Seeing, feeling, hearing the rain falling — see video from Gregg Braden below — knowing we are gender equality within creates balanced amounts of rain and sunshine, a temperate planet.
Join us Mondays on Zoom being that balance for the planet. . .
Mexico Led the Way For 7 US States
to Cooperate in Sharing Water Amid the 22-Year Drought
New/Old Way to Pray from Gregg
with added balance idea from me 🙂
In Gregg’s video ‘David’ did not know
how to stop the overflow of rain. . .
understanding we are perfect balance within
creates that balance (of rain and sun) without.
State purpose simply
rain and sun where needed on planet in balance
Code – seeing, feeling, hearing, touching, tasting
rain falling in balance with sunshine
knowing I Am Perfect Balance Within,
gender equality within, creates it without;
water/Love & sunLight/worth/JOY! within & without
Close – I seal this prayer in trust and faith and truth,
l’alam al-mein, amen.
This from Gregg Braden, with enormous thanks to Lesley:
From the Book of Thomas:
Computer coding is very similar:
Prayers with pure intention:
From the Universal Law of Give and Receive:
There is a never-ending flow of energy between Gaia and all the kingdoms, from the human kingdom, to the plant, animal and mineral kingdoms, to water to earth to fire to air, and so on.
Gaia gives and gives and gives to all of us.
How is it possible for Gaia to continually do this? What does Gaia receive? How does Gaia balance this never-ending giving?
She balances by receiving — mostly unbeknownst by us — gratitude, joy from the plants that grace her surface and reach their roots deep into her, from the animals that dance and play in Divine Sacred Purpose.
From a drop of water to a blade of grass, the plant, animal, mineral, fairy, all the kingdoms understand what it is to give gratitude, Love and joy, to Gaia for all they receive from her.
Long ago, we humans understood this, too.
As more and more of us discover this flow of joy, letting go the old ways of being, worry and angst, knowing the balance of give and receive — gratitude — joy for everything, Who We Truly Are as individuals and a collective can emerge.
A mantra from SK, the Law of Give and Receive
I receive, I allow, I accept,
I give, I Am Gratitude
Giving gratitude to Gaia everyday creates
balance/enough food and water for everyone;
as we give we must receive: the physics of Universal Law.
Gaia Loves for us to be in balance in all ways,
especially within — knowing we are gender equality within
creates that on planet — as within so without.
Knowing we are mostly made up of water within. . .
seeing, feeling, hearing, touching, tasting the rain
knowing I Am Perfect Balance Within,
gender equality within, creates it without;
water/Love and sunLight/worth/JOY! within, so without
When doing laundry,
washing dishes, anything with water,
being in Gratitude to Gaia for her abundance,
seeing, feeling, hearing RAIN where it is needed.
Balance within, balance without,
perfect balanced abundance.
Anchoring in the Heart of Gaia Meditation

The Mother’s Blue Diamond of Hope, Gender Equality in Self therefore on Gaia
Rain/Mastery Meditation with Archangel Uriel (transcript)