(My Email Contact Form is at the bottom of this post.)
Hi, my name is Kathleen. I’m in Vancouver, BC, and have been on my path consciously for about 12 years, woken up in 2011 by a friend of mine. From information on the internet to heart opening with my first reading with Linda Dillon, channel for the Council of Love, I Am Joy uncovering my sacred purpose, and helping build our Nova Earth.
I offer online readings from insights about discovery of sacred purpose to creation of balance and relief from anxiety. Click here for more information.
November 29th, 2011, Archangel Michael through Linda Dillon, talked to me about my mission saying I am “a very active player, contributor, participant in the building of Nova Earth, in the construction of what we think of as New Earth. . . new and different, conscious reality.”
He said my purpose is “the breaking down of illusions. . . such as lack, limitation, death, destruction, disease, greed, lust, control, power.”
Along with that, he said I was here to translate “the values and the essence of Love, of freedom, of equality into community that is tangible and not restrictive, but supportive of the spirit, that is supportive of the Love, that is supportive of one another, that is supportive of balance and nurturing.”
Globally we see much disarray — but in tandem with that, really wonderful things happening, too — our Gaian heart consciousness is expanding exponentially.
We are becoming One community.
Love is sharing.
Community is Love.
When we were children we were taught to share,
but sometimes in our external reality,
individually & collectively,
we see that that has gone awry.
In the higher realms, there is no isolation, lack, limitation, or poverty.
The way of community focuses on heart-sharing, all ways of sharing,
with the person down the street, to the person who is homeless.
This site – Voice of Freedom – focuses on
how things work in the higher realms,
how to anchor those ways on Earth
in peace, Love, joy — balance.
I welcome you to join in our Sending Love Mondays holding the highest vision for humanity, my Zoom classes & to study all the material here.
I ask, if you find yourself returning often to this site, please help balance my giving & receiving.
With your prayers or messages of Love,
subscribing a few dollars a month,
we balance our giving & receiving.
The old breaks down,
the New is created,
as above, so below,
as within, so without.
Archangel Michael: The Gift of Give & Receive, spiritual currency
– the idea of subscription is BALANCE – it is the give & receive.
I Am Gratitude for all your LOVE,
helping me balance my giving & receiving.
Connect with me on
or email me below using the contact form,
with comments, questions or to book a reading.
I invoke Sanat Kumara,
the Universal Law of Above & Below, Within & Without,
for Love, peace, joy, balance in all realms.

Mexico, December 2019