3 short videos, with thanks to RFK Jr for bringing freedom of speech to the forefront, that greed and abuse of power be eliminated so we can all walk in freedom.
Below is St. Germaine, through Linda Dillon, channel for the Council of Love, on the same topic:
“The freedom call—waging war in the name of freedom is futility—standing up one by one, millions by millions choosing to be free.”
We are bringing forth the New Realm as St. Germaine says,
“Standing in the light of opinions, the honouring, the latitude, the fluidity . . .”
He entreats us to,
“Lead and follow and join as One Circle, One Planet, all Gaians, in peace, in civility, in kindness and consideration, in laughter and play, in work and diligence and in freedom . . . and do not forget your Violet Flame Torch!”