The daffodil symbolizes new beginnings and rebirth
Back in December 2012, Wakana Taka, the very ancient being who is the head of our delegation, the Primary Representative of Earth, said in a personal reading to Christina Mahler of Zurich:
“It is a time of some displacement and confusion upon the planet, but it has been a human collective decision, as well, in terms of the generous offer to keep the doorway open, and to hold that flame of Gaia steady so that all may pass through.
“It is an unprecedented act of generosity on the part of the human race, and it marks a magnitude of significant evolution in the consciousness.” (1)
Wakana Taka, who also tends to those who tend the Council Fire of Gaia, basically said we made a mature decision for our Ascension to include everyone.
Since his communication we have been keeping “the doorway open.”
We have been holding “the flame of Gaia steady so all may pass through.” The light quotient is certainly growing here.
From my understanding we anchor Love and the light with forgiveness, compassion, and gratitude.
Peace, Love, and Joy
Starting with our selves, then extending that knowing to everyone we meet, Ascension is happening in and around us.
As Within So Without

The daffodil is also a symbol of forgiveness, creativity, community and anchoring in the Now
Looking to our external reality, we see “some displacement and confusion” as Wakana Taka said: a few despotic dictators, many refugees, inequality, and so on; and we can see how important it is for us to “hold the flame steady.”
Forgiveness, non-judgement, compassion, and gratitude to our selves, our higher selves, our neighbours, our Galactic friends, and the Divine is our demonstration of Love and balance.
Balance within
equals balance without
We hold the old ways of being on planet when we judge our sorrow, shame, anger/fear, and hold onto the belief systems of lack of self-love and self-worth.
Our every thought and action is a matter of physics, connecting us to everything, from the dictators to the refugees, our neighbours, friends, and family to all of nature.
Our Ascension is us being the change.
Anchoring that Grid of Love
and allowing it to flow through us to all,
we catapult ourselves into the higher realms
where there is sharing and taking care of one another.
Love is community,
in the best sense of the word.
Thank you, Wakana Taka,
for your wisdom and guidance.
(1) “Wakana Taka: You Have Shifted, Make No Mistake About It,” channeled by Linda Dillon for the Council of Love, March 2, 2013, https://goldenageofgaia.com/2013/03/02/wakana-taka-you-have-shifted-make-no-mistake-about-it/