March 16, 2018, by Bob Jackiewicz
I’m discovering different meditation and breathing techniques that are every effective in bringing me to a place within that reflects and supports the perception of that new reality.
This guided meditation by Krishnamacharya appeals to me for that reason. I’ve come to enjoy this meditation by following the direction given to the breath.
“Inhale, and God approaches you.
Hold the inhalation, and God remains with you.
Exhale, and you approach God.
Hold the exhalation, and surrender to God.”
When I slowly inhale and hold the inhalation I feel an expansion. This feeling of expansion that I experience seems to speak to growth, abundance, and joy. It’s got that healing-feeling that completely dissolves circumstances and beliefs that yield contractions, both physical and emotional.
When I slowly release the exhale and hold it I feel a release. I feel grounded, at peace, receptive to creative and other inspirations, relaxed and yes, in a place where I might experience a feeling of surrender.
The sense of expansion this breathwork practice generates increases when repeated slowly, overtime, in one sitting.
As I continue to expand, or go within, I approach a place that I’ll call the heart-zone or the Land of the I Am.
Gradually, with each respiration unhurriedly executed, a “field opens, a screen appears, the third eye presents, the mind’s eye activates.” I’m feeling almost like I’m glowing or radiating energy as well.
These are some of the descriptions I’ve hear used to describe results from meditating.
I don’t know what to label these experiences that register from within. I’m fine with my understanding of them being an inner awareness. Words are just symbols of symbols, in my opinion, twice removed from reality.
Is what I’m feeling the 13th Octave that Linda Dillon describes? Is this the heart opening that the Divine Mother talks about? The heart opening that is and has been available to us? Is this the heart expansion that’s been underway for some time now?
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