Thank you to everyone joining in ? with huge gratitude to our star friends, the Mighty Ones, the Ascended Masters, the Divine Mother/Father One, Gaia, everyone helping us.
If you are interested in participating, our Zoom call is Mondays at 4:45pm PST / 7:45pm EST – we are sending healing green Love around the world for 30 minutes at the top of the hour (wherever you are).
Zoom with Kathleen – May 10th
Meeting ID: 896 8911 8351
Passcode: 563481
Here is what Universal Mother Mary had to say when she taught us the Universal Law of Change, through channel for the Council of Love, Linda Dillon:
Just like an Infinity sign, we are never not in the flow. . . our breath moves in and out, our hearts beat, our blood flows. . . even when we drop into stillpoint there is still movement.
The energy of the Universe is always moving, with us, through us, around us. Change is constant.
The constancy of change
is the Mother’s Gift of Infinite, Eternal expansion.
The continuity within that is the gift of our Eternal becoming.
Creation is the manipulation — in the most positive of senses — of particles, subatomic fibres, molecules, energy, into what we wish to experience, and the only thing that Universal Mother Mary says to experience is LOVE.
That is it.
She says we may label our experiences as a relationship, financial security, an adventure or meaningful work.
But really it is Love.
And what is Love?
Love is the Eternal flow
— the constant changing flow of energy —
not only between our selves,
between us and Gaia,
but with us and the Mother.
As Within So Without, As Above So Below, Balance
Albert Einstein on Sending Love,
How the Breath is Our Life Force to Create
Albert Einstein: “In the exhale, you are sharing
the Essence of Who You Are all over this planet.”