The courage to face into our fears — to get angry, to engage with the anger, not to suppress it — takes fortitude.
The more intense we feel, the deeper we can get into the knowing of Who We Are.
When anger arises I think it’s better to get angry — not at others necessarily, but even that can be a good thing — get the issues out, have the courage to reply to the emails, the calls, whatever means is being used.
If you are being abused then no, but if there are legitimate issues to discuss, brave swift communication can create miracles when we engage (or when we hold Loving space for another to express.)
If another will not engage, scream at the air, at your Divine Circle.
Don’t hold it in.
Our guides hear every word.
SCREAM, SWEAR, YELL out the feelings.
Disarray within could be arising because we uncovered something from this life or another lifetime — let it out, don’t suppress it — beat that pillow.
If it takes a few days, allow it to happen. . .
I’ve found it’s easier to be the compassionate observer after expression.
The blessing of fortitude — after we have done our angry expressing — is understanding it takes courage to come back to centre, to apologies, to forgiveness, to peace, to compassion, to Love, to joy, to gratitude for everything.
The virtue of fortitude is the alignment, that deep knowing of our value that keeps us aligned with our mission and purpose.
Like attracts like, value attracts value. The deep knowing of our self-worth attracts others who understand that same Love.
Self-worth, self-Love
is Who We Are,
Who I Am
Mastery is Divine Alignment
Our understanding
and the knowing
of forgiveness
centre and is

In Costa Rica, nausea-inducing carnival ride similar to “Twister” yet with the unfamiliar chicken-in-the-middle — with masterful local boy — ability to be still amidst chaos. Photo by Nick Jamison, National Geographic