perseverance, your Love for us. I apologize, I am sorry for my contributing to your suffering.
As a way to peace, Universal Mother Mary spoke to me in a personal reading, through Linda Dillon April 2015, about the power of forgiveness and compassion:
“Apologies — receiving a genuine ‘I’m sorry’– when someone says that truly from their heart it is a request for forgiveness, and so in the person receiving the apology, it is not only the transmutation, and what I would call the rectification of an injury, it is an expansion of the receiver to then from a higher realm grant forgiveness and feel compassion.” (1)
We have all witnessed actions that are not of love, and either been the perpetrator or on the receiving end of this behaviour.
With growing conscious awareness of our wholeness, and with help from the Divine Teachings through the Council of Love, I witness myself shifting.
Compassion is not tolerating or allowing excessive behaviour — for example bullying — it is not stepping back in agreement of the behaviour, but at the same time it is never judgement because that is never of love.
The bully without could be reflecting the ‘bully’ within, for us to see our selves, without judgement.
When I ‘bully’ myself within,
I am contributing to the sorrow of this planet.
Not judging anything — ourselves, any person or situation — sending compassion is the way of Nova Being.
Aware of how we feel, yet acting with compassion, we hold the higher vision for everyone involved.
When we can let go, in moments of misunderstanding, chaos, mayhem, and send compassion to individuals, groups, organizations, instead of feeling ‘less than’, we find that the compassion comes right back to us and creates miracles.
Taking sensible action with excessive behaviour patterns, within and without with Love, our Divinity rises up rather than defensiveness in ourselves or others.
Being defensive is something
we are learning to let go.
An act of Love, Archangel Michael asks us to stop all judgement of self and others in his Plea for Peace Now Meditation by saying, “Enough.”:
“It does not need to take nations making decisions. It does not need to take decades or years. What it takes is you claiming your creator self in sacred union with us and deciding right now, “Enough.”
“We will proceed and we will anchor not merely as an act of will, as an act of creation, but an act of Love.” (2)
When we are consciously compassionate, on a daily basis, we find ourselves in a constant state of forgiving everything without judgement.
We can see with clarity where we have perpetrated, present or past, and sincerely apologize for our unconscious behaviour.
If there is need of an apology, we can step forward and ask gently.
In the asking for an apology, where there has been wrong-doing, there is opportunity for reparation on all sides.
Again without judgement or defensiveness, when carried out with caring and gentleness, there is possibility for opening to Love, healing for all involved.
Giving and receiving apologies, forgiveness, self forgiveness, and forgiveness of one another are all part of the healing of the wounded warrior — wounded yet healed — becoming Nova Being, finding our center, balance.
May I have the strength to engage with myself, with my fellow Gaians, to apologize, forgive, be compassion, peace and Love.
The sorrow of humanity is all judgement.
All judgement creates suffering within and without.
Judgement of others is judgement of self. Compassion — forgiveness and non-judgement of self and others — creates peace within and without, freedom from all dis-ease, all war.
An Invocation
I invoke Archangel Michael and his Blue Flame of Truth
for greater understanding and knowing of compassion and peace.
(1) personal reading through Linda Dillon
(2) Plea for Peace Now Meditation
When there are billions holding the energy
of the only acceptable reality being peace and love,
then peace will reign.
Archangel Michael