“All of the Universe is patterned on the Mother, the Father, and the One.” ~ Albert Einstein
Albert Einstein, September 2015, Part 1 (Part 2 below)
through Linda Dillon, Channel for the Council of Love
Chakra Meditation starts at 22:22
Greetings I Am Albert. I Am Albert Einstein, and I thank you for letting this old professor to have some of your time in such an auspicious gathering.
You know I continue to do my work, as each of you do, and part of this has been the exploration and trying to assist you and all of humanity to understand the meaning of dimensional reality. Dearest Joanne, this is the Cliff Notes for physicists. And I will attempt to make this as clear as my teacher, Sanat Kumara, has made the Universal Laws clear because it is essential for you to understand, particularly during this time of change, the nature of how things work.
Can you still hear me alright? Now, if only I had a chalkboard! But I will not make this discussion with you full of complicated formulas…for my aim is to make this simple because if you cannot make it simple, as my beloved Raj has taught me, then you miss the point, and more importantly, you miss the people.
So, I do not come to create theoretical discussion but rather an explanation that is workable and useful to you who are the founders, the leaders, the wayshowers, the re-gridders, the re-patterners of this beloved planet that we have all inhabited at one time or another. Some of you are very persistent and insist on coming again and again and again, for this I truly admire you because it is not always easy!
In simplicity there is elegance, and in elegance there is brilliance, and in brilliance there is Joy. So, it is not that I ignore the topic that you are gathered to celebrate, but I do wish to explain what I have come to understand in terms of dimensions and the functioning of, not only your sacred beings, your beautiful physical vessels, but the entire universe.
Now I could speak to you about the omniverse or the multiverse, but for this day we will restrict our discussion to this universe; but know what I say applies everywhere…and is that not a huge statement for a little professor to make? But it is not my supposition, it is my understandings that I come to share now.
All of the universe is patterned on the Mother, the Father, and the One. Now you would think that this is very self-evident, but I know that I have been surprised, particularly in science, in mathematics, in physics, in the entire field, even in philosophy, how often this very fact has been ignored. It is not a theorem, it is not a theory, it is a stand-alone truth: Your entire universe is patterned on the Mother.
And beloved ones, you have given me the perfect intro, Jeanine, by speaking about the wind, because the entire planet, the universe, the galaxy is also patterned on breath. So, let us start there…I have a lot to say!
Everything that is within you is a reflection of the sacred Divine Mother. The in-breath is the inhalation, the conjoining, the sacred union of the Father to the Mother; it is that moment of creation. I have spoken to you many times about stillpoint and I come to harp on it again today.
Between the in-breath and the out-breath, no matter how minuscule, there is that moment of stillpoint and in that moment, that nanosecond, is the implosion and explosion, the formulation of creation.
The out-breath of the Mother, her exhalation, is creation. It is the exhalation, not only of her desire but of all the energy…if you can fathom this…all the energy that is required to create whatever you can think of and far beyond. All life follows this pattern; so we will talk about this and then we will move on to the dimensions.
You, individually and collectively, are in the same pattern. There are many things that you can do without but you do not do without breathing; it is fundamental to your existence. All life, the grass, the trees, the elementals, the fairies, the water, the sky, Gaia herself, the gases that you know, the rocks, they all breathe. Now, do they breathe in the same rhythm as you do? No. But do not think, for example, that rocks do not breathe; that is hardheaded of you, not them.
How do you think that crystals grow? They are breathing, they are absorbing the atmosphere, they are living creatures as much as the rock on any mountain-face. And you see the mountains rise up, not only because of the tectonic plates, and you see them begin to disintegrate. You have many, many wonderful science theories, and many accurate theories, about how this occurs…but it is the breath.
Now think of this in terms of what the channel has begun to explain, or tried to explain, yesterday. When you think of a black hole, that is your in-breath; you’re bringing in all your energy and you are allowing it to collapse within you and do what it has need to do…feed your cells…and we will talk about the molecular chains as well.
Your exhale is not simply to get rid of gases, but it is also for you to create into the world. It is the biggest action you ever take. And so it is important to, not only follow your breath but follow your words and the sounds that you create.
If you think of the collective of humanity and where you are at this momentous time of change, humanity has been, might I say, ‘stuck’ in the in-breath for a very, very long time. Think of it in this way, and it is neither good nor bad, positive or negative, yes, I forget the language that these lightworkers use, I tend to say ‘good and bad’.
So, it is neither good nor bad, but when you think of the in-breath you are bringing in the energy and it is fixed. Think of it as being brought in, holding it in some form of either being stuck by the old paradigms of lack or limitation or fear…oh there are so many…and the out-breath of creation is fluid. Now, these are equal components.
I have begun this lecture, oh years ago, by telling you about the infinity that is the basis of so much of creation. It is the ebb and flow of creation. So it is the intake, the stillpoint, the output, the stillpoint, the input…you get my meaning. Now humanity, which includes you, has been stuck in the in-breath for a very long time; might I suggest to you for thousands and thousands of years.
Now you say to me, “Professor, how can that be? We’ve been breathing the whole time.” Well, I would suggest to you, on this side, us looking at you, we’ve been waiting for you to exhale for a long time…and you are about to do so and I would suggest to several of you that it will create a mighty wind of change.
So, you have breathed in and you have been consciously and unconsciously in the stillpoint, sometimes frozen in fear…but even the polar ice caps are thawing. So, your heart is thawing and you are preparing as a collective to exhale and to begin this new, true cycle of creation in the patterning of the Mother, in the patterning of the Father and Mother.
Now let me speak, as an aside and you know, your patience is required and my students used to become quite impatient with me because I would wander all over…but this is important.
In the creation of the Mother there has been the creation of black holes and white holes. This is part of her creation, just as there are portals, chakras within you, there are chakras as you know upon your beloved Gaia and my beloved Gaia, but there are portals throughout naturally occurring, and then over time there have been black holes and white holes that have been, shall we say, manufactured, manipulated, not in the sense that you think of manipulation, but engineered…shall we call it Halion engineering…does that sound right, Michael? Yes.
So, there are these portals by which you may travel and create and gather energy, both through the process of passage and the stillpoint, to go inter-dimensionally or from galaxy to galaxy. This is something that your current scientists are simply beginning to really comprehend…it is called intra-dimensional transit…intra-dimensional transit. But we are not here to talk about space travel, although I will tell you it is a delightful subject.
Now, the availability of the true purpose of these white and black holes have not been fully available to humanity because humanity has not been ready. Now you are coming to a place where you are understanding the nature of your very being.
Now I do not simply speak of the science of your construction, of your engineering, but also your Divine Self, because science, like Universal Law, is merely an explanation of the magnificent wonder of the Mother’s design. And that has been forgotten. It was forgotten long ago. It was forgotten off planet in Galatea. It was forgotten in Atlantis, and it is forgotten on this planet right now.
You are not the voices crying in the wilderness. You are the voices of sanity, and that is why I speak to you because you know the importance of the fabrication of all existence is Love.
The molecular structure of your being, of all beings, is Love. The molecular chain, which they have done a beautiful job creating, but rather than the smooth conjunctions they have made it hexagonal so they can understand it better…that is alright. But, let us talk about this…
Now, think of what you have begun with your chakra system and your dimensional understandings that I am proud to say I have taught you…and you have learned…which is far more rewarding than simply coming up with a theory. If you come up with an explanation and nobody believes you or pays any attention, then it is exceptionally lonely; I know, I have been there.
So, when you are in your 1st chakra, your root, the beginning of your existence that ties you, roots you to Gaia, you are also connected to this 1st dimension, the dimension of the Idea of Who You Are.
Now I know the channel has repeatedly said that all 12 dimensions are of equal value; but you haven’t heard her. I wish to emphasize this…you cannot have the 11th dimension without the 3rd, the 8th without the 2nd.
You will be stymied, you will be paralyzed, you will be crippled, it will be like walking around with no kidneys, or no heart, or no lungs, or no arms. It is an integrated whole the same way that your body and your chakra system is an integrated whole; the same way that the blessings and virtues are an integrated whole, and that is why we have brought them together, and I thank you, Kathleen.
So, when you are in that 1st chakra, 1st dimension, the idea — think about it, for I have had the extraordinary pleasure of talking to the Mother about this — the idea of when I first incarnated which was long before Albert. In that it is the in-breath because you are coming to fix yourself upon the planet in form. What a magnificent thing!
And in the 2nd, and that is why we have all these chakras…now you are coming to fully understand…in the 2nd pubic chakra you are beginning to think and be creation upon Gaia, the repair of Gaia, the maintenance of Gaia. Because while you have come for yourself, you have truly come for this Ascension and this transformation back to original intent, and that is why, in the 2nd dimension, form begins to appear and that is the out-breath. It is saying, “Sweet world, I am here!”
And then the 3rd, in your beautiful tummies, your sacral, your organs, is your in-breath because what you are doing is breathing in the energy so that you can create in your belly, and particularly, most important, carry children…you have all been men and women and somewhere in-between. So, you hold that energy until you are again ready to expel, to spin out your addictions, your mis-beliefs, the falsehoods, the illusions that have plagued the planet.
And in that, what comes out of the creation? As you spin out in the 4th dimension you are claiming your creation of magic, of alchemy, of expanded reality. So, already you are there. This isn’t something that you had to wait for. In the earlier times, before science became almighty king, magic was an everyday occurrence, an expectation; alchemy was normal…and it still is. The miraculous, the fact that you sit here on an orb that is an archangel is quite miraculous, and I would suggest magical.
And then you move to your beautiful sacral, no, to your solar…I am an old man!!! But I have life in me yet…and you are bringing in your hara, your power, your will, your will to survive.
And what does that will require? It requires the ability to adapt, to change, to evolve. And what is the most significant change of all? It is the ability, and I know…well, I have learned…it is the ability to change what you can think of as your tiny will, your ego will, to be in alignment with the will of One.
And with that extraordinary power fixed inside of you, germinating, reaching for stillpoint, so that as you move up to your Halion, to your bridge between realities within you and realities outside of you, you can burst forward on that out-breath, out to the stars.
You know I have said to you that all the Universe is patterned on the Mother; there is no such thing as dead space.
Deep space is fully alive and vibrant and that’s why you want to go exploring because you’ve been there and you want to go back. But you also know, just as you know that you are humans, and Gaians, and angels, and Earthkeepers. You are star beings. Your essence, much of the energy from which you are constructed is of the stars as well.
The Mother did not say, “Oh, now I will create…take this particular form of energy and create the stars, this particular type of energy, create the atmosphere, this type of energy, create the grass, and this very specific energy will be for human beings who do not know anything about the outer reality.” The entire purpose is for you to experience your outer reality, within and without. So, what your Halion chakra does is it brings you out to claim your heritage, not only as one of Earth but as one of the stars, of the galaxies, of the distant universes.
And let me say to you, it has been the same for your star family, that they have had this yearning and because they were further along in their evolution, they were permitted…they evolved to a place were they could use the holes for travel. Now, as long as the earthlings were stuck in the illusion of greed and separation and abandonment and hatred, they could not carry that and go traveling out to the stars; that would infect everything.
You are always talking about things going viral. Well, it is time for Love to go viral but it has never been time for hatred or greed to go viral. We have witnessed too much of that just on our little planet. But now you are maturing and so this opening is being made available to you to participate fully in. I think you should send this information to NASA…would they not be surprised? So, do not ignore your Halion self.
And then, what do you do? You breathe in the essence of the Mother and Father and One into what you think of as your heart, your soul, your being…and it is Love. And you fix it, you hold on to it because it is the most precious commodity. And you anchor it. And then what do you do? You bring it to stillpoint and you let it explode out through your high heart…why do you think you have two?…through your high heart you explode out as joy, as harmony, as peace, the action of keeper of the hearth and keeper of the heart.
Those of you that carry the rose, you sweet Julie, you know what Love in action is, and it is sublime joy, and it is your birthright. You cannot simply hold this in you.
You are created for the in-breath and the out-breath. So, can you imagine what chaos occurs when you breathe in Love which is in the air? That is the way it is fabricated. It is not something that you have need to go seeking hither and yon, you breathe it in, you breathe it out.
So, the chaos occurs when you breathe it in and you say,
“Oh no, no, I don’t deserve Love. No, no, the Mother didn’t give me any Love.
“My mother and my mother’s mother and my mother’s mother’s mother, and my father thrown in, and my cousin, by the way, didn’t give me Love.
“So, what I will do is I will freeze it and then I will hide away and I cower in the dark.”
And then you exhale hatred, cruelty.
This is chaos and this, your high heart, is your center for the 8th dimension of creativity. You are creating; you are taking care of the hearth, whether it is your home or your body, perfect health, or sweet Gaia herself.
You are taking care to go to the prisons, sweet Dawn, and to say, “You are loved.” That is the healing because you are saying “you are worthy, you may have forgotten that you are worthy so I am reminding you.” And that is the most powerful action of Love there is. And all beings of so many different races and types are imprisoned in the belief that they are not worthy. And how can that be when they are the pattern of the Mother? Your work is stellar! Do not change it, do not change it.
And then you breathe in, in to your clavicle, in to your…breathing in again the Universe, the Pattern of the Mother. You are breathing in the energy that allows you to know that you are speaking to your guides, to your I Am, through their I Am, to the I Am. Oh, if I had only known this when I was teaching…. I had a glimmer, but I did not know the fullness.
And then, of course, the out-breath, the ‘out breath’ is the communication; it is the communication of beauty, of Love, of tenderness. It is the Sound of the Mother. And She speaks in all voices, all tongues, all sound, whether it is the buzz of the bumblebee or the sound of the ant crawling across the leaf, it is the Sound of the Mother. It is magnificent!
And similarly, you bring it into your 4th eye. You breathe it in to know what reality truly looks like. Inter-dimensional reality, that is what your 4th eye is for.
And then as you breathe out, you open your aperture (3rd eye) and you blow out and you see, you see the truth and the magnificence of what truly exists, not just what you have thought of as firm, physical, but the truth of the beauty.
And then you breathe in the I Am, the source, the grace, and you hold it. You fix it inside your crown and you never want to let it go, but you do because in your 14th chakra you begin to let it out. And in your 15th, you bring in the Great Central Sun. And then you fly to the light, letting go of form, ideation. You may even think of this chakra, your top chakra, as your white hole. Go!
And all of this, think of the chains of molecules, think of the infinity, this is what it does; it is the in and out breath and you may use the energy of each.
It is important that we have talked a little bit about how humanity has been stuck in that in-breath. Many of you are communicators, counsellors, physicians, healers. When you are looking with your clients, your patients, look at them and see if they are stuck in the imbalance; are they stuck in the in-breath or the out-breath? Because it is the balance, it is the flow, and it is the stopping in the middle to allow the implosion/explosion. It wasn’t for nuclear holocaust; it was for creation.
So, determine, even for yourselves when you feel a little imbalanced, unbalanced…which is bad…determine where you are, follow your breath, follow your words, follow your actions, because you are leading the way, my friends.
You are the blessed ones and I thank you and I support you and I Love you.
Good bye.
Channeled by Linda Dillon
Albert Einstein: Patterning of the Universe Part 2
Heavenly Blessings ~ Albert Einstein: Patterning of the Universe Part 2
Meditation: 9:07 to 14:50
Transcript, January 16, 2016 Channeling
Suzi: Good morning and welcome to a New Year and a new life with Heavenly Blessings and the lovely Linda Dillon. We are so happy to be back on the air at last, and my goodness, today Albert Einstein will be joining us.
This will be a first for me and to have such a conversation is just amazing. I have no idea what we’ll be covering, although I’ll venture a guess and say perhaps we’ll be discussing the energies and how all of us are being affected, but whatever it is will be awesome. Good morning, Linda, and welcome back!
Linda: Good morning, Suzi, and thank you. It’s wonderful, wonderful, wonderful to be back. I hope and pray and intend that this is a permanent comeback!
Suzi: I wonder if it would be helpful for our listeners to briefly have a conversation about ‘being warriors’ and that as such, we do get hurt sometimes?
Linda: Yes. First of all, I wanted to start by saying ‘thank you’ to everybody who sent me such loving support and healing energy. For those of you who don’t know, I went through shoulder surgery for a torn rotator cuff on 13 November, 2015, which turned out to be far more involved and extensive than either I or the physicians involved, including St. Germaine, had expected.
And so the surgery was more extensive and the healing process has been sheer hell! Very painful, very challenging, and certainly taking my level of being stubborn and patient to a new level. I’ve had lots of physical challenges in this lifetime and I would rate this one right up there. But I’ve also heard from a lot of listeners and readers asking, “How on Earth could this happen to you?” as if yours truly was something special which I’m not.
As Suzi and I have talked and laughed about, and as you know, I am a Star Being and spend a great deal of time on ship, my home, the Neptune. But I am here in full embodiment, having a human experience, and have chosen – as Archangel Gabrielle has told me numerous times – and insisted upon having a full human experience.
So this has certainly been a human experience, and continues to be. I am no different from anybody else in so far as I laugh and cry, I hurt, I grieve, I celebrate. But all of us, especially everyone listening to this show, are warriors.
We are not just spiritual warriors; we are pathfinders, we are wayshowers. And as warriors in the physical realm, here to transform old reality to Nova Earth/Terra Gaia/Nova Being, we do get injured and, from time to time, we get slammed and have to take time out.
And I know, over the years there have been occasions when I’ve been channelling for somebody, usually where the Divine Mother or Mother Mary has put people on sabbatical for months at a time, and that’s because they’ve been so diligent and persistent and consistent in their work that they have been worn down and simply need time out to heal, to regenerate. And I think this is exactly what has happened to me.
Yes, there’s a physical injury which probably emanated from the emotional for, as we know, nothing if very rarely is strictly physical. I think this was mental-emotional and comes from all the frustrations of what’s going on, on the planet and the presence still of dissonance and chaos which frustrates us all. And so I got time out!
During this hiatus, which I guess in the scheme of things hasn’t been that long, they’ve reminded me numerous times that when I initially had my awakening – which was many, many years ago – I had my initial car accident with an NDE and that was my grand awakening as it were. But, thereafter, every time I tried to go back to work, I had another car accident and then another. So I had three car accidents in the space of two years.
And I didn’t work for two years. I was at home learning to channel, talking to my unseen friends and having new adventures. So, in a way, I’m really grateful it’s only been a couple of months!
Suzi: Well, how many times have we heard them say that their boots on the ground need vacation and to get off of here because it’s not easy. So why would it be any different for us?
Linda: And I think for everybody out there who has physical pain, maladies, challenges, that this is the confirmation to say, “Of course it’s no different. Being here in this transition state is glorious, uplifting, incredible, heart-warming, but it can also be incredibly challenging.”
So when you have those challenges coming up, the key is what we keep being told and that is to Love ourselves and to be oh so gentle, to just be soft with ourselves and allow that time out to happen.
Suzi: Yes indeed, good advice. I am so amazed that Albert Einstein will be joining us today. Are we going to be doing a meditation to get into this?
Linda: I think we should do a meditation. Yes, Albert has made himself present loud and clear this morning and it’s a delight; it’s always a delight to channel Albert Einstein. And when he comes, it’s always packed with a lot of information and learning.
He began last summer during the Joy! conference here at my house to talk about this, the very Patterning of the Universe. And the sense I get is that this is to be a continuation of that lecture which he began with us.
But let’s get in the mood and begin with a meditation.
Meditation from 9:07 to 14:50
Albert Einstein: Greetings, I Am Albert, I Am Albert Einstein, thank you. Thank you again for taking time for this old professor and for allowing me, yes, to step forward to discuss such matters of evolution and quantum leaps.
Because just as you are completing your journey in your beautiful forms, so I also am continuing my journey, albeit without the body. But that does not really matter does it, because energy is energy and it continues in a variety of forms and in only one form, no matter what.
I wish to pick up on ideas and information and truths that I have brought forth for you in previous times. But let us begin at the beginning. All Universe, not merely this beloved planet of Earth, of Gaia, but the entire Universe – if you can imagine such an enormity – is patterned upon the energy, upon the pattern, upon the essence of the Divine Mother, of what you think of as the Divine Feminine Source.
It can only be this way. It is humorous in some ways that so much of what you think of as science… geneticists have spent so much effort and time as you think of it trying to determine genetic probabilities and genetic abnormalities, when all they really have to do is to look to the Divine Mother.
But it has amused them. It has given deeper understanding to the matrix of this planet, and of the Universe, by the way. But it is not possible in the constructs that the Mother has created initially and eternally, for there to be aberrations or what you would think of as departures from this pattern, from Her pattern. It is Divine Perfection. And in that Divine Perfection, why would you seek to change it, for that would be a waste of time and energy would it not?
Now, in the expression of that pattern, there are countless manifestations. I do not say millions or trillions or billions because it is far beyond what you can think of as numerical. But within that creation and that creation space, all is still patterned upon the Mother. It is her infinite expression, and the conjoined expression from the Mother/Father One, and that is the expression of Love, the energy of Love.
Now, let me digress a little. There are many of you who like to digress and you say, “Oh yes, but that is only the Mother of this Universe or the God of this Universe.” That is not what I am referring or speaking of this day. I am speaking about the quintessential essence of what you may think of as Source Godhead, of the All, of the Divine Feminine conjoined, powered, activated, with the Masculine. And there is but one pattern.
So, whether you are in the distant sectors of a distant Universe or sitting in the United States of America, the pattern is the same and it is the same for all beings. Now, why do I wish to emphasize this? Because this, my beloved friends, is the unifying factor of All. There are millions, gazillions, countless expressions and they are all unified as One.
It is peculiar, interesting, that the grandest illusion of your and other planetary systems, especially over what you think of as time, has been the illusion of separation, of isolation. And that, of course, has been fed or triggered by the desire to be unique and special, and thereby found as worthy and loved by the source of which we speak.
And in that false desire to be unique, you have created the very essence of what you abhor, which is this illusion of separation, of loneliness. All of this has been created by the false gods of ego, of self-importance. Oh, I know a little about self-importance! But I have also learned, and as an old being I share with you that there is only Love.
There is no room for puffed-up self-importance because in the kernel, the fabric, the matrix of who you are, carrying that essence of Divine Patterning in your unique expression, you are already extraordinary. And as Jesus Sananda has declared, this is a time and a year of extraordinary change.
And so, what I call upon this day is your extraordinary self to step forward in the acceptance and the surrender and the bringing, in expression and forefront, action, of that uniqueness, of that Divine Patterning that you have always carried in this and every lifetime, for that kernel has many expressions but it does not change.
This is important for you to understand, for there is also a human tendency to wish to explore, either past or present or future, the magnificence of who you have been. Many of you wish to be saints, masters, cohorts of brilliant beings, Ascended Beings.
There is a tendency to ignore or desire to overlook those times when you have been perhaps a more exploring, marauding type, male and female. But it is important that all these pieces and aspects of yourself be included.
No, not the darkness or the aberrant behaviour, the dissonance or the chaos that you explored at one point or another, for all beings have done everything. But to see in that being the extraordinary Light that was underneath and ever present because it is never, not in your realm or ours, a loving gesture to judge.
And when you ignore those pieces of yourself or try to pretend to yourself that they do not exist, then what you are doing is truly judging yourself harshly.
So it is important to take the strength of all experience, realising the Divinity in those experiences and the growth patterns, and to bring them and to anchor them in your being right now because they are part of the Divine Pattern. The expression may have deviated by the exercise of freewill, but the pattern was never altered. I want you to understand this.
Now, I have said to you, and I repeat, that humanity, after thousands and thousands and thousands of years, is preparing to exhale, just as all existence, all life in all of its forms, are patterned on the Mother. Part of that pattern is breath, and it is the inhale and the exhale.
And I have spoken at length on this and I would refer you to that earlier lecture for I do not wish to bore you. [“The Patterning of the Universe” dated 3 October, 2015]
But I do wish to remind you at the beginning of this phase of extraordinary change by extraordinary people that you are about to exhale.
Now, what does this mean?
When you are inhaling, you are bringing in life force; you are literally claiming and ingesting into your very core the Energy of that Divine Pattern of Love of the Mother, and humanity has been inhaling it mixed with much illusion for a long time.
But you cannot inhale without also inhaling the Divine Pattern of the Mother.
So even with the mayhem, the chaos, the dissonance, the resistance, the reluctance, you have all been inhaling the Divine Mother.
Is that not extraordinary? Even to an old man who thinks he has seen much, it is extraordinary!
But even more extraordinary is when you exhale — when that energy has merged and conjoined with your sacred self — in the exhale is the blended expression of the creation that you bring forth of you with the Pattern of the Mother into the reality that you exist in, and it is certainly no longer that old third.
When you exhale, you exhale not only into the renewed third dimension of physicality, you are exhaling to the fullness of your planet, of your Universe, of the galaxies, of the Multiverse, of the Omniverse, but you are also exhaling your expression of Divinity, and in that, you are sending the Mother/Father’s Love out throughout, but you are also sending yours.
In the exhale, you are sharing the Essence of Who You Are all over this planet.
So yes, Suzanne (host of Heavenly Blessings), you are correct when you say that when you exhale or send, that it reaches all corners and has magnificent effect, but this day I wish to take it even further.
When you exhale, you are bringing into form, consciously and unconsciously — and when I speak of the collective of humanity not merely preparing to exhale, but commencing to exhale, unified, not in the illusion of separation, of false uniqueness, but in the unity of concerted knowing and wisdom and Love — you are taking these very molecules in your own expression and bringing them into what you think of as materiality, whether it is a concrete building, a revised social structure, a new family paradigm, the anchoring of Peace on Earth.
And what occurs in this process of 7 billion of you exhaling together is the Creation of the Mother’s Pattern. It is the creation, the restoration, the resurrection and the brand new existence of a planet of Love.
Now, does the transition of putting into form take a little time as you think of it?
A little, just the way it took me a little time to create and to truly understand my formulas, but my formulas were incomplete, and that is why I am so honoured to speak to you in this way.
You have been breathing in, trying to gain enough life force to create. It has always been there but now you know it.
Now, do you have a question in this matter for me?
Suzie: I’m very grateful to be having this conversation and very happy that you’ve come to join us; it’s just a wonderful thing and welcome!
Would you please speak to the connection between frequency and perception? I’ve been dancing like a wild woman to the new Coldplay album, and when I do I feel many around me also dancing like fools. The party has already started! So it occurs to me that as all of our frequencies rise, we’ll become more aware of what is currently just out of sight, right here right now, and that includes understanding our own Divinity.
Einstein: That is correct and that is why I am choosing to remind you or to speak of this matter of Divine Patterning and the uniqueness of that patterning in the Pattern of One. So, in the Pattern of One, in the Pattern of the Mother, in the Inhale/Exhale Patterning of the Universe, the frequency is rising but within that is all perception. Nothing is hidden.
So what is occurring in the exhale – for example, you are using this music as a… what we would say would be a frequency atunement. The frequency of the music is not merely raising your frequency; what it is doing is matching your frequency. It is a reflection of the unity that is already in existence, and in this exhale you are dancing, you are singing and you are perceiving what is really going on.
So the veil that so many have referred to – my gosh, that veil is tattered, torn, disappeared and it gets re-erected time after time; it is quite absurd. It is even absurd from my perspective!
So, what you are beginning to perceive and experience, it is not merely a perception. It is an existence, it is a life, it is a frequency, it is a breathing, it is an in-out all, and you are seeing what is truly there. And what is there is everything. It is not simply getting bits and pieces.
I know there are many of you who are listening this day and you are saying “but I only get little glimpses,” and I am saying “your frequency is attuning”. Allow it to do so, and inside that frequency of who you are is the presence of all reality and the perception that tells you what that reality is.
Now, some of you will choose – and I have seen this in my many classes with many of you – you choose to piecemeal. So you say, “Well, today I will piecemeal and I will perceive everybody dancing like fools together because that is the joy that my heart demands today.”
Others of you will perceive and say, “Today I will perceive so that I am not overloaded. I will perceive the fairies dancing, and perhaps the odd leprechaun!” Others of you will see the black holes, the white holes, opening/closing, your Star Family popping through because that is what you are prepared and most interested in perceiving.
But let me tell you, in the pattern, everything – can you imagine? – everything is there. Now, you translate that – and as one who has very recently been human – you piecemeal that so that it becomes comprehensible, that in this transition you can say, “Oh, I get this piece,” rather than having the totality of the omniverse upon you and feeling like your various electromagnetic, chemical frequencies are being short-circuited.
But, my friends, my beloved allies, it is all there! So think, feel that the perception is the input; it is the exhale, it is the manifestation. So the frequency is the life force within. The perception is as you begin to enter into the Unity of All. Do you understand what I am saying?
Suzi: I do and I appreciate it, and I love it even! May I ask another question?
Einstein: Yes.
Suzi: Alright. You spoke before about genetic alterations. So, can genetic alterations be reversed, like for humans? I would guess that anything can be healed, but can GMO foods and crops be erased from the planet?
Einstein: Yes.
Suzi: Okay. It’s very difficult. It’s more expensive to eat organic and certainly we do our very best, but there are times when we are going to eat that stuff [GMO]. Can we use the breath to mitigate the effects?
Einstein: You can use it in two ways. One is as you go about… and now I am talking about not merely your breath, in-out all day, although you can programme it this way. And St. Germaine has done an excellent job I would say, a violet stellar job of teaching you how to programme your breath and everything else in your Universe.
But you, when you are working with your sacred breath… and when I say ‘sacred’ I mean also your conscious breath… when you are blowing out to the entire planet, then send the breath to these genetically modified substances and have them be restored to the fullness of who and what they are, because their core is also Divine Pattern.
So it has been modified, the same way as a Hitler or a Genghis Khan was somewhat modified, the food is being modified. But when you breathe into it and you say, “Restore the original Plan,” then what you are doing is exactly that. You are restoring the true, Divine Pattern, the Divinity of what it truly is.
Now, you can do that in a global way. And then when it is food upon your plate, you can also in the prayer as you begin and bless what you are eating, you may also restore it. Because, think of it in this way – these poor substances, regardless of what it is, have been robbed of their Divinity, masked. They want liberation as well.
That is why I say, “All is in the Divine Pattern,” whether it is animal or star or Star Being or planet or dirt, rock, bird, grain, water… All is patterned on the Mother. It is so simple. It is elegant. I wish I had thought of it!
Suzi: Might I ask a question about the joining of the masculine and feminine, how that might affect our physiology and experience of physical Love?
Einstein: The joining is sacred. Now, think of your own tri-flame. It burns brightly for a reason, and it is the feminine and masculine with your beautiful Divine Self in balance in the centre. That is a reflection of the pattern of One. So it is.
Now, when you are even considering – and I know many of you will say, “Oh, for God’s sake don’t take sex away from me, it’s all I’ve got!” I know how you feel! But when you are thinking of merging with another, first and foremost ensure, my dearest friends, my family, that you have conjoined and merged and balanced your own male and female, all aspects of your being.
Now, it perhaps goes without saying, but I will say it that each being tends to… yes, you can be in perfect balance and I accept that and encourage that… but, generally speaking – and do you not hate it when I speak in terms of unity and generalities, but nevertheless I do – there is a general tendency for each being to tend towards either the Divine Feminine or Divine Masculine, and it is not merely determined by gender.
But in order to be in balance with yourself, of course you balance and merge with both the feminine and the masculine. And so as you proceed as true Gaians in relationship, in sex, in lovemaking, in true unity which results in Creation, not merely of life but of All, of Everything, then you are merging.
So when this is taking place, the masculine… let us be practical, so say it was you, dearest Suzanne… the masculine is embracing your feminine self which is a composite of the balance male/female you, but it is an embrace of the true uniqueness, the magnificence of your expression of the pattern.
And similarly, you are embracing his, and this is the reflection of the Divine Pattern.
When this is truly in place, there is no rape or abuse or inequity or inequality. It is so beautiful and so deeply gorgeous, reverent, that you would never want to separate.
Suzi: Exactly. So I have kind of a crazy question then, or maybe it’s not really a question, but I keep feeling that in our education system on this planet, we need to have a sex education that is vastly different to what we have now.
In ancient cultures, there were people, a selected member of the tribe, who would teach younger men and women how to be and how to please another and be sexual, and there was nothing taboo about it. So I’m just really hoping that we can have something like this on this planet. We are so far from that right now, it’s hard to see.
Einstein: Well, when your education system and I use that in the broadest generic — I am not speaking about sitting in some ivory college — so in the broadest sense, sexuality and the expression of sexuality is honoured, but it is so integrated into the honouring of the totality of the person that their sacred gifts, their beauty, their intelligence, their emotional being…
You see, what has happened – and I have witnessed this and even been part of it – that ‘oh, now there’s an intelligent boy’ and I missed the rest of him. And ‘oh, there’s a beautiful girl or woman’ and you miss the rest of them. So what humans, what Gaians, what people starting at a young age are remembering is the totality, not the separate entities of a person, but that all deserve equal…
Now, children, in fact, at a very early age get this. They do not separate and, in fact, if you observe children who are not scolded or punished or told to keep their hands out of their pants, the children tend to explore and do not have the feeling of separation of what is beautiful, attractive, stimulating; it is only as they are taught that sexuality is a bad thing. So, in fact, that teaching, that what you are terming ‘education’, in fact, is an un-teaching and it is an un-teaching of the parents.
So yes, the understanding of what ‘coming together’ means starts at a very early age and that there is a multitude of ways, for not everyone is intended to be embraced the same way. But everybody is intended to be acknowledged and seen and loved and honoured and cherished as a totality.
It is peculiar that the gift of this planet, and of many planets, is to have in a form, in a humanoid form, the pattern of the Mother, the Divinity of the Mother, in a body and then ignore the body. It is denial in its most basic form.
Suzi: Well, Albert Einstein, I am so grateful to have you on the show. We are almost out of time. Is there anything that you have in closing?
Einstein: I thank you for allowing me to share my journey on this side and to continue to be your old professor. Go with my Love and my deepest respect. Farewell.
Suzi: Thank you. Namaste.
Channeled by Linda Dillon, January 15, 2016