By Bob Jackiewicz, March 13, 2018
A shift in consciousness is happening on the planet and it’s happening to me.
I’ve come to comprehend that, generally speaking:
- I‘ve been trained to look outside of myself for satisfaction and self-validation.
- I’ve been trained to seek and trust confirmation that supports a world where external circumstance provides seeming authentication.
- I’ve been trained to accept perceptions of lack and limitation to be normal.
- I’ve not been taught that circumstances are neutral and that I impress their neutrality with beliefs and learned perceptions often grounded in fear.
- I’ve not been taught that we’re powerful creator beings that manifest our desires and can do so with intention.
- Humanity has been living within a framework of belief systems and behaviour patterns that are the mortar that holds together a concept of separation from our truth.
- The hidden truth is that we’re divine expressions and energy beings.
- The socialization or brainwashing process begins early with incentives to find worthiness outside of one’s self.
- Social customs, values and traditions place individuals on a merry-go-round of endless searching for an elusive ring to be pulled that suggests reward.
- A proverbial carrot is placed before us where the distance between it and the effort to grasp it is kept an equal distance apart.
- A yardstick of social conformity is ever-present.
- I’ve been living in a world based on illusion.
- We’ve all been living in a world based on illusion and for a very long time.
- Desperate efforts and endless struggle has replaced a natural state of satisfaction, appreciation and gratitude for life and living that is sensed from within.
- Those natural feelings come from a core “knowing” that we are love.
- Those feelings come from a knowing that we’ve always been and always will be expressions of Divinity.
- By design, we’re created to enjoy and appreciate life.
So, how do I return to that place of natural joy, peace, bliss, equanimity and love? How do I correct these mis-alignments?
By going within.
Going within is an exercise that solicits the now moment. There is no other access point that I know of.
There’s different techniques and behavioural approaches designed to place the focus within.
Higher dimensional frequencies already exist within so it behooves me to sustain practices that facilitate my awareness of them and welcomes their continuity.
These tools reacquaint me with the truth that love is my essence. They help me remember that love is all pervasive and eternal. They remind me that nothing exists but love and that I Am That Love.
Taking the inward path cultivates insights that reverse the learned behavioural conditioning where seeking outside of one’s self for happiness and equanimity is viewed as normal and expected.
New ways of thinking and perceiving are discovered.
I sense slow movement towards permanently realizing life in the higher realms. That lifestyle is persuaded by regularly feeling or relaxing into those experiences that take us within.
There is a new world no longer based on separation but on unity consciousness arising. I believe that world is Nova Earth and the perception of it will come from within.
We’re on the threshold of its existence now.
When “going within” takes precedence over everything else in my life I’ll be closer to stable residency in the Land of I Am.
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