With my forgiveness work, I notice that as I go deeper into it, natural boundaries are created from my expanded clarity and the increased heart knowing.
The more I forgive the more I attract to me — like attracts like — those people involved with me in alignment with my sacred purpose so boundaries are not an issue.
Forgive and everything works.
Forgiveness expands and increases all the Divine Qualities, but I noticed especially, my compassion and humility.
I have greater ability to be the observer of everything — to be humility, not judging anything, knowing everyone is Love — to stand back from drama while at the same time holding the highest vision of peace, Love, joy.
I am a unifying force
for all situations
I Am Humility
I Am Peace
I forgive
I Am Love
I Am Compassion
I Am Gratitude for life
I Am Joy for sacred purpose!
I can ask and receive information quickly:
“Is doing ‘this’ aligning with my sacred purpose?
“Am I on course?”
Forgiveness increases and expands our fortitude, our courage, our perseverance, and stamina to keep going in alignment with purpose.
Forgive our self/others and the world opens up and life becomes really exciting!
Sacred purpose is our passion, and doing our forgiveness work from past lives to Now opens opportunities to be that peace, Love, joy for self, and ultimately for our world.
As Within So Without
All war is banished
with forgiveness.

The Mother’s Blue Diamond energy of hope of forgiveness for LOVE, PEACE, JOY on Earth
Forgiveness creates the natural boundaries
so our behaviour comes into alignment
with Divine Mind, Heart, and Will
so we are that peace of mind,
and body for this world.
Being forgiving helps
us naturally align with how
things work in the higher realms,
and with our passion, sacred purpose.