Film directors, Zaya and Maurizio Benazzo, created a few years ago a movie called, Where Olive Trees Weep, that is just now being screened (by donation) explaining what has happened in Palestine. Dr. Gabor Maté is also a part of this.
Below is a discussion between (Eve Ensler) V, who created One Billion Rising, and Ashira, Palestinian journalist and therapist, who stars in Where Olive Trees Weep.
In the movie are stories of Palestinian people’s sumud (steadfast perseverance) with occupation. Their narratives expose how colonialism is a gender-based crime inextricable from the repression of female self-determination.
‘Where Olive Trees Weep’ is a film about the struggles and resilience of Palestinian people. It explores themes of loss, trauma, and the quest for justice.
This movie features Palestinian journalist and therapist Ashira Darwish, grassroots activist Ahed Tamimi, and Israeli journalist Amira Hass, and also Dr. Gabor Maté as he offers trauma-healing work to Palestinian women, his facing into the trauma, as opposed to turning away from it.
The transmutation of the energy, particularly by the women standing up, enduring, dancing and singing in the face of their fears.
We can all do this in the stillness of our being, face into our fears, feel them to heal them, overcome them by letting go of being right . . .
“Being right is what leads to war . . . ” ~ Sanat Kumara, the Law of Balance, As Within So Without, As Above So Below.
There is no war above.
From Mother Mary, Her Blessing and Virtue of Hope:
From the inside out, embracing HOPE;
time for PEACE on Earth.
As Within So Without
. . . until we see that reflection . . .