June 19, 2016, Jesus Sananda talked to us through Linda Dillon, channel for the Council of Love, about the nightclub tragedy in Orlando where 53 were injured and 49 alleged to have died.
Jesus helped us to understand, as witnesses of this seemingly senseless tragedy, that our tri-flames do not expire, that they are Infinite and Eternal:
“When one expires, you have many words for this… the body transitions, a person dies, they pass… but what it is is a laying down of the form, of the body, that you have chosen with us to travel with throughout a lifetime.
“The tri-flame does not expire. The tri-flame goes with you.
“It is Infinite and Eternal and as clear and as brilliant as your soul design. Yes, that beautiful snowflake that we have often compared your soul design to is unique, and unique to you.”
Jesus says our tri-flame does not change from lifetime to lifetime.
It is how we are known and recognized throughout the Universe; that the many bodies, many forms we have had, are what have brought us to this place of mastery, of wisdom. He goes on to say:
“I mention this about your soul design and about your tri-flame because so often when one dies, whether it is from what you term ‘natural causes’, which very often are quite unnatural, or from tragedy such as you have witnessed in Orlando, there is a sense of loss that that person, that group, that that individual you have known or not even known, is gone.
“Yes, the body is gone but the soul, the tri-flame, the design, it never dies, it never leaves, it continues on.”