Separation is a root of anxiety, broken trust is connected to worry, all judgement is sorrow. Separation, anxiety, broken trust, and worry are false grids, old entrenched beliefs that are not of love, and sorrow is a core issue.
False grids tend to manifest internal suffering, injury, illness, dis-ease, and core issues tend to manifest as mental emotional suffering.
Anxiety is strife, conflict within, stemming from the past, close or distant. It can be defined as ‘a nervous disorder characterized by a state of excessive uneasiness and apprehension, typically with compulsive behaviour, even panic attacks.’
We can have anxiety because we are separated from what we have known and loved, with relationships, with situations, with The Divine, and we can feel anxious asking for any kind of assistance, including Divine Assistance.
This old energy can rest in our upper teeth, roof of the mouth, top sides of the skull, and under the chin.
Worry can be broken trust with relationships, with situations, and/or with The Divine because of the past, or for the future.
The energy of the false grid of worry, broken trust, can rest down both sides of our skull beside cheek bones, back upper teeth, down to left upper throat, left side neck to left trapezius.
All judgement creates sorrow, creates pain.
When we come to the understanding that there is no such thing as mistakes, that the only mistake we make is in judgement, when we judge ourselves or others to be less than — when we do not see the glory of our own Divinity — with this conscious awareness, we can release all sorrow.
Our addiction to pain is our sorrow.
Sorrow can rest in our skull, our teeth, under the chin, our throat.
In our everyday life, we can have external reflections of our internal anxieties, worries, sorrow.
Sitting still, and asking guidance during meditation time: “Why do I have anxiety, feel anxious?” “How is this anxiety connected to the past?” “Why am I worried?” “How is this worry connected to the past?” “Why do I feel sorrow?” “What is this sorrow?” “Am I seeing an external reflection?” we can expand our conscious awareness around false grids and core issues.
Old entrenched beliefs, false grids, and core issues, mental emotional constructs can be hard to figure out. With conscious awareness of them, they release, we let go.
Observing ourselves, like a scientist — notebook and pencil handy during meditation time — can bring conscious awareness to why we feel anxious, worried, sorrowful.
With conscious awareness
we let go
d i s – e a s e
f a l s e g r i d s
entrenched beliefs
anxiety — separation
worry — broken trust
core issues
addiction t o p a i n
sorrow — judgement
and heart consciousness expands
Conscious Awareness Is The Light
The Light Is Heart Consciousness