Because I have struggled with judgement a great deal of my life, questions about judgement came up over and over in readings. Below is the advice I received through Linda Dillon, channel for the Council of Love.
Catri’anna, my principal guide,
in a personal reading with Linda:
“There is no such thing
as mistakes.
The only mistakes
humans make
is in judgement,
when they judge themselves
or others to be less than,
when they do not see
the glory of their own Divinity,
and that is just sad.”
A question put to Sanat Kumara, Universal Law of Karmic Dispensation:
We cannot be too strong in speaking about judgement, and there are situations where we have asked you to be the Observer and this is not one of them.
There is no room for you to be the Observer any longer where there is judgement, and you can do it in a humorous way.
You can say to the individual:
“Well, gee, this sounds like judgement to me, and you know, I don’t do judgement.
“I’m allergic to judgement.
“Judgement makes me feel sick so can we just let this go?”
And then do so.
What you are doing is you are teaching the person you are having the conversation with that there is no payoff, there is no reward, and there is no real tolerance in judgement.
It is one thing to discern and discernment is vitally important in your journey.
But judgement is cruel and the history of cruelty on the planet of Gaia has come to an end.
There is no room for it.
People think that they say something casually, and it is judgemental but that it is not harmful, and that is simply not so.
It is very harmful, and it speaks to a lack of love, lack of compassion, a lack of allowance.
You do not have permission or the wisdom to judge anyone.
Archangel Michael on judgement, personal reading with Linda:
Tell them to SHUT UP ! (huge laugh) But truly in a very polite and loving way that is exactly what you are saying to them.
First send them as if you were blasting them, send them pink.
Now as you know I am very preferential and partial to blue but when you send them pink, it is like the gentlest caress of the sunrise and of their pink diamond flame.
So send them first the caress of pink.
Then say:
“I understand, not I know, but I understand that what you are talking about, and what you are saying may, not does, but may have some foundation or legitimacy but it hurts me.
“It hurts me when I hear this kind of talk, because I understand that what you are doing when we talk about this, is simply build the energy of this disharmony, of this pain, of this hurt.
“So can we both together send some healing and change the subject?”
Universal Mother Mary, personal reading with Linda:
Kathleen: Archangel Michael, Mik-ha-el, told us a story about Lucifer. . .
Universal Mother Mary: It was to teach you compassion.
There is an entire group of what we call the fallen angels.
Now that does not mean that they continue to be fallen, but what it does mean and particularly now with this issue of resolution, elimination of what we would call authoritarian ego or pride — and we do not mean pride as in proud — we mean the aberration of pride.
Those who have strayed and we do not mean simply a scenic detour, we mean very profoundly and deeply strayed, and who either have been brought Home or are in the process of being brought Home or are in the process of deciding if they will relinquish enough to be brought Home and when I say Home I mean — shall I say back into the Fold — they are requiring — even though their ego does not know it — deep compassion because they have forgotten or they have ignored their unity and their connectedness to me, and to All.
So did you gain insight into a great deal?
Yes, but do not label, and do not judge, sweet one.
K: You forgive everyone so we forgive everyone.
UUM: That is correct.
No matter how heinous the crime,
the action – it is forgiven.
I Am Gratitude, Mother – I Am Joy!
I Am Compassion, Mother – I Am Love
I Am Forgiveness, Mother – I Am Peace