Thank you to everyone joining in on Zoom and at home ? with huge gratitude to our star sisters and brothers, the Mighty Ones, the Ascended Masters, the Divine, Gaia, everyone helping us.
If you are interested in participating on Zoom:
Join Mondays at 4:45pm PST / 7:45pm EST – we send healing green LOVE around the world for 30 minutes at the top of the hour.
Join Zoom Meeting with Kathleen:
Meeting ID: 896 8911 8351
Passcode: 563481
Archangel Michael in a reading with me, April 2, 2014, explained we are learning a new way to heart communicate, that our fields communicate, expanding our understanding of sending energy.
I posted the channeling here:
Archangel Michael: New Ways We Are Learning to Heart Communicate

“You have within you this center, this place within your chest, where you can be All-That-Is.
“You can be Source.
“You can be Love, or you can forget the one true truth and go back to your mental gymnastics.
“Whenever you don’t know what to do in one of these complicated situations you have there in your lives, just return to your hearts.
“Send Love to the problem, and do that on the macro-cosmic level as well.
“Send Love to India, to Syria, to Palestine and to Israel.
“Be the Love that the world needs right now, and you will fulfill your purpose for existing.
“You will also have a much better life.”