As Within So Without
The Universal Law of Completion & Continuity Class
When we consciously align with the Divine in daily undertakings, conduct, desires, aspirations and creations, we find the Laws of Sacred Purpose, Intention, Balance, Change, Give & Receive, Attachment & Detachment, Unification, Unity, Transmutation, Instantaneous Transmission and Transformation, Karmic Dispensation, Attraction & Repulsion, Elimination, and Completion & Continuity all inter-relate to help us create balance within and without.
Topic: Universal Law Wednesdays – the Law of Completion & Continuity
Time: Wednesday, December 8, 2021,
5pm PST / 8pm EST
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 873 2065 7891
Passcode: 600876

As Within So Without
Universal Mother Mary,
the Law of Completion & Continuity
Are there a million and three interpretations
of these Laws and Values?
Yes, because they are unique to you,
but let us also suggest to you,
just like us, that you are constant
while you are also never-changing and ever-changing.
That is part of the delight of experience and existence,
and it is not merely, dear heart, about incarnation and reincarnation;
for in each incarnation, in each travel that you have undertaken,
there is significant shift in every single breath,
every thought, every emotion, every action
that you experience and take.
Nothing – let me be clear about this –
nothing in the Infinite Creation of Eternity
is constant, and everything is constant,
because everything is created from Love.
That is the only essence;
that is the only substance;
that is the only fiber there is.
So everything that takes form comes from Love,
comes from My Heart, and My Essence.
Soul Conversations to Help Bring EveryOne into Alignment