The Universal Law of Give and Receive is an extension of the Law of Balance. It is finding that balance within the uniqueness of our being and adhering to it.
We can look to Gaia to understand the truth of how this works.
Gaia in her sweetness and in her power, houses and creates, is home to all kingdoms including the human kingdom, the plants, the trees, the earth, the sky, the elements, minerals, air, fire, water and that means the volcanoes, oceans, puddles, streams, and the very air we breathe.
Gaia gives and supplies this pretty much endlessly. The only places where that does not occur is where the interference of the humankind and the turning away of humankind has destroyed that.
Even in those difficult situations of extreme pollution there is still the giving by Gaia of air, water, soil, and minerals.
She gives and gives and gives. It is what Gaia chooses to do, just as each of us choose what to give.
What does Gaia, in the balance, receive?
Gaia witnesses, sees, and receives the gratitude.
The molecules of the ocean sing her praises, as does every drop of water.
The trees bow to her and sway. The flowers grace her with beauty and scent. The roots of the trees that go so deep into her heart do so not only to draw upon her strength, her wisdom, her nutrients, her water, but they also travel downwards to hug her, to be with her.
The animals dance and play and express their gratitude — from the river otter to the tiger — they all honour and know her.
This is what Gaia chooses to receive.
The honouring of Gaia
In the past — and in many ways when the human beings, the collective, were more sophisticated — the honouring of Gaia, the giving of gifts, the ritual, ceremony, connection was also a receiving for Gaia.
It was the humans giving, but it was a receiving with great joy, on her part.
We are the repatterners, wayshowers, re-gridders and we can give this gratitude to Gaia, this acknowledgement of her beauty, might, Love and support.
She receives this with a glad heart and enormous gratitude.
What does Gaia do with our gratitude?
She returns it to us as energy, as bounty, as support.
The flow of give and receive is unending. It is in accordance with the Law of Movement, the Law of Change.
There is a never-ending flow in the balance between the give and the receive.
Gaia receives our gratitude, our expressions of Love, that energy.
The fuel of the Universe is Love
so as we refuel her, then she refuels us,
and so it goes.
What can we do in this particular cycle?
We can give Gaia in this time of change and the dissolution, the elimination of the old 3rd, our willingness to release all the false grids, the illusions of separation, the lack of self-worth and self-love, the fear that we are not forgiven for past behaviour, situations.
Forgiveness of the judgements is our gift to her, and then to receive from her the conscious, heart-knowing of being with her fully and completely in the cleaned up 3rd, and all the dimensions and realities.
This is the biggest gift we can give, not only to Gaia, but to all of the higher realms — (for)give and receive — being in gratitude, joy.
This is our Ascension.
Giving away — us forgiving — the illusions is the most precious gift the higher realms could possibly receive.
This is our jump in consciousness — the expansion of our heart — and the realization that we are LOVE and nothing else.
We may think we are skin and bones and a bit of hair but even that, the fibres of that creation, are LOVE, capable of forgiveness.
The (for)give and receive is at the speed of LOVE
and that is the speed of light squared.
We do not yet have measurements on Earth for this, but certainly our star brothers and sisters do.
As we give, it is the Law
we must receive, in the balance.
It is not simply an either/or. It is a balance.
It is the balance of doing our creation work for the collective but it is also doing our creation work for our self.
Everything from a space vehicle to food on the table, to bodywork, to partnership, to laughter, to ease. . . what we are really asking for for the collective is the higher vibration of unity, peace.
What is the expression of peace on Gaia?
It is a ceasefire in war-torn countries, but how does that express itself in our everyday life, our human high vibrational life?
What is that reflection of peace?
This is a walk of trust, so peace may look like a bag of groceries appearing on the doorstep, or a cheque in the mail.
Some of us are very specific about how we wish to receive. . .
Our job is to receive in gratitude. . . to be open to the magic and miracles. . .
All of these are One codification.
We are not doing a creation exercise where we simply are asking to receive or we are giving. It is the balance.
I am giving this to the collective.
I believe I am being taken care of but I am putting in my order
for that bag of groceries today, everything that I love
from leafy greens to tea to chocolate.
To remember we are not alone.
It is taking action and knowing it is
not just the Law of Attraction
we are working with.
It is the codification; it is all the Laws.
We are assigning things
We can think of our self as if we are patterning ourselves after SK.
We are part of his team on the ground and we can pattern our creations after him. He does not do everything.
When we are creating we are saying,
This is what I wish to create for myself.
This is what I wish to receive to be in the constant flow
so I can give and give and give and receive and receive and receive.
We can assign tasks to our guides, to the archangels, to the angels at large, to St. Germaine, Yeshua, Sanat Kumara because there are many things that we would like to create.
Currently we don’t have the wherewithal or the flexibility to move throughout the Universe the same way our guides or the Masters do.
To our guides: “I am asking you to deliver me ‘x’.”
To Gabrielle: “I am asking you to bring me a wellspring of joy.”
To Yeshua: “I am asking you to bring me the ability to multiply fishes into delicious meals.”
We can assign things and the best part of this,
the most important part of this, is:
not to take back the assignments.
All of us have had situations whether it was in our family structure, particularly with our mothers, or in a work environment where somebody has asked us to do something and then before we have the chance to do it, and to have the gratification of doing it — and doing it well — that that person went ahead and did it. That is soul-destroying.
It does not give us the feeling that we are appreciated, honoured, and respected for what we are capable of.
Too often we ask our guides for help and then we say, “Well it’s noon and they haven’t delivered so I guess I’d better do it.”
We are not here to grab back what we ask the higher realms do for us.
We are here to allow the delivery, by sending the energies, and pulling creations across the grid. It is a team effort.
The biggest creation in giving and receiving right now
It is for all of us and is the declaration and the truth, the joining with Gaia in the 5th dimension — managing change — forgiving the illusions, the old beliefs not of love, the false grids, and receiving the full impact of shifting dimensions.
In this time, that is what is being asked of us.
For the other things we wish to receive, we can put in the order.
We are not to stop our creation work and to remember:
Give and receive can mean forgive and receive.
We do not have to have the balance perfected
Expecting ourselves to be perfect balance would be like saying to someone in Grade 3 that they have to perfect algebra at a high school level before they can go to Grade 4.
Doing the balancing consciously is the shift,
knowing it is built into our physical and spiritual DNA.
We know that if we exhale — give out air and toxins — that we must inhale.
It is the flow, and simply
becoming more conscious
of the flow of give and receive.
As we begin that work, it allows the energy to be at a level where we can encounter very clearly, and very happily, our star family.
We are giving away the sense of desperation, of fear, of isolation, the belief that we are not loved enough to be taken care of.
We are receiving in a variety of ways, the abundance of the Universe, so to practise sitting in the middle of that Infinity flow in the knowing that we do receive.
It is the time of anchoring the energy of the Divine Mother, the totality of the LOVE, the nurturing of the creation, the womb, the becoming.
It is the rebalancing of that Divine Feminine Energy in equality, the give and take with the Divine Masculine, with our Divinity, that beautiful pink diamond flame in the middle of our tri-flame, in our heart with the golden diamond and the blue diamond. That is how we are proceeding.
From that place to begin, each and every day, creating in laughter, Love, and joy.
When giving money, donations, our gratitude
We are giving what we can, whether it is one dollar or a million dollars, and we are to be very clear about that.
The issue isn’t about amount, it is about the heart connection.
What we receive back from that exchange
is the heart connection, of knowing that we may be giving
to a stranger, but that stranger is us.
It is the gratitude. It is the heart connection. It is the knowing of the flow of the Universe, and that we are a delivery person, to practice our generosity.
We are to let go the feeling of neediness. Need is different than a feeling of neediness.
To let go of the sense of desperation, of fear because when we are in that, it is like slogging through mud, and even quicksand.
As we lighten up, the flow lightens up.
Every little piece of work each of us do — we are to bring it back to our self — but not to the exclusion of doing work for the collective.
It is both,
not either/or.
As we do our work, we are releasing for the collective, as well.
Our mantra is:
I Receive
I Allow
I Accept
I Give
I Am Gratitude
Let this be the day when we release — give to SK, give to Gaia, give to the Universe, give to the Mother — the release of any previous vows of poverty.
They do not apply. They do not serve. They do not make us holy.
The apostle, the brother of Yeshua, has a process to do.
What we do is we stand and put our hands up towards the ceiling, towards the heavens, as if we are making a victory sign, and we simply say,
I release all vows of poverty.
I accept the prosperity and abundance of the Universe.
I accept the gifts of the Mother/Father One.
I accept my innate ability to create and to receive.
It is the knowing of our worthiness — the ability to receive and to give — that balance.
If we think we are out of balance, then we are to simply call on the higher realms. They will assist.
Do not hesitate to call.
What the Mother says, and what the higher realms all say, is that we also have need to acknowledge — and this is part of receiving the intangibles — how much we are protected.
Most of us know we have guardian angels and guides, that we have a circle of protection around us, and that they are working with and for us — and have since the beginning — morning, noon, night and in between.
There is the additional protection of the Mighty Ones, the archangels, Mikhail, Raphael, Uriel, Jophiel, and Gabrielle with that level of protection.
Then there is our own Seal of Solomon, our sacred bubble.
But if we perceive that we are not safe, it is what we are giving to our self.
So when we erect our shields or our methods, our rituals of protection, what we are doing is declaring to the Universe:
“I know I am protected but I am also taking personal
responsibility and reassuring myself that I am protected,”
and that is a good thing.
Our willingness to receive is the beginning of peace, the desire for the cessation of conflict, whether it is in a home or a nation, and yes as a planet we are beginning to declare our self.
The jubilation is occurring, not only with our star brothers and sisters, but throughout the Company of Heaven. Yes, it has begun.
Simply hold the sense of inner peace and
eradicate, by giving away for the collective,
that sense of the need to be right because
the need to be right is what leads to wars.
It is related in terms of entitlement, that we are more entitled than someone else to land, to freedom, to democracy, to whatever, and so that is based on a feeling of inadequacy, of lack of self-worth, that somehow we have need to prove our self as more than, rather than equal to.
We can also send the energy of elimination, of eradication, and deservingness to the collective.
In the war zones
The breaking down of the false grids in terms of the violence, whether it is politics, drugs, or violence, it is individual(s) thinking that they have the right to be in ascendancy over others, and that is unacceptable.
That is an illusion and it is an illusion that is not of love so it is coming to the surface and it looks awful. It looks horrendous, but if we don’t see the dirt, how do we clean it?
Peace will reign in the war-torn places.
How the blessing and virtue of joy relates
Joy is Who We Are. We are the substance of Love and the matter of joy.
We are the embodiment of that essence of laughter and the tinkling of gladness, the song of freedom.
All of these are interwoven as One; interwoven uniquely into our tapestry and into our being.
We have shifted into the 5th dimension, into the new reality of Gaia.
This is good news,
news etched in gold.
There is enormous joy, never ending, Infinite, Eternal joy.
Does this mean that there are not people, situations, environments where the old debris of the crumbling 3rd hurts, irritates and causes momentary pain? No, it doesn’t.
What it does mean is that as that occurs, as we witness that destruction of the old, we have this wellspring, this ocean of golden radiance to drink, to call upon to nourish us.
When we wish to heal, fill ourself with Archangel Gabrielle’s Golden Elixir for it will permeate every cell, every pore, every organ, our blood, everything, and it renews us.
Joy is the anti-aging agent of the century and it makes us beautiful and radiant because there is nothing more beautiful than joy.
Joy is outrageous and clarion, but joy is also gentle, soft.
We do not need to claim our joy, but it does need to be built upon, and it needs to be built upon because we are the wayshowers, the pathfinders, the teachers, healers, channels, and we cannot do that if we are stuck in depression and doldrum.
What is the antidote for depression or clearing or doldrums?
It is a very generous dose of joy.
It is the golden elixir that expands and heals
all parts of our body and all parts of our bodies, our sacred field.
Joy is the stillpoint
between masculine and feminine.
It is All.
It does not pick and choose; it is free and abundant to All.
We can call and sing from the treetops, spread our wings and fly, to rise like the phoenix from the ashes of the 3rd, and ascend.
Joy is the Truth of Who We Are
It is the core that burns brightly.
When we are not in joy, when we feel that we’ve stepped outside of that reality — the reality and the core, the Mirror of Who We Are — then what are we doing?
“Why on Earth are we making choices or doing things — because it is free will decisions — why are we choosing any area of our life that is not a reflection and a demonstration and a builder of joy?
“Why are we doing that?”
And we can not fall into this illusion that somehow it is being done to us.
We are far more powerful creators than that.
We do not create successfully — it does not stick as it were — if we do not stay in the heart of joy.
We can get “humanly practical” about practicing joy.
We get enmeshed in what isn’t bringing us joy that we forget every day, every day minimally, to do things that do bring us joy.
A very practical prescription for joy:
Fifteen (15) minutes every day in human reality, not in meditation, not in bliss, not out of our body, but in our body, in physicality doing something that brings us joy.
Perhaps it is simply staring at a sleeping child, looking at old photographs, looking at pictures of beautiful places, music, bubble baths, memories.
We do not take enough time for these.
When we do, it reignites our joy, and it does spread, it infuses our entire being.
Fifteen (15) minutes of real joy in the physical is enough to carry us the entire day and it simply builds.
Remembering Who We Are
We are not here to scream at Heaven.
It’s not that the Divine Beings will not help us — it is their JOY to help us — but we need to know we do not need to wait on them.
We can begin, and begin right Now.
We did not choose this mission and purpose, this journey, out of a sense of obligation, of ‘I must, I should, I better.’
We chose it because it was the most exciting, fulfilling offer on the table and we jumped at the chance.
We did not say, “Alright Mother, I’ll go again.”
No, we turned to each other and said, “This sounds like a blast. Let’s go.”
We are here to remember the truth
In that remembrance, that truth of our being, is the joy.
The joy is not only outrageous but courageous. There is an example of a small tribe, what many would think of as primitive, but perhaps is one of the most advanced civilizations on our planet.
Courage is knowing when one of them loses their joy or missteps, there is the acknowledgement that not only does it affect the individual but the collective of the tribe is also immediately affected.
So, the tribe, the community comes together to heal that individual and to help restore that sense of balance, of rightness, of joy.
Another element
So often in our community of the western world, in the broadest sense of the word, we hear people say, ‘Well, I don’t see that person any more because it’s always a downer’ or ‘I don’t do that any more because it just brings me down.’
There is free choice decision in what we choose to bring us daily joy, but it is also courageous to have our joy, and to say to the person who is not in joy, ‘Hey, what’s going on? Let’s restore this.’
We are not here to assume their burden or reality — and of course this relates to all the blessings and virtues — but this is related to compassion, Love, and truth.
So often we simply take a left turn and try to avoid because this will not bring us joy, rather than seeing through it and also saying ‘We’d better fix this because it’s going to affect all of our joy.’
Joy is contagious
It is a strong viral energy that moves at lightening speed. We are here to acknowledge our right for joy.
But there are times when the greatest gift is saying,
“We are not in joy. We are not creating and co-creating. This is not for our highest good. I Love you. I bless you and release you to your joy, to find your joy because obviously I am not giving it to you.
“I am not the catalyst for your joy and you are not the catalyst for mine.
“So let us create distance so we can breathe and rediscover that joy and support each other either actually or from a very far distance in that rediscovery of joy.”
Lower vibrations and joy cannot co-exist together
We can think of the joy as the flame that burns away fear or mistrust or lack, so in that, they cannot co-exist.
Within that we have been clearing and dealing with old vasanas, issues, debris.
But why are we doing it?
We are claiming our joy, and we are doing it not necessarily with a sense of drudgery:
“Oh, I have to mop this floor again. It’s dirty.”
We are doing it in a way that is saying:
“I want this floor to shine brightly.
“I want it to be a wonderful mirror.
“I want to see if there’s a speck of dirt on this floor so I’m shining it up.”
Gaia is in joy
She is singing to the planets in her galaxy. She is shining brightly.
We have need to know that Gaia’s joy, the joy of the kingdoms, the divas, the mountains, the trees, that is contagious, as well.
To dance on the skin of Gaia, touch her, touch our plants, flowers, trees, snow, water, and let that joy be communicated to our very core.
To let it act as a catalyst, as an expander, that she is waiting for us.
Archangel Gabrielle is the Messenger for the Council of Love and the Divine Mother is coming forward and making Her Presence more and more clearly known upon the planet.
The Mother speaks to us how to bring forth our new world, our new self, the quality of creation and how it works.
This brings joy, because not only does the Mother speak, and we overflow with joy, but because we are listening, because we are acting, because we are moving, and saying,
“Oh, yes, I remember.
“I’m supposed to feel good.”
Where joy is
The joy will sit, or have been stored, in different places in our body for each one of us. The important thing is that we locate it.
We may locate it in our center, our hara, in our solar plexus, which is also your place of will and alignment with Divine Will.
What our very being is saying is that it is willing you to accept that wonderful treasure chest of joy and let the trunk lid be opened and leave it open and let that abundance, that treasure flow out into every part of our being, of our life.
So, to open the lid, to stop keeping it down. There is no reason.
Joy may be sitting in front of a campfire, sitting in front of a Quan Yin statue, sitting with our children playing Snakes and Ladders. . . .
There are places that geographically bring us greater joy, but it is important to know that, and to locate yourself in those places, but not to make the error of thinking that joy is geographic.
Joy goes with us wherever we go. It is within. It always has been.
If there are places or activities that bring our joy to abundance, then do so, but not to set ourself up saying, “I will go there because it brings me joy” and then get there and what we have done is self-sabotage thinking this will bring us joy, but in fact what it has brought distress. That is an ego maneuver that we have need to let go of.
We have need to make joy a top priority, not something we squeeze in at the end of the day, if you have a few minutes. That is not how it works.
There is not one human being upon the planet that is not being transformed, transmuted and growing into the fullness of their 5th dimensional being.
No one can interfere with our joy.
What we can do
Rather than turning our back on those involved in a community issue, we can put ourself in a golden cylinder, and then proceed. to create unity consciousness.
For various reasons of commitment when we choose — it is not ‘required’ — but when we choose to interact, we can shield our self with gold, so anything not of joy bounces off.
Downward spirals of conversation and action can bring us to a place of collective misery
Creating situations with an agenda of joy, activities and conversations, expand our vibrations and increase the frequency of individuals and the collective.
After talk of grief, we can have the joy conversations remembering the good times, laughing about the pranks, the silliness, the sweetness, the poignancy.
In meditation, we can also when dealing with a collective,
have soul conversations calling their higher selves forward,
reminding them their birthright is joy, gratitude for life purpose,
and that we want to be with them in a communion,
a family relationship of joy,
not lower vibrations,
but joy.
The soul conversations penetrate
consciousness for the shift.
A child suffering
There is nothing more difficult, probably in any planet or reality, than watching a child suffer.
It is the greatest soul challenge, the same way that when we see a child thrive and sparkle. It is a great joy.
How do we maintain the joy, particularly when a child is going through, shall we say, a rough patch of a sacred journey?
It is a reminder, it is cold comfort, but that the clearing and the letting go of the old, is also part of a soul decision to claim joy in the higher dimensional reality.
Not to try to ‘jolly’ one out of such a clearing because it is necessary, and it is functional, but similarly when that phase is going on then it is all the more important to do the exercises, the little things together and individually that bring joy.
It might be as simple as sitting on the sofa holding hands and watching a funny movie, looking at baby pictures, sharing stories of your struggles as you were growing up and your victories.
As mother, as father, we are the wise ones. We are guides in form. We are the nurturer, the mother, the father and these are important roles that can never, ever, be underestimated. It is the balance.
It is not just become involved in the difficulty. To bring our self back, even if it means closing the door to a room and filling our self with Archangel Gabrielle’s Golden Elixir, so that we can be that golden beacon. We are the lighthouse that says there is hope and there is light ahead.
But to do the silly, outrageous things, things that cannot help but make us laugh, too.
The power of healing, soul conversations and the Violet Flame
Soul conversations are highly effective and potent, especially with those on an ‘alternate path.’
What to say:
“I am your mother/father and I Love you.
“I have Loved you forever. I honour you.
“I respect you and I know the Truth of Who You Really Are.
“I support you. Can you come back to me?
“Can you release the addiction?”
Then send the Violet Flame, the flame of the I Am Presence.
This can also be done in meditation. Cup your hands together and place your Loved one within your hands.
Hold a picture in mind, send the energy of the Violet Flame of St. Germaine. It will penetrate.
It will reach, not only throughout the planet, but throughout the Universe.
Collective clearing
What we have done is we have shifted our perspective in terms of what we are working through.
This puts us back in that place of gratitude because gratitude cannot be separate from joy.
We are saying “Alright, I am grateful. This is part of what my mission is, and so even though it is perhaps momentarily uncomfortable, I can do this with joy because I know the true purpose.”
Shine the golden light upon these lower vibrations.
Doubt, fear, happiness or sadness, an emotion or a belief, they do not have the solidity, the substance of the Divine Qualities, joy included.
Joy is a state of being.
It is a condition, not something
that floats in and out.
We are building our bonfire.
We already have the flame and the match,
it is already within us.
Doubt is not a core condition. It is a situational response.
It is a belief in limitation or fear that we are not Loved enough or cared enough or powerful enough.
So when we take the higher condition,
the Divine Quality,
and we take the ray of that quality
and we bring that energy to the doubt, the fear, whatever it is,
it will dissolve it.
We are not joyful about the poverty or the despair or the hunger that exists, but there is also a very popular notion and it has become a behaviour pattern, particularly in the western world and certainly among certain groups, that if we are in despair and angst, that it somehow is indicative that we care.
Angst and despair, disappointment, none of these ever resolve and raise the vibration of the very thing that we are in angst about.
So when we hold the joy and we bring the light, not as being Pollyanna’s or in denial — but to bring real light to a situation — then we are truly in our creative force.
The tribe in South Africa does not spend time in angst and despair that there may be a drought coming or that the well four villages over is dry.
They have learned to cope, to share the joy, to raise the vibration, and when they do, the water comes.
How the 5th dimension and the solar plexus chakra relates
The 5th dimension growth opportunity is the ability to cope, create, manage and manipulate change with our will connected to our solar plexus.
The quality of change is constant but the rationale behind this is that we are learning how to deal with and create change.
It is the precursor to creation.
We live in an Infinite Universe, one that is constantly in the process of change and growth.
If we are not able to manage change internally and externally then we cannot incorporate the qualities of the higher dimensions with grace.
Therefore the growth aspect of the 5th is the ability to move through change, manipulating it in ways that are Loving, kind, considerate of self and the collective, and respectful of the grander plan of unfoldment.
There has been a great deal of discussion about the Earth, Terra Gaia, moving into the 5th dimension.
This speaks to a fundamental misunderstanding of the quality of dimensions.
The dimensions are not fixed points on a compass
They are a circle dancing, moving and expanding constantly. There is constant movement with and between all of dimensions – they are fluid.
The planet, animal, and human kingdoms collectively have been intensely learning the lessons of constant change.
What do you think the explosion in technology, human advances, and thinking has been about?
The human community has managed enormous change in the past few hundred years. No, not always well or wisely but that is the nature of the dimension. It offers the opportunity to learn the growth lessons of that dimension.
Gaia which operates at a very different frequency and time/space continuum from humans has conquered the lessons of change eons ago, as have most of the other kingdoms.
When there is discussion about moving from one dimension to another, simply think of it as moving from one classroom to another, passing from one grade to another, while understanding that sometimes we have to go back and review basic principles in order to remind our self what we learned and forgot.
We do not eliminate the spatial and time continuum because we are moving inter-dimensionally.
We are expanding our self while remaining in the form and expression of the 3rd dimension.
The qualities of growth that occur as part of the shifting in and through the 5th dimension are patience, stamina, humour, and wisdom; that the more things change the more they are constant, especially the blessings and virtues like Love and joy.
The Law of (For)Give and Receive is an extension of the Law of Balance.
Just as Gaia gives and gives to us, she also receives great joy, gratitude from us and from all the kingdoms. We are learning to be this balance, in this flow of joy, of Love, of peace, too. Gaia is our example.
We are remembering the Truth of Who We Are, and that is joy, fully thankful, grateful and One with the gift of life purpose and spirit, a reflection of the perfection of the creation of self and All, living in and remaining with the heart for all time.
Joy is of the ray of gold, as is the solar plexus chakra, place of Divine Will.
Learning to manage and create change is a growth quality of the 5th dimension, as is patience, stamina, humour and wisdom, the ability to hold our selves in great reverence knowing the Wonder of Who We Are.
We are creating peace on Earth with our willingness to (for)give and receive the balance within, therefore that becoming our reality without on Gaia.
The Law of Give and Receive,
the Divine Blessing and Virtue of joy,
and the 5th dimensional growth patterns
connected to our Divine Will in our solar plexus
contribute mightily to our becoming,
Nova Being/Nova Earth.