The external reality on Earth can look pretty grim with war, starvation, poverty, homelessness, the opioid crisis, over 22 million refugees. . . The list goes on.
Our internal reality can also feel grim with the judgements we make of ourselves and others, oppression, anxiety, worry, futility, doubt, being right, not forgiving, disappointment, hatred, sorrow, fear. . . This list goes on and on.
Feelings and behaviour not of love, not in Divine Alignment, are addiction to pain.
What if changing the world
was as simple as
changing how we feel within?
May 1, 2013, Archangel Michael had this to say to Steve:
“Vasanas and the constructed self, is a topic whose time is due, which is why, of course, it is being brought forward — not only for the individuals, not only for each of you, my dear friends, but for the collective as well.
“For there are individual vasanas, but there are also vasanas of humanity, triggers, belief systems, false grids that have translated into behaviours, actions, ways of being, that are not only not of love, but that are of disillusion; that are not correct or have any place in reality, either individually or collectively.
“So it is a gift to each of your hearts, your minds and your beings that we speak of this subject, so that each of you may release and begin this process of release, of discovering and rediscovering the truth of Who You Are, which is not limited, or delimited, by history, by illusion, and by fear.”
What if we consciously took time everyday to look at, understand, and change, the feelings not of love?
We could call on Archangel Michael and his Blue Flame of Truth or use an invocation to start:
I invoke Sanat Kumara
and the Universal Laws of Change,
Transmutation, and Elimination
for all my feelings not of love.
We could sit still and go back in time, see situations in the past connected to sorrow, and consciously feel it and release it.
We could list the situations that make us really angry, all our resentments. Archangel Michael tells us:
“War is not simply about soldiers and missiles and guns and airplanes. It is about hatred. And in what reality do any of you ever feel that hatred can be justified? It is the antithesis of the Mother/Father One. It is the antithesis of Love.”
We could list our fears, feel them, see patterns of behaviour of fear in the past, and consciously release them.
We could list all the people and situations where we could do some forgiving. . . some apologizing, especially to ourselves.
What if we consciously
revalued ourselves?
Controlling our inner reality
by not looking at our feelings,
creates ennui,
‘not knowing what to do’,
When we deny our our feelings, we hold onto that way of being, and as Archangel Michael says,
“This sense of unease, dis-ease. . . is the root of so much physical dis-ease on your planet.”
Our internal reality creates our outer reality.
Loving ourselves and others in community we change the world we live in. Our most precious commodity is ourselves, and Love of self.
As within,
so without.
Loving ourselves
Loving each other
is community in action.
An internal reality of Love, Divine Alignment, aligns us with creation of Nova Being, of Nova Earth.
Changing our outer reality
is a simple as changing our inner reality.
Focusing on changing our within, we change our without.