Illustration by Kagan McLeod
In Canada, we have an upcoming Federal Election, October 21, 2019.
Jody Wilson-Raybould, a former member of the Liberal Party, our Minister of Justice and Attorney General, is running in my riding, Vancouver Granville, as an Independent.
In the spring of this year, Jody was kicked out of the Liberal Party when our Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, and other senior officials attempted to pressure her to allow a Quebec engineering firm, SNC Lavelin, to take a new legal pathway to avoid criminal prosecution.
(For the record, in August of this year, our ethics commissioner ruled that Prime Minister Trudeau had broken the conflict-of-interest code.)
Jody is standing up and running for integrity and honesty in politics.
In her new book, “From Where I Stand” she writes:
“I come from the Musgamagw Tsawataineuk/Laich-Kwil-Tach people of northern Vancouver Island, who are part of the Kwakwaka’wakw, also known as the Kwak’wala-speaking peoples.
“My society, in important ways, is a matrilineal one. This means that descent is traced and property is inherited through the female line.
“My grandmother’s name was Pugladee – the highest-ranking name in our Clan, the Eagle Clan.
“Her name means ‘a good host’ – a name that was given to my older sister, Kory, at the same time I was given my name, Puglaas. Puglaas means ‘a woman born to noble people.’
“These names were given in a naming Potlatch at Gilford Island when I was five and my sister six.
“In my culture, holding the name Puglaas, like other names, comes with clear expectations, responsibilities and accountabilities.
“Today, this is the work of helping to carry forward, in an ever-changing world, our communitarian teachings – in which everyone has a role to play, creating a society where our people, and all peoples, can live together in patterns of harmony and unity while upholding, celebrating and respecting the distinctiveness of diverse peoples and the beauty, strength and knowledge they bring to our human family.”
Archangels Michael and Gabrielle and the Divine Mother have often talked of the Divine Feminine rising to create peace on Earth; that women know how to do this.
Now is the time.
There are 3 women in positions to make a change in Canada, not only Jody Wilson-Raybould, but also Dr. Jane Philpott, and our leader of the Green Party, Elizabeth May.
Dr. Jane, a politician and a physician, is also running as an Independent, representing the riding of Markham—Stouffville in Eastern Canada, in Ontario.
In March of this year Jane resigned from her cabinet position as President of the Treasury Board over the SNC-Lavalin affair, and in April, she and Jody Wilson-Raybould were both expelled from the Liberal caucus in the aftermath of the controversy.
Jane and Jody are running as Independents in our election, both standing for integrity in politics.

Dr. Jane Philpott and Jody Wilson-Raybould canvassing together in the Vancouver Granville riding
Elizabeth May, leader of the Green Party, has put forth a detailed platform for our fall election.
Among many ideas, she and her party would like to see a Guaranteed Livable Income (GLI) to eliminate poverty altogether.
They also want to declare housing as a human right, increase incentives to build rented units, affordable housing, energy-efficient housing, and establish a federal minimum wage of $15 an hour.
Jody, Jane, and Elizabeth are rallying together (in the picture below) for all Canadians, creating something beautiful.

Jane, Jody, and Elizabeth (turquoise scarf) at a Rally for Jody, September 18, Vancouver
This may seem like a monumental task, but with the energy of so many working together in community, we can do this.
Please hold the highest vision with me,
for these women to be forward movement
for change in Canada.