Recently, Sanat Kumara, Keeper of Universal Law, became Universal Logos, as well as still being our Planetary Logos.
His magnificent expansion means greater expansion and increased frequency for all of us, too.
But what happens with greater vibratory expansion and increased frequency?
What I’m finding in meditation is greater clarity.
The clarity to truly anchor in the Divine Ways of Being to help create a planet of peace, connecting through my heart to the Mother/Father One, knowing I Am Love and Worth.
I can see with the expanded clarity what I unconsciously, subconsciously created from those little phrases from childhood challenges.
“I’m not approved of,” “I’m never enough,” “This is hopeless” created situations not of love within my self and without.
But seeing that, in the greater expansion, I can also go deeper into forgiveness of self, compassion, and gratitude for the lessons.
I want to help lift up my disenfranchised self within, therefore those without, to help create a balanced society on this amazing planet.
As Within So Without
Equal Love for our Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine
is knowing our Self Love and Self-Worth