The Council of Love, through Linda Dillon tells us, we are the New You, the Creator Race.
On the internet we see many things happening, from the breaking down of the old, to the building of the new.
We live in very exciting times.
Long ago, Yahweh opened the Warehouse of Heaven (1) to us and asked:
“What do you desire, my beloved one?
“Go into your heart and listen to the whispers and if you are not clear use Uriel’s Silver Flame to show you. Take a moment and explore what you have hidden even from yourself.
“What do you wish to materialize into physical reality? Go deeper and clarify your intent, your prayer, your vision, your dream and speak it to me in your heart.
“What do you wish to bring forth? You are absolutely free to choose whatever you want from an entire universe, from a space ship to a river stone.
“The key is to feel, to decide, to know.”
Below are two posts, one about the expense of the opioid epidemic and another about the role food plays in mental illness, the studies of a Canadian professor of clinical psychology.
The Divine Mother has told us food is Love. A way to participate in the building of Nova Earth is with this daily invocation.
I invoke Sanat Kumara, Gaia, the elementals
and the Universal Law of Give and Receive
so that this food and water I am preparing
is activated to its full potential for myself and who I Am Serving
and therefore all food and water on the planet are activated to full potential.
I Am the Eternal Flow of give and receive, kindness, and gratitude.
The Opioid Epidemic Is Devastating.
It’s Also Really Expensive.
Mother Jones, Julia Lurie, November 20, 2017
The opioid epidemic, which each year claims more lives than the entirety of American deaths in the Vietnam War, is also a growing financial burden.

Love written invoking St. Germaine’s Torch of the Violet Flame for the opioid crisis
According to a new report from the White House Council of Economic Advisers, the epidemic cost the nation $504 billion in 2015—about 2.8 percent of the nation’s gross domestic product. And that figure has likely increased substantially, as 2016 brought a 21 percent increase in overdose deaths.
The estimate is more than six times higher than previous estimates, largely because it includes the cost of lost productivity of those who died of overdoses—a standard practice for evaluating public health problems as federal agencies determine which issues to prioritize. It also used more recent overdose figures and accounted for both prescription and illicit drug use. Last year, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention researchers pegged the cost of prescription drug abuse in 2013 at $78.5 billion.
Julia Rucklidge: Exploring the Role
of Nutrition in Mental Health
Julia J Rucklidge, PhD is a Professor of Clinical Psychology in the Department of Psychology at the University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand.
Originally from Toronto, she did her training in neurobiology (McGill) and Clinical Psychology (University of Calgary).
Her interests in nutrition and mental illness grew out of her own research showing poor outcomes for children with significant psychiatric illness despite receiving conventional treatments for their conditions.
She has been investigating the role of micronutrients in the expression of mental illness, specifically ADHD, Bipolar Disorder, anxiety.
March 20, 2017
Professor Julia Rucklidge has long suspected there may be a link between our modern diet and a rise in mental health problems. So in Christchurch, she’s carrying out a study that’s turned up some ground-breaking results: that many mental illness may be combated when we get the right nutrients.
It’s controversial, but now, European scientists are taking her theory so seriously they’re backing it with a giant multi-million dollar experiment.
A non-profit group in Great Britain is working on this as well: Food For The Brain.
Gaia, Planet of Love
Gaia, this beautiful planet, is returning to original intent, a planet of Love.
We, as Nova Beings, are becoming the balance, as we observe the old coming to the surface for release.
Balance within creates balance without.
The news is filled with chaos — and with construction of the new — everything happening at the same time.
As we let go, surrendering the old ways in trust, knowing everything is in Divine Order, practising forgiveness of everything with St. Germaine’s Torch or Bonfire of the Violet Flame, with our I Am and the I Am, with Sanat Kumara and Universal Law, we are bringing in the new.
I Am Love and Peace
There is much to do! Gaia returning to original intent means that her rivers, lakes, and oceans are to be cleansed, her soil, trees, flowers, plants, and fields to be restored, the air purified.
The homeless need housing, and the ones with addictions and imprisoned, need rehabilitation.
The stress and worry of our illusions of lack are eliminated as we surrender the old ways in trust with forgiveness. Remember to call on the Mother and Her Blue Diamond, too!
As this is done, we come to that place where is no worry about food, currency, water, fresh air.
Reclaiming our original design, sacred purpose emerges — creation with Yahweh — missions fit into the mosaic of the Mother’s Divine Plan of Love.
Discovering the joy of sacred purpose
is the new way for humanity,
creation of Nova Earth.
I Am Love and Joy
The Universal Law of Sacred Purpose
Universal Law is a creation of the Mother to help us understand alignment with the Divine Mind, Heart and Will — how things work in the higher realms — the knowing of a higher level of ethics, lovingkindness, our way Home.
When we align with our sacred purpose, we align with the Eternal flow in the balance of peace, Love, joy, the higher vibrations and frequency, the sheer energy.
Sanat Kumara, our Planetary Logos and Keeper of Universal Law says:
“Do not limit yourself and this purpose. This sacred mission is the core of Who You Are and who you have always been, so enjoy it.
“Enjoy this information and this knowing, and allow, and if it’s a term such as pathfinder or healer or artist or communicator, ask for expansion of that knowing.” (2)
We are witnessing a global movement — heart and mind and will slowly coming into Divine Right Alignment — the discovery of collective sacred purpose.
Collective Ascension is the embracing of higher ways of being, joyful, peaceful assistance for the Mother in the restoration of Her Plan of Love, the rebirth of Gaia in Divine Alignment.
The teachings of the Council of Love tell us all energy that emerges from the heart of One has sacred purpose, expression and direction — every atom, every subatomic particle — everything throughout the Universe has sacred purpose.
As we move into the higher realms of consciousness, we are coming to understand heart consciousness, heart knowing, Divine Sacred Purpose.
When we invoke the Universal Law of Sacred Purpose, we are asking for clarity of our purpose, clarity of our expression in this lifetime, for alignment with the Love. When we are in alignment with our sacred purpose, the feeling is of being in the flow, in harmonious Divine Creation, in joy.
Often we find obstacles along our journey that help us release everything within our being that is not of love.
These obstacles are gifts, keys, to help us become consciously aware of our blockages, our sorrows, our fears, so we may move into the flow truly knowing Divine Sacred Purpose.
Acknowledging and feeling our sorrow — our grief, our sadness, our anger, our fears — is to allow it to be healed.
We can feel — our ego can feel — afraid. When we reassure, Love and appreciate our ego, our mental and emotional bodies, we begin to operate in the higher vibrations and frequencies, and the bringing of our ego into balance occurs, so we can be the embodiment of our sacred purpose.
Letting go the old ways of doubt, judgement, anxiety, worry, anger, fear, limitation, with trust and forgiveness, moves us into the flow of Divine sacred purpose, the sheer energy of joy, peace and Love.
The Universal Law of Sacred Purpose helps us to discover, to know the essence, the uniqueness of who we have chosen to be, our mission, our purpose, our plan within the Mother’s Divine Plan.
An Invocation
I invoke Sanat Kumara
and the Universal Law of Sacred Purpose
for clarity of my sacred mission and purpose,
Who I Am, balance.
(1) Join Father Yahweh As He Brings Us to the Warehouse of Heaven, then Brings Us His Vision of Nova Earth, channeled by Linda Dillon for the Council of Love, July 6, 2012,
(2) “Sanat Kumara Explains the 1st Universal Law, the Law of Purpose”, channeled by Linda Dillon for the Council of Love, August 13, 2013,
Heavenly Blessings ~ Sanat Kumara: The Law of Sacred Purpose