Archangel Uriel carries the Silver Flame of Truth, of Spirit. Here he speaks through Linda Dillon, channel for the Council of Love:
“I will move from behind your shoulder that you may look at me standing directly in front of you. Look into my eyes of silver and witness my Love for you, witness the clarity of vision that I share with you.
“Before I imbed within your palms my Silver Flame, I also wish to open your 4th eye. No, it has not been time really until now. This is your ability to see through time-space continuum; it is your ability to see inter-dimensionally; it is your ability to see yourself and where you are positioning yourself in the 5th, 6th, 7th dimensions.
“I place my hand, my finger, upon your brow and I open this aperture to the future that I share with you and that you are an integral part of.
“Yes, you may feel a slight warming, do not worry about it, simply relax and breathe.
“I am taking care of you, I always have. This flame may transmute and transform. It is the Flame of Illumination and it is the Flame of Illumination translated into action and will, for without the will to truly bring into form, to have the experience as spirit in form, you do not move forward.
“So I ignite this will within you. Yes, it is in your hara, in your solar plexus, and it is the will to go forward and it is the will to go forward with me and with your community, your global community, your community of light, your Community of Love.”
The Silver Flame is the Flame of Illumination, of Expansion, to light our way that we may see through the darkness, understand and perceive the shadows, the illusions, that surround us.
Archangel Uriel, again through Linda, gives us his Silver Flame. He embeds it in our hands that we may carry it like a tiny oil lamp:
“Extend your right hand out to me — yes I know, you normally receive with your left — I wish you to extend your right hand, palm up, to me in this very moment of Eternal Now and I place within the centre of your palm my Silver Flame, and I put it in your right hand because you will give and you will share this with many but make no mistake,
my beloved friends, this gift of my Silver Flame is for thee.”
His Silver Flame, the Flame of Illumination, shiny like the blades of ice skates, is to light our way into the places of darkness, shadow, chaos, confusion, within and without.
We have received the gift of the Mother’s Clarity but Uriel’s Silver Flame will illumine even that Clarity.
When we are faced, within or without, with a situation that we do not understand, that we are nervous, anxious or have trepidation about, extend the right hand with his Silver Flame and let it shine brightly, that we may see what lies ahead, the definition of what is in front, behind or beside us.
It gives us the clarity, the detail of what we are confronting. It gives us the solution so we do not need to take scenic detours.
Now is a time for straight forward movement.
The Silver Flame allows us to see into people’s hearts — not invading — but bringing clarity, illumination, Love, to show us Who They Really Are, but also to show them.
We may bring this gentle — so as not to frighten — bright but soft light to the collective, to the places of war, mayhem, recalcitrance, reluctance, fear. It assists us to know, as we heal ourselves and others, what needs to be healed, what approach best works, when it is completed.
It helps us with our finances, how to proceed, what is the best pathway, how to invest, what to steer clear of. It helps us in the reconstruction of Nova Earth. It shows us Nova Being.
When we call on Archangel Uriel and the Silver Flame, we are invoking his presence into our construct of Now. He gives us this, his Love, his heart, his being, and says that the future is ours and it is Now.
Archangel Uriel, through Linda Dillon, asks us to allow what has always been within us to illuminate our actions, our thoughts, our feelings, Who We Are, our plan.
He wants us to remove obstacles with the Silver Flame.
Here he describes the gentleness and yet strength of that spiritual ray:
“The Silver Flame is gentle and brilliant. I call it ‘luminous’ because it is the Flame of Illumination.
“I, sweet ones, am gentle. That does not mean a lack of strength; quite the contrary. You and we are beyond strong, and when you are in the strength of purpose and knowing and alignment, what happens? It allows you, it requires you, it brings forth gentleness.”
He encourages us to illuminate ‘our dark corners’ with the Silver Flame:
“The Silver Flame. . . to bring illumination not only to the planet, not only to human beings, but wherever there is darkness, shadows, uncertainty – and my beloveds, I mean that in the various corners of your heart and your life.
“Most of you – and I would almost wish to say ‘all of you’ – have corners or nooks or crannies that while you would not identify it as darkness – and neither would we, by the way – there are areas of your life that you perhaps have ignored or that you avoid or that you don’t want to revisit.
“What I offer you from the depth of my being is my Silver Flame of Illumination to go and to bring the gentle silver light to these areas, to these parts of yourself or to parts of these situations – which is truly just part of yourself – that you may have avoided or simply not wished to look at.”
How do we do this? Uriel makes it easy for us:
“You say to me, ‘Well, Uriel, why are you even suggesting that I do that?’ I am suggesting it, sweet ones, so that you no longer have to give one iota of energy to that area that you are trying not to look at, that everything is an open book to thee. And in that, no energy has to go into concealing.
“I am not suggesting that you need to lay yourself, your life and every action or inaction you have ever taken out to the public. I am talking about a sacred contract between you and I.
“I am the Archangel of the Future – and the future contains freedom, illumination, enlightenment, so there is no space, there is no room for any sense of hiding. I am not necessarily talking about denial; that is a stronger barrier of not looking, not choosing to explore. But each of you have areas that perhaps you would just prefer to ignore or overlook.”
He offers his help to walk through the areas we’d prefer to overlook:
“Take my hand, as I take yours – use the other hand for the Silver Flame and I will do the same – and together we will wander into these areas so that you may fully understand the beauty of what you have learned, the beauty of how you survived and continued on as brilliant lightworkers and loveholders. Let us show you, with you, not some grand revelation but gently, together, who you really are – because you are phenomenal.” (1)
A way to test if we have ‘hidden’ false grids and core issues is to observe what triggers us in the without. . .
Are we judging a political situation?
Does cruelty to animals effect us deeply?
Are we critical of a family situation?
If we are judging an ‘external situation’ more than likely there is an insidious internal judgement of self occurring.
Uriel is asking us to pause, to look within, to destroy in the most positive of ways, bring to awareness, eradicate with help what is not of truth, what is not of love, what is not of enlightenment and illumination.
We can do this by calling on Uriel and his Silver Flame.
When we call in the soft gentle rains with Archangel Uriel, the elements, the Kingdoms, the gods and goddesses, the devas, the water sprites, the Healers of Tralana, Mother Maree in India, our Divine and galactic friends, Star Brothers and Sisters, Archangel Raphael, Sanat Kumara, the Halion Engineers, the rocks, the trees, the flowers, the Mother, we are not only healing the physical drought but also the spiritual drought of humanity.
He said when we do this we are going to see positive proof of how truly powerful we are — not just in bringing forth our own abundance but in creating the beauty of harmony in partnership — and not just with the elements and Gaia herself but with our human community around the globe.
Mastering our inner climate — becoming more Loving, gentle and peaceful — helps balance the weather and all situations on Gaia.
Being the gentle rain of Love and speaking out loud to the water element, we connect to the All breaking through old barriers of isolation, separation and repression of expression.
Poem to the Water Element
Will you come with me and will you rain,
in perfect harmony and proportion in California?
Will you come with me and rain,
and create a lush California yet again,
and will you share this bounty all over Gaia?
~ St. Germaine
Archangel Uriel tells us, “Drought — spiritual, emotional, physical, mental — is not of love,” and he entreats us, “My friends, with me, I ask each of you:
“Throw out your arms
and gather unto you
every molecule of moisture,
of water that is upon this planet,
and that is designed in its sacred purpose
to be the gentle rain of renewal.
Feel this gentle water come within your core,
within your heart, and let it fill you. . .
E x p a n d
Let me help you become
the Wonder of Who You Are,
your creator self.”
“Feel it, not only restore the very ground, quenching the thirst of Gaia, but washing away, not merely the physical dust and debris, but the lack and illusion.
“You are invoking
and we have supplied
the alignment with Universal Law.
You have claimed your role as our partners
in this creation of Love,
in this creation of joy.”
As Archangel Uriel says,
“The Future Is Now.”
Claiming Your Divine Authority
May 27th, 2017, a new manager at work gave me a nickname I didn’t like. Unloving nicknames hurt us.
Claiming my Divine Authority and with help from another, I asked – and the other asked – that I not be called that.
How did I feel after that? I felt fantastic and walked out of there with the biggest grin on my face.
Divine Authority does not mean we’re doing any of this alone. We can ask for help in claiming our Divine Authority – our divinity.
It also doesn’t mean that we ignore our discomforts, large or small.
And it doesn’t mean that we be hostile. Both the other woman and I made our requests with Love rather than hostility.
Spiritual maturity lies in knowing we are Divine and aligning with Love.
The future, with the fullness of our individual plans and the Mother’s Plan, is being anchored into this very moment where we breathe in and out.
Uriel with his Silver Flame is here to help us to claim our Divine Authority, our freedom.
An Invocation
I invoke Uriel and his Silver Flame for elimination of the false grids, entrenched beliefs,
especially the hatred, the cruelty, the judgement within/without.
In April 2012, Archangel Uriel came to talk to us through Linda Dillon, channel for the Council of Love:
“Greetings. I Am Uriel. Welcome dear friends and thank you for inviting me, for yes it is a time when I step forward to assist with the Ascension of humanity, with the Ascension of Gaia, with the anchoring of truth, with the acceptance of clarity. I am the Bringer of the Future; I am the Bringer of the Now. I do not wish so much to speak about who I am, for the channel has addressed that, but what I do wish you to know is that I work with the Silver Flame.
“And yes, it is the Silver Flame of Spirit, of what you would think of in many ways as the Holy Spirit. My dominion is over ‘will’, much the same as Michael works with peace, Gabrielle with joy, communication and creation; although I will say that I work very clearly with creation as well. And we will work together in the creation of the Cities of Light. I wish this day, my beloved friends, my brothers and sisters, I am not a distant archangel, I am the brother that stands next to you. And I am the brother that has stood next to you every time you have cried in despair or dismay for help from God. I am the one that comes and not only listens to your plea but answers your prayer.”
Uriel carries the Silver Flame to help light our way through the darkness, our confusion, to know the totality of our being:
“I wish to give you my Silver Flame. It is the gift of my essence, of my being, distilled into a flame. Where you will usually feel me when you are working with me is just slightly behind your right-hand shoulder, as if I am peeking over your shoulder, one hand on your shoulder to comfort you, to guide you, and to let you know I am with you.
“My Silver Flame is to light your way through darkness. You say ‘But Uriel, I do not wish to engage with the darkness’ and you are quite correct, you do not need to. But, my beloved friends, let me explain what I am talking about. There are many times when the darkness is of your own heart and certainly of your own mind, your mental body and yes your emotional body. There are many dark corners that you have not dared to look into. And I wish to help you do so, so that you will know that there is nothing there that can harm or hurt you or make you ever feel less than.
“I want you and I invite you to know the totality of your being. There are many references in spiritual literature to your shadow self. What does this mean? It means the areas that you have chosen or judged that you do not wish to embrace or look at. Dear heart, that is absurd. There is not one speck of you that is not of the Light of One.”
He gives us his Silver Flame, embeds it in our hands that we may look, within and without, at the entrenched beliefs, the false grids, to extinguish the fires of fear, of lust, of guilt or pain, and physical pain as well:
“So I give you my Silver Flame, I embed it, and I will do this in a moment, in your hands that you may carry it like a tiny oil lamp; that you may look, not only within, but without, and see also into others and into other environments, into darkness that is present on your world.
“One of the major areas that you, as a collective, are working on right now is the disintegration, the elimination of the old false grids of the beliefs of old earth, of lack, of limitation, of loss, of death, death is an illusion, of destruction, of despair, of guilt, of greed, of lust, of cruelty, of control; all of these have need to be eliminated.
“Now it is particularly true that when you are looking at these belief systems – and you may call it whatever you wish vasanas, mis-aims, glamours, it matters not – when you are looking at them within you, or within your field, there is a tendency, my beloved ones, to not shine, or not want to shine too bright a light.
“In that way my Silver Flame is perfect for it is subtle, it is soft, it is gentle, but it is completely pervasive. It will burn through anything and it will also act as a fire extinguisher; it will extinguish the fire of fear, the fire of lust, the fire of guilt or pain, physical pain as well.
Uriel entreats us to share his Silver Flame with everyone, so no one is afraid and so that we see the wonder of Who We Are. He invites us to shine it into our political systems:
“Share my Silver Flame, ignite it in people’s hearts so that they will see the wonder of love, put it in their emotional or mental bodies so that they can see the shadows and not be afraid; they can see the wonder of who they are. Place the Silver Flame in your political systems; it will be soft enough that they won’t react, so it is pervasive in that way. Use it and call on me because the future is now. Thank you so much, my beloved friends. Thank you.” (1)
An Invocation
I invoke Archangel Uriel, his Silver Flame,
and the Universal Laws of Intent, Change, Transmutation and Elimination
for the situations not of love on Gaia, within and without.