Balance within can be created from forgiveness and gratitude, both energies.
Forgiveness is blue and can be felt as the Mother Energy, a blue sky to deep ocean waves, Her Movement of Love and Peace.
Gratitude is golden, that feeling of warmth from the sun, that Divine Father Presence, His Truth, His Joy.
With gratitude to self we help balance our masculine energy and when we are forgiving self, we are balancing our feminine energy.
But they are One — we cannot have Love without truth or peace without joy — so when we give both forgiveness and gratitude, and especially to our early-life caregivers, we create a balanced foundation within.
The two pieces, forgiveness and gratitude, equal energy in tandem, creates understanding and the knowing, “I Am Worth.”
In understanding and the knowing of our worth, there is nowhere to be but in compassion for self/others, where we are the observer, not taking sides.
We tend to take sides of an argument because we’ve neglected our forgiveness work for our early caregivers and we haven’t yet come to the place of gratitude for the experiences.
When the work is done it is an automatic, we fall into the mode of the observer, no protest — able to hold the peace, the calm — the highest vision for whatever situation we are in, and for the entire planet.
Always when I do readings I gently guide back to childhood, to early caregivers, to what was witnessed, to how Mom, Dad, Stepmom, Stepdad, Grandmother, Grandfather, sisters, brothers behaved, the sides we took.
Our job Now is to be the observer, to stand still, and observe everything so that the entire planet, all humanity can come to balance.
Peace and joy are contagious.
Forgiveness and gratitude are, too,
creating balance within/without.
When people come to me for readings, I explain that forgiveness is blue and gratitude is gold, and when we combine blue and gold emerald green is created, the colour of the heart chakra, of Love.
We create Love with forgiveness and gratitude, the Energies of the Mother and the Father.
We come to balance in our beautiful
Divine Feminine and Masculine energies,
the Infinitely and Eternally Forgiving Mother
and the Protection, the Wisdom of the Father.
The Divine Mother is blue

Dive deep into the forgiveness of everything. . .
and the Divine Father is gold.

Feel the golden rays of gratitude for all our experiences. . .
Peaceful forgiveness and golden gratitude. . .
Are these understandings to help create the emerald sky
Archangel Raphael spoke about in 2012 on Heavenly Blessings?
“When the shift is complete your sky will be emerald for a couple of days at least, and it is in that sky that you will know that the healing of Gaia and of your planet is complete. Oh, we will return it to your beautiful blue, the blue of our sacred Mother, but look for the emerald sky.” (1)
(1) “Archangel Raphael on Heavenly Blessings,” channeled by Linda Dillon, March 2012,